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Catalog number: BIOCD09

Artist: PTX

Release Name: Fade Out

Label: Bionics

Release format: CD/ Digital

Terittory: Worlwide

Style: Psy Trance

Distribution: Psyshop/ L2N

PTX is Patrick David Chen

Mastering: Golan Aharoni Subsixer@hotmail.com

Graphic Design: nick@panickstudio.com

Executive producer: Yanniv Gold yanniv@bionics.co.il



Since his first album on Bionics Records in 2005, Patrick Chen has been working non stop and

created new music, new live shows and great albums.

A lot of releases, remixes and cooperations put him in the top class of the Psy Trance artists

community and his name has become known and requested all over the world.

This album brings the new style of PTX - influenced by the new Techno and Electro trends but

still keeps the original style and serious energy of PTX.

In this album Patrick has cooperated with top artist as: Illumination, Waio, Black & White,

California Sunshine, Cosmonet, Loud and more.



1. Samplay

2. Bumper

3. Uptime

4. Hannya

5. Loft

6. Starter

7. 4Freaks

8. Old Faces

9. Sound Of Goa

10. Surfer


For licensing & info: info@bionics.co.il


Available on Psyshop:



Soon on Beatport too


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