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V/A - Erta Alé

Cronomi Records


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1. NK-47 - Snufkin Is Gone 3:56

2. Subra - Nervous Machine 7:04

3. Portamento - An Expert On Humans 8:54

4. M-Run feat. DJ Inada - Kapala 10:59

5. Lapsus - Holocron 8:21

6. M-Run - Goat Man 10:40

7. GoaMech - Synthesized Not Yet 11:25

8. E-Mantra - Perihelion 8:46

9. New Born - We Are Nothing But Dust 7:42



I just did my first listen and as everyone knows if you are quickly enthused about something and talk about it, it's going to sound like you are hyperbolic about it. You usually seem simply over-enthused and think it is the greatest thing in the world and later it turns out how it is not this, but then there's a thing called an experience. You can't relive something 100% accurately and if that something is so good that it completely engulfs you, it is worth sharing and this is why I am writing this now.



This compilation is something special. It is the culmination of neo-goatrance. Suntrip gave it a new life, metaphysical continued it, phototropic picked off where metaphysical left. Kagdila also has been along on the ride and then new labels like Dimensional and Lookinglook that are starting to release new goatrance. And with all of this DAT Records has been able to release unreleased old goatrance for the pure old schoolers. Cronomi on the other hand has successfully made something that has been left alone for so long. Their compilations Freshly Cut Tomato and People Walk Funny gave a glimpse of the darker, purely psychedelic side of modern goatrance, then they released Artha which is generally considered somewhat of a hallucinogen right now with his completely different take on neogoa. Then there was a darker compilation from Suntrip called Temple Of Chaos that also successfully sparked some darker goatrance though not completely. So, up until now, most of what has been released has been danceable, trippy at times, ultra-melodic and brighter, uplifting goatrance mostly which some like to call fluffy goatrance.



All of this has been leading to this point in time where a new evolution has come across. Right here, right now. This compilation is raving psychedelic goatrance. I could say it's dark neogoa, but this is not how I honestly feel about it. It is different than simply dark. While I was listening to this, tons and tons of emotions were sparked. I felt shocked, joyous, happy, full of inspiration and energy. I was traveling through Motherships, Space, Alien Cities, Area 51 type twisted research facilities. I was in utter disbelief at times at what was I witnessing. The ride it gave me was wondrous, magical, almost enlightening. What this is, is 100% true soul successor to what once made goatrance so amazing in the 90s. Yes, eastern melodies and trippy fun grooves came from there as well, but the darker side, up until now, has mostly been untouched. The richness of this compilation is palpable in this aspect. Think of Cydonia or X-Dream with their dark and aggressive tracks modernized. The soul and direction is what they had. The quality of the tracks is utterly astounding. The sounds, melodies, leads, atmospheres, basslines, details are all immensely rich, psychedelic, twisted and the production is huge. The mastering here I cannot for the life of me ever begin to complain about. And a tiny thing that also completely shocked me that I find worth sharing were the samples. The samples used are freaking AMAZING. Ridiculous.


Full review

Please use samples provided in links to buy it to get a better idea along with my words.




NK-47 - Snufkin Is Gone

NK-47 starts this wicked, twisted compilation with a considerably long intro. Usually intro's are around 1-2 minutes but here we approach a whopping 3.57! I very often think intros are really good and too short for what they offer. They always seem to have a strong, strong storytelling aspect to them and this is no different. An echoing caveish noise with water moving through in a river, organs arrive that make the mood absolutely sinister. Samples arrive "oh god, so alone" and a answer to that. Then sounds that remind of harmonica arrives that just further make the atmosphere twisted and spoooky. Some swirling effects and sparkles fly around in the atmosphere. "You delivering his package isn't that weird?" "It's not weird at all". Bassline is is dim, crystalic melodies move around and then it comes to a twisted chilling end. I Personally love this. It creates such an immense atmosphere, so much storytelling. I enjoy this so much I'd love a whole album with a style like this. And it is weird to think this is made by a guy who made just simply melodic neogoa ala UAF style.


Subra - Nervous Machine

Subra aka Mike A aka Cronomi's owner is back again and boy am I glad. He has that superB unique sound signature in whatever he touches. It's completely unique too as the kind of sound did not exist in the 90s at least as far as I know. Acid leads, sinister atmosphere, some chordish sounds lift this track off, big pumping bassline arrives, sparkles floating around like glowing flies. "The nervous system is a complex network of nerve cells and nerve fibers spread throughout the body." triggers the track forward at a steady speed. Constant acid lead, lots of different dark, twisted layers, some samples continue to push this track steadily. 3:37 takes a small break and makes you float around peacefully, the sample arrives yet again and then bassline comes back. Acid once again knobbed to hell and back, literally. This is so sinister and dark. A twisted melody arrives at 5:14. 6:34 the melody disappears and we float again towards the end. Trippy, pumping, drilling track. This is why I want a full length from Subra.


Portamento - An Expert On Humans

Next up comes a new track from Portamento. His sound has generally been a tad darker than others but I have had no real opinion on him yet. Again the track is greeted with a lengthy intro. Some scary sounds are heard in the background whilst walking towards a lost temple in the middle of a dense jungle. Something like dubstep reminiscent sounds come up at 0:40. 0:55 introduces these metallic alien growls, actually a really fitting and funny, though it doesn't really break any atmosphere, sample from Futurama arrives. It's as if the temple was in fact modern and alien on the inside as the jungly feel is a little lost by now. 2:26 acid farts! Young lady I'm an expert on humans (Referring to the male character 'fry' as a lady). 2:38 nasty growly acid farts prowl through like a strong current. Absolutely magnificent acid leads arrive at 3:08, atmospheric alien pads as well. 3:32 makes gives another tasty acid lead, melody starts growing at 3:50 and then when it finally arrives at 3:58 we are on for a ride. Absolutely mad twisted psychedelia atmosphere! 4:51 break time, we get a small rest before the re-incarnation of atmosphere and sample use again "is there a human doctor around" 5:34 growling acid that seems confined wanting to break out continues the ride. Acid lines and farts come back once again and it never stops being tasty. A melody arrives and starts to evolve around 7:32 where it just keeps messing with your head with all the sounds just flying everywhere. Powerful balls to the walls track. Re-reading what I wrote I think acid fart sounds so wrong when I refer to it being as tasty as well, but what can you do. It literally is acid farting by the way it sounds. Oh well.


M-Run feat. DJ Inada - Kapala

Here comes a debut from M-run with the help of DJ Inada. Track feels already like a heavy spaceship floating through space, some bouncing effects arrive, tiny star-like sparkles in the background. A BIG bouncing bassline arrives and the spaceship just turned on it's engines. Tasty acid bounces and - what is this; pleadian-esque synths? It can't be! I am in love with these sounds! Some inwards synths, a completely spaced out melody arrives at 2:50ish. Metallic Pleiadian birds floating around and 3:17 HOLY SHIT BLASTOFF! This absolutely insane magnifico power so twisted and psychedelic. 3:47 some calmness and off again at 4:00 with even more power. Warp speed please! This is no ordinary spaceship this is a mothership that carries state of the art machinery. It calms a little to show there's so many simply cool layers and texturing on this track! Track picks off a little again and 5:11 again just simple rowling power with fan-tastic effects! 5:27 calmness, a great sample "mystical, spiritual... do I sound mystical or spiritual to you?" Bassline is back and we are on the road once again. Some tiny melodies again growing like unknown alien species. I find myself completely engulfed in the atmosphere. 7:32 Pumping power lift off once again. Just utter rollercoaster. Some more calmness to establish mood arrives as it was planned. We are arriving at our destination and 8:58 is just showing how sinister and alien the location is going to be. Some more madness ensues. Track slows down and leaves the listener wondering what would happen next. I really enjoy the fact this track takes constantly breaks, it bring a nice contrast to the production.


Lapsus - Holocron

"You will take us to the holocron!" Best sample ever? Maybe! It's fucking close if it's not though! It is SICKLY GOOD. The way it brings out such angry power coupled with the soundscape and editing. It makes my stomach turn just thinking how GOOD it is. This is lapsus, better known for his unique take on immensely aggressive goatrance. Baby of Filteria and Pleiadians if you could say that, at least the style reminds of such. The sound is absolutely unique though and this track is a complete and utter ride through dark sonic voyage of a futuristic location that houses a strong religion that is dedicated to gods of destruction. It's just simply sweeping through everything in its path with the rattling synths. A massive whirlwind, tornado, never stopping. The melodies are amazing and the bassline is so pumping and dark and the final melody at 6:50 is a complete head twister. This will rip through dancefloors no doubt.


M-Run - Goat Man

Here we have M-Run once again showing his talent. Bizarre alien sweeping, atmospheric futuristic halls. The doors are transparent and show captives but these aren't humans.. they're ALIENS! Sickly good bassline arrives at 1:10. We are walking through the halls of Area51 ala 2150. SuperB synths arrive. 2:00 sweeping acid leads. Twisted knobs turning 2:35 you just can't stop moving soon you will find something to run for... sample... 3:05 twisted mad psychedelia rip your head apart this synth work beats so many classics, fuck me it's so GOOD. This track makes me smile so much it's just so fucking good! The atmosphere is so perfect, the power is palpable - absolutely pure. The samples are so magnificent. This track actually brought tears to my eye. It's so fucking good. This is just so goddamn good. I love it from the bottom of my heart. I CANNOT stress this enough. PERFECTION. AND IT LAST ELEVEN FREAKING MINUTES!!! AND THEN THERE'S 7:18 THAT TRANSCENDS EVERY SPIRIT ON EARTH TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN WHERE EVERYONE GETS EVERYTHING THEY EVER WANTED AND THE WORLD BECOMES WHOLE. This is actually me being in ecstasy. How many tracks have done this to me? None. Ok, a couple have done things extreeeeeeemely similar(que Sky Technology - Reactor Of Life, Merr0w - Citrus Circus, Pleiadins - Maia.) but this just takes it one step further. M-Run have my babies.


GoaMech - Synthesized Not Yet

First things first. This name is badass. Goamech, it sounds like an epic destructive anime mech in the spirit of Gundams. Though that is to give more of the general idea, as I doubt many of you ever heard of Vanquish. Just dub this track on

and you know what I mean by GoaMech sounding badass. Track starts with epic futuristic atmosphere with some nodding towards old school type of sound especially with those claps. Huge twisted maddening atmosphere and groovy melodies continue with twirling acid and other tiny layers that just add up to a big whole. At 8.45 comes a break where from at 8:55 we get such a twisted sinister melody that is just hampering all the good willed. The futurism and badassery is so apparent. This is pure psychedelia in goatrance clothes.


E-Mantra - Perihelion

Suddenly, gripping dense gloomy atmosphere fills every inch of the space. Star-like tiny details start floating and sweeping around. Bassline thumps a journey moving at a steady pace till 3:25 where a melody appears that intensifies the dark void of space. It is so deep that I would actually say it brings a layer of spirituality. 5:20 another melody much more sinister this time arrives. The track then continues the ride towards the end where a more hopeful melody sinks in for a small period and then echoiy empty sounds take us till the very end. Nothing overly major happens through this ride but what a ride it is. This track is all about pure atmosphere, groove and those it has, loads and loads.


New Born - We Are Nothing But Dust

Old school styled acid bassline with groovy tweaking is greeted. Growling metallic synths amidst the soundscape and the hihats arrive. Really cool echoing melodies continue and then comes a growing melody that is constantly upping the ante little by little. Break comes, twirly acid melodies everywhere. Then a soothing but trippy melody arrives and takes off at 3:55 where it shows a little bit of upliftingness. Additional joyous playful melody arrives at 4:35 which continues till the very end - leaving the compilation with more of a happy accomplished feeling rather than something sinister and dark.



In my opinion this is a revolution when it comes to Goatrance. This experience I had was amazing and unique. In the bright sunshine filled scene, this acid drenched infested trip is like from another planet and, hopefully, changes things. Thank you to all of the artists who contributed and thanks to Cronomi for getting this released. And please, people, check it. I cannot stress this enough. Do it.


Some label thoughts on this compilation.


Where to get it and samples?






Also you can private message DJ Inada aka HappyHorse if you want to order directly from the label and please do so as it 100% supports the label!


Discogs Details



I was waiting long time for this but im disappointed now. Why? Im not sure.


E-Mantra is best, PortaMento have really fine acid lines that reminds me on Electric Universe and Lapsus like because is agressive, New Born fine as always.

Others are empty and dont have story IMHO.




As i know Inada always share advices with other artists, but now i think they should apply their criticism on their own music/releases like empty, unfinished and something like that.



Im not against Cronomi, just share advice you shared with me before :)



Better luck next time


In my opinion, this V/A is probably one of the best in last two years. I must admit that I dig darker type of goa (maybe even more than shiny stuff), and Cronomi so far brought this type of music near perfection. Finally people heard and M-Run project and it's really nice thing to see that Croatia is becoming one of the most productive countries in terms of modern goa trance (Liquid Flow, Vox, M-Run, Project Shidartha, Nova Fractal, Screw Loose..).


Sound on this V/A is perfect, Colin did great job here as usual and only thing that I don't like is intro track and awful cover artwork (but i guess it's matter of taste).


My favorites: M-Run, E-Mantra, Lapsus and Subra.


Special favorite: PortaMento (track is pure perfection) can't wait for his full lenght album!


Great job Cronomi!


This compilation is pure quality, very psychedelic. If Perihelion is any indication of what E-Mantra's next album is going to sound it, we are in for a real treat.


I'm not exactly sure what the first track is doing here but whatever. It doesn't really matter when the rest are so good. Excellent stuff! Thanks to the artists and Cronomi.


I was waiting long time for this but im disappointed now. Why? Im not sure.

E-Mantra is best, PortaMento have really fine acid lines that reminds me on Electric Universe and Lapsus like because is agressive, New Born fine as always.

Others are empty and dont have story IMHO.

As i know Inada always share advices with other artists, but now i think they should apply their criticism on their own music/releases like empty, unfinished and something like that.

Im not against Cronomi, just share advice you shared with me before :)

Better luck next time


Just because this album doesn't have sweeping throughout the track uplifting oriental goa melodies and a-typical layers that often leave something to be desired, doesn't mean these fresh, reeking psychedelia with darker melodies and unusual twist tracks are empty by no means. Even in the non-literal way I find this "empty" comment quite mind bending as what I am witnessing in these tracks is a certain level of depth and quality control which I have not witnessed usually - that is to not say other neogoa releases are bad, nor do they majorly(usually) lack quality, but this compilation is upping the ante. To each their own but spewing things like empty towards this recording is just insulting (Especially considering the story how these tracks actually came to be, which shows.). That and about storytelling, the samples and intros are wondrous at doing just that. And I'm not even going to bother with how your post seems like a retaliation.

While we're all waiting for some proper reviews, just few honest details from my side:


C/P phyrgian scales, standard melodic goa =/= Cronomi

Innovative, experimental, different, interesting (goa) = Cronomi


This is standard ''Cronomi'' formula so if you like and looking for some different (newschool) goa trance and psytrance music, please get their new compilation.


And yeah, did I mentioned how awesome new Portamento tune is? It's nogom u žvalje :)


C/P phyrgian scales, standard melodic goa =/= Cronomi

Innovative, experimental, different, interesting (goa) = Cronomi


experimental? maybe in cautious prudent way... :rolleyes: I wish there was some real expirimental newschool label :ph34r::)


and actually it isn't that dark ether is it? I always hear people talk about cronomi releasing more dark newschool but....


But its nevertheless great music!


about the release: that e-mantra song is really really nice! and portamento draged me very deep in his tune :wub:


experimental? maybe in cautious prudent way... :rolleyes: I wish there was some real expirimental newschool label :ph34r::)


and actually it isn't that dark ether is it? I always hear people talk about cronomi releasing more dark newschool but....


But its nevertheless great music!


about the release: that e-mantra song is really really nice! and portamento draged me very deep in his tune :wub:


I think Cronomi isn't experimental either, if you listen to experimental old school stuff, you'll be surprised what comes out... Cronomi concentrates more on mechanic goa-trance with a psy-trance edge imo, while for instance Suntrip focuses more on melodic goa trance with sometimes excursions in all other kinds of goa/ambient-stuff (E-Mantra, Electrypnose, Ka-Sol,...)

I think this is a good thing, several labels covering different territories (which, of course, are connected) within the modern goa-trance movement.


About the compilation, I like most of the tracks, favourites for me are E-Mantra and New Born. The weaker ones for me are the first and M-Run, good cd nevertheless and worth having this in your collection!


Yeah great compilation ! Have to listen to again, i like the power in Lapsus track. Long life Cronomi and big respect.


Ah, so this is the thread to post stuff in. :-)

I'll repeat myself:


Decent! Some real psychedelic stormers here:


5. Lapsus – Holocron

6. M-Run – Goat Man

7. GoaMech – Synthesized Not Yet

8. E-Mantra – Perihelion


Try to stand still, impossible. ;-)


thx: label can't survive without the buyers: you make it possible to let us do what we do!

thx for reviews: hope we made a diffrence




small edit: remember, the more you buy it straight from us, the more you support us (to make new stuff)


Well I'm adding the full review, a couple tracks editing later. I kinda had to stop because of the M-Run track. It utterly rips my head apart and fills it with drugs that do no harm and make you feel like the hand of god that looks like the most beautiful woman on earth is stroking your genitalia. Excuse my utterly nonsensical metaphors but that shit is so wack it shits the wacking shit. I'm sorry I can't help it.. :blink:

  • 4 weeks later...

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Artist: Various

Title: Erta Ale

Label: Cronomi Records

Date: March, 2011


1 Snufkin Is Gone / NK47

2 Nervous Machine / Subra

3 An Expert On Humans / PortaMento

4 Kapala (Feat. DJ Inada) / M-Run

5 Holocron / Lapsus

6 Goat Man / M-Run

7 Synthesized Not Yet / GoaMech

8 Perihelion / E-Mantra

9 We Are Nothing But Dust / New Born


I want to discuss the word bad. It has a few meanings depending on your context. Let's begin with some bad motherf*ckers that took out the trash.


Warning: gross image


Really Pakistan, you had no idea he was there? 18 foot walls, a million dollar home (truthfully it didn't look like it, but who the hell knows what a million bucks buys in Pakistan. I think we all know what it won't buy.) and no windows? No alarm bells going off? Which means either you were complicit or incompetent. Either way, why are we giving you billions of dollars? Did you think Trump was building a summer home?



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Oh, Matt LeBlanc...it's too bad that sums up your career. Who did you blow to get on Friends?



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Good God this was bad. Yeah I watched it...the wife was at work and the kid was napping...Still I feel dumber for having done so. Christ it was like I was caught in the middle of a 1980's Cure video with all the brooding and faux goth imagery and the "you don't understand how I feel" teenage problems. Just because your boyfriend left you doesn't mean you have to sink into a 4 month depression. Everyone gets dumped, get over it. And you're telling me this hooker didn't know king of the unibrow Jacob was a werewolf? Or that Edward is gay? Yes he is, the only other people that glow like that are pregnant. When Jacob said "This wasn't a choice I was born like this" I almost fell over. Twilight is using gay metaphors now? And doesn't this dude own a shirt? I know this was made for teenage girls, but every scene he is in he's showing off his abs like he was The Situation from Jersey Shore. I should've checked my penis at the door.


What was I talking about?


Right, bad. This was made by Cronomi Records and as you can tell by the overwhelmingly positive reviews it went over quite well. Run by Michael Anenburg these guys specialize in the psychedelic side of goa and leave the sunshine to Suntrip. Freshly Cut Tomato, People Walk Funny, and Artha's Influencing Dreams is more their cup of tea. It was compiled by DJ Inada and mastered by Mr. Oood. I for one liked the cover, as it shows a really mean looking deity floating in space. And that's the type of music you'll find inside.


Snufkin Is Gone- "Oh God...so alone."


With a Phantom of the Opera beginning and an eerie harmonica melody I feel like I stepped into the mind of a western cowboy serial killer. But that's just me, I have really weird dreams. The beat is funky at the start as the strings do their minor key thing, but eventually it picks up. It's an oddball, for sure but it's also rich in atmosphere. Not really goa, but I liked it. A lot.


Nervous Machine- "The nervous system is a complex network of nerve cells and nerve fibers placed throughout the body."


Good to see the owner of the label sneaking in a track on the compilation! I'm just messin' with ya f*cknuts. It's punchy with leads barking flowing with an old school sound. The break has some chopped strings and expands a little on the sample. When it starts flying again the leads wobble and become more aggressive. Love the melody at the end. Pretty good stuff.


An Expert On Humans- "Now open your mouth and let's have a look at that brain. No-no-no-no not that mouth."


Delightful bubbling bass sounds and whirring computer effects make this a spooky trip down an evil forest. It builds slowly but when that guttural bass sound creeps in and I do mean creeps, we are dining with the old school family. Hail to the 303! Good God I think he woke up the Pleiadians! So dark and delicious he just keeps pummeling you with it. And just as it was taking you to the edge the break arrives and it drops out. Soon though we are thrust into the belly of the beast and it is so hungry. Awesome track.


Kapala- "Why are all these guys using funny voices in their psychedelic music? Put echo on it. To sound more mystical? More spiritual? Do I sound mystical or spiritual to you?"


More cyber darkness with metallic clanging as sounds wail with regret. The beat is very bouncy if slower than the previous track. The leads layer and it is impossible not to move to this. It gets deconstructed and then builds itself back stronger yet. Acid lines scream and I think someone got X-Dream back together. Powerful and dark with an attitude this could be the greatest goa track ever made. That makes two sensational tracks in a row. Wanna go for the hat trick?

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Holocron- "You will take us to the Holocron!"


I'm sorry Lapsus, I know you've made a few good tracks, and I'm gonna let you finish, but Jesus would have to log on to your software for you to top that previous masterpiece. But hold up a minute...he's got some racy acid himself. It scrapes the skin providing some excitement, but the climax is the best bit. That's when it is at its most aggressive and wonderfully chaotic. Somebody take this guy to the Holocron already. Whatever the hell that is.


Goat Man- "The Black Goat."


Why it gotta be black?


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No it's not. Sit down Webster.


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C'mon...am I the only one? I could've posted the tool from Narnia, but...he's a tool from Narnia. And Jim Breuer is funny. Is M-Run going to top himself? Alien and evil sounds skitter from the darkness and BAM! We are up on some old Colorbox sh*t! That bass line is nimble and the leads start stacking giving a nice thick mosaic. And like Colorbox did, this is a really groovy track. Twisted synths twirl all over this thing and it keeps going like that bunny who I refuse to say the name of because the little f*cker charges so much for batteries and for God's sake could a company for once just make a wind up toy so I don't have to spend another $15 on batteries or maybe I'll just read him a book, but I can't right now cause he prefers to play with fridge magnets. What? Oh yeah, this track kicks ass.


Synthesized Not Yet- "I think it's time to express your...philosophy on drug use as it relates to artistic endeavors."


A quick bass line and a series of sky clearing pads start us off and it's not long before a synth races to the front. I love the pace and the echoes of 303's as layers begin to add up. It's just pure melodic bliss right into the break and that awesome sample. The leads continue to twirl, reforming and taking other shapes. Lovely. Stunning. I can't believe this is happening. When does this artist album come out? Here take my credit card...we'll sort out the details later.


Perihelion- As if we weren't on the verge of perfection, we continue with the king of new school. Layers, gurgling bass sounds, and far reaching melodies. One synth melts into another with such smoothness that it's hard to believe. It's like trying to eat a warm chocolate chip cookie without getting any on your hand. Ain't happening. And just as delicious. The break sneaks up without warning and I found myself saying, "Where'd the beat go?" This is perfect twirling music and it lets you lose yourself in the dream of your choosing. I don't know how much more of this I can take. If the New Born track is of the same quality, we have something epic on our hands.


We Are Nothing But Dust- Check out that bass line! Go on son, and hit us with that old school sound. It's like a suede condom, it just feels right. Got your James Brown on? Know you're right.


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Oh snap, here come the layers and it's a last track groove fest. F*ck a downtempo track. It's a melodic tour de force that puts a smile on my face. What a way to end. Juicy and groovy.



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I don't expect you to read all of "dat" Fantasia, not because it's too long, but because I don't think you can read. I believe this is the Temple of One of goa trance. Every track was excellent and most of them were f*cking superior. It was full of long evolving melodies and wonderful atmospheres. This was hands down the best new school compilation I have ever heard. It sounded great so a tip of the cap to the artists and Colin. Congratulations Cronomi, you have a legend on your hands. You have set the standard for all in the new school universe to strive for. So in closing this was a bad motherf*cker and it was too bad it couldn't go on for another hour. But hey, two out of three ain't...well, you know.







Saiko Sounds


Goa Store





Holocron- "You will take us to the Holocron!"

Somebody take this guy to the Holocron already. Whatever the hell that is.


A holocron, short for holographic chronicle, was an organic crystal-lattice device, in which the Jedi of old stored phenomenal quantities of data, as well as the holocron's gatekeeper. The Sith also had their own form of holocron technology, and they seem to predate the Jedi in using the technology by at least three thousand years. It's from Star Wars movie. More about it at wookiepedia


As always great and interesting review. :lol:

Posted (edited)



+1, I've only listened to the comp about 6 times now, but I really have to agree with your and penzo's review. I love this shit, to death. More detailed review will definitely follow but in the meantime I'm just gonna enjoy this fine piece of work.


Besides, I agree that cronomi doesn't necessarily release darker goa, it's just heavier.

Edited by Penzoline
Please don't quote the whole thing.

I don't care if this reply doesn't sute in review section: but - as I already did on our belgian goa forum - I can't stress this enough: Iwant to thank all buying goa freaks arround the world who supported the label.

You have totally no idea how much you supported us/me: i want to thank you guys soooooooooooo much for buying the CD: I made a dream come true, "making a compilation" is one of my dreams comming true.

For me goatrance is so intense, so chill, so deep, so hard, so soft, so compicated, so simple,..."I can't express online in words what i feel when I listen to it" (especially when artists do so much effort to come - imo - to perfection.


Thanks guys, really, thanks 100000000000000000000000 times for supporting the dream, the truth!!!!!!!!!!


I hope we made a diffrence, and hope we contributed to history of goa (and generally music itself)?! by doing this!!!




thx thx thx thx ,... for support and reations.....


I made a dream come true, "making a compilation" is one of my dreams comming true.


It's be wonderful idea for a new dream/goal - to create M-Run feat. DJ Inada album. ;)))

I love this wicked groovy track and want to listen more stuff like this in future :)))


Now THIS is the revival of Goa that I have been waiting for!


'Croa' Trance anyone? :)


The tracks are absolutely full-on relentless blasts of energy.


I wouldn't call it perfect because in my opinion there needs to be more melodic emphasis instead of just on power, but the power is knock-your-ass-off-your-seat powerful!


Looking forward to more of this!!!


It's be wonderful idea for a new dream/goal - to create M-Run feat. DJ Inada album. ;)))

I love this wicked groovy track and want to listen more stuff like this in future :)))



well thanks than! we will try: I'll meet mario again this summer: we'll see what it will give ;)


M-Run - Goat Man

Here we have M-Run once again showing his talent. Bizarre alien sweeping, atmospheric futuristic halls. The doors are transparent and show captives but these aren't humans.. they're ALIENS! Sickly good bassline arrives at 1:10. We are walking through the halls of Area51 ala 2150. SuperB synths arrive. 2:00 sweeping acid leads. Twisted knobs turning 2:35 you just can't stop moving soon you will find something to run for... sample... 3:05 twisted mad psychedelia rip your head apart this synth work beats so many classics, fuck me it's so GOOD. This track makes me smile so much it's just so fucking good! The atmosphere is so perfect, the power is palpable - absolutely pure. The samples are so magnificent. This track actually brought tears to my eye. It's so fucking good. This is just so goddamn good. I love it from the bottom of my heart. I CANNOT stress this enough. PERFECTION. AND IT LAST ELEVEN FREAKING MINUTES!!! AND THEN THERE'S 7:18 THAT TRANSCENDS EVERY SPIRIT ON EARTH TO THE GARDEN OF EDEN WHERE EVERYONE GETS EVERYTHING THEY EVER WANTED AND THE WORLD BECOMES WHOLE. This is actually me being in ecstasy. How many tracks have done this to me? None. Ok, a couple have done things extreeeeeeemely similar(que Sky Technology - Reactor Of Life, Merr0w - Citrus Circus, Pleiadins - Maia.) but this just takes it one step further. M-Run have my babies.


I agree, this track is great. It reminds me a lot of Pleiadians - modulation. I would even say "some" patterns are almost the same. (meant in a positive way)


This release made me wait a bit, but the longer it plays, the better it gets.


Good job Ward and others!


after hearing this from youtube clips

i find it good



M-Run Feat. DJ Inada – Kapala

M-Run – Goat Man

Subra – Nervous Machine

(:) no i dont like much the vocal samples :) )


for sure it will be at my future purchases

guys at Chronomi keep on going

waiting for the next one

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