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Artist: Leenuz

Title: Polyhymnia

Label: Ovnimoon Records

Date: November, 2010


1. Echocentric

2. Senses

3. Astral Progression

4. Gathering of the tribes

5. Divine Darkness

6. Omnipotent

7. Ghost Network

8. Massive Hard On

9. Polyhmnia



I live in the United States of America. I am proud to be an American and think that this is the greatest country on the planet. Now before you think, "There goes another Yank that thinks his sh*t doesn't stink" let me tell you, we have a lot of problems. First off we're run by f*cking idiots. I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, they both do the same stupid things. How the hell are we now in 3 wars? One side is mad that we are at war with Libya (although before we went that is what they wanted) and the other side is pissed we didn't get into it fast enough. We haven't won the first 2 and we want to start another?


We gots no money. We're broke, but we keep getting rid of dollars like it's got dogsh*t on it. I would say China is bending us over, but we've done it and continue to do it to ourselves. That's like if I owed a million dollars (I know that ain't close to our debt, but it's still a lot of dough for normal people) and said, "F*ck it, you know what I don't have...a yacht."


We give other countries millions and billions but refuse to take care of our own. Crisis in the world, who is the first one there? We are. That's great and I'm proud of that fact, but how long do people in the US have to be homeless, or how many kids have to go hungry and uninsured...lots of problems man.


Which brings me to my final point. We are a nation of fat f*cks.


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That's fantastic Shamu but who do you think is going to have to pay for the doctor to amputate your leg because no matter how many times you have been told that not all food is comfort food you had to have that fourth humongous slice of wedding cake and your diabetes is off the chart? Me that's who. And the b*tch is smiling about it! She doesn't care so long as she can get those pudgy sausages she calls fingers to mash the buttons of the phone to vote for the next American Idol.


There's too much food in this country. Know what we need...a famine. I'm not talkin' about a fifty year long ordeal, just a decade or so to weed out the lazy f*cks. You know, survival of the fittest? Before you get your panties in a bunch about me hating on fat people, I realize that there are some situations where it cannot be helped. Instances where body chemistry is at work, glandular issues, depression...I feel for those people, I do because unfortunately my father is one of them. But I'm not talking to those or the ones who want help.


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I'm talkin' about this heifer, who can't dig herself out of her La-Z-Boy for five seconds to walk what seems like to her a marathon to her fridge and get an apple or an orange while Jerry Springer is on.


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Lord even our pets are obese. Do you hear this conversation? Cat sees a mouse run across the kitchen floor and between wheezes says, "Ah....f*ck it. Where's my milk?"


We need to do one of two things if you aren't on board for the famine thing. Aren't there lions in Africa that are endangered and starving? Send these sprinters over there to sustain the feline population and numbers will undoubtedly soar. Having feasted on large Americans the prey of the lions will also thrive and give bounty to the people in Africa that are starving. It's total win. Either that or make it mandatory that fat people have to have houses with 3 flights of steps. Can't make it to the front door? Here's a blanket, looks like you're sleeping on the sidewalk.


You're probably asking where is the review.

All right, here we go, a proper review. Please excuse my rant, had to be done. Once I get going it's hard to stop.


Leenuz is Linus Nilsson from Sweden and he combines progressive music with some forest and goa stylings. I heard a track from him a long while ago that was given freely called Elve of Dorthonion that gave me a clue what to expect from this guy.



Echocentric- That bass line rumbles loudly as a wavering synth oscillates across the track. The break is cool too with some percussion and clever synth work. He's got the washes that you hear in progressive music, but he brings power as well. Thumping really, with bass sounds that coalesce like the flood of a tsunami. Too soon? It turns into quite the galloper, with a nice hint of goa goodness.


Senses- Again he hits with that really pounding bass line but this track starts off quieter. More minimalistic if you will, but he adds small touches slowly. Delicate goa melodies sneak around during the break. The sample is unintelligible to me, and the track reverts back to its minimalistic state. Normally I would hate it, but I kinda like it. You can feel something building and that something is some swirling leads. Pretty good.


Astral Progression- 3rd track in and I feel like I feel like I have heard this before...


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I think if you put Astral into the title, you have an obligation to make a cosmic track.


Gathering of the Tribes- Nothing make me feel more funky than a tribal feel. That is some rhythmic percussion. Throw in that chanting and I might as well have jumped out of a plane into the bush. The bass shows a lot more life instead of plowing full steam ahead like a senior citizen who can't see over the steering wheel.


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The melody line is also quite groovy sounding very old school. I wish he would've maintained it a little longer as the final couple of minutes doesn't offer much in the way of twists. Still, powerful tune.


Divine Darkness- Yeah, the title here is a tad misleading. The lead here is chopped up and does have a dark feel to it. Another one comes in and it is just straight ahead without much change. There is also a nice bass sound later on and then another synth that spirals like a nitzo tune. Not bad, but nothing divine.


Omnipotent (Leenuz Remix)- Love the beginning of this track with its wraparound synths and soft breakbeat. It's not long before it begins its gallop and for too long I might add. This is just pounding of the bass and some sounds in the background. I found nothing redeeming in this track after the opening. Shame.


Ghost Network- It takes over two minutes for this one to get on its horse and even when it does I find myself disinterested. A melody going this way and that, but it's boring. Not much here.

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Massive Hard On- The bass is really deep on this one. More aggressive and driving. Once again I don't understand the sample, but this is a pretty good psytrance track. Probably my favorite here.


Polyhymnia- Down to the final track and he ended well. This one probably has the thickest sounds and most atmosphere. It's driving while also being hypnotizing with its melody. There is a bubbling underneath as well as a nice percussion. The break is some of his best work I believe, as it allows the track to gather itself and introduce a new melody. Nice work.




What I'm finding in his tracks that melodies aren't very intricate and tend to go on too long. That gets tiring after a few tracks. You won't remember this but back in the late eighties when they would do a remix of a song it was basically just making it longer and adding some slight changes. There are parts in every track that I like so it's not to say this isn't an enjoyable listen. It is, but I felt it needed more details. Hell, there were areas where I swear he put in a 303 just bubbling under the surface. Let that beast out my friend! My mind started wandering more as the disc continued to play. Essential? Obviously not, but it was worth listening to.


There you go!











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