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I got a little baby. She's great and all but I still want a dog ;)

Aww, thats cool :wub: !


I see cats and dogs are popular in Japan, but isnt it because of poor demographics, ie, women and men not wanting to have kids so using pets as substitute?


A lot of families have them too.

While I want a dog, I'll never get one in Japan. It's not a doggie paradise. Most people live in the cities but even in the countryside it's illegal to allow your dog off the leash. It's cruel to keep dogs tied up, they need to run and play.


Yep and just plain wrong. It's why I'll never get a dog in this country despite the fact that they are brilliant.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! How are you all!It's been quite some time! Hope you're doing great!

Oh, baba Goazzz!

Hows yer MILF hunting going? Have you tried to switch genders and try Charlies uncle?


Its been a while, fun times, youre not active(neither have been I) here on Pienews, but youre also MIA from the other side?


I know this is an old post of yours, heres hoping that you will get back :D!


There's a guy on the train that looks like he's completely tripping his tits off. Not sure if he is or if he just has a bit of a problem.


Been sleeping all day. The rain, the cold breeze is like a heaven sent after the hottest summer in the history.

Will have some food & go back to sleep again :D


Playing Steve reich - music for 18 musicians in the background - on repeat :D


Extracting DNA from human cells infected with Hepatitis B in order to sequence them and check for mutations providing resistance to certain drugs.


And listening to GoaRadio at the same time obviously :).


That bitch claiming more lives than HIV virus over here.

I work with that as well (and HepC) so go ahead and pick one :blink:


Wife and Daughter at the parents' house tonight = drink drink drink and listen to loud music :)


The best part is I now think of playing my music loud as "loud enough to hear on the next floor" but not loud enough for anyone outside the house to hear :lol:


Random "" sorry


Right now I'm looking at an internet article about celebrity daughters who are hot.


Eminem the rapper.. His daughter.. Wow!


Jean Claude van dammes daughter.. Please and thank you


Eminem's daughter is indeed hot!


I'm procrastinating cleaning the house.


Eminem's daughter is indeed hot!

I'm procrastinating cleaning the house.

My brother.. I am amazing at procrastination.. Plus cleaning.. Blehhh


BUTTTTT you have a beautiful 10 month old in the house and she's counting on daddy's strength to always keep her safe and protected.. Clean house included.


Grab you MP3 player, ear buds.. Throw on one of your favorite goa mixes and cleannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!! :)


It's 2:30 and I only just finished cleaning the third floor. Just two more to go with the wife and baby due back this evening. Hurry hurry hurry....after this snack break.


Thinking where the fuck have I kept my only Asura CD Life2!! I want to listen to it but can't seem to locate it in the "Ultimae records box"


I am doing the best thing ever I can think of: organizing a goa trance party that's gonna be 12.8 in Helsinki. Veasna is gonna play there :)


Trying to force myself to sleep with some yawnbient. Can't seem to find the right album :/ was listening to Ree.k - quantum leap, meh, boring ambient. Lovely paintings though


Well, well.. I seem to have Ksolntsu in my phone ;) perfect ambient coupled with my habit of sleeping off to ultra psychedelic albums, sleep should be here soon. Good night Psynews

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