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Artist: Painkiller

Title: Duty Freak

Label: Nutek Records

Date: November, 2010


1. Blackout

2. New Visions

3. Out of control

4. Diverse Species

5. I Believe

6. YourLife.com

7. OverActive

8. Blurry

9. Gazpacho


This is Roy Engel from Spain with his 3rd album. It's released by Nutek so my hopes aren't...well let's just say that I am prepared to set the bar very low. Nothing personal, but that label has been known to sneak a few turds in the punchbowl. Roy was really good at making powerful psytrance with his first two discs (also released by Nutek) so I'm curious to see if he still has it.



Blackout- "I'm going to show you an interesting application today. It's called blackout."


In typical generic full-on fashion the track builds slowly with the bass line being the main ingredient. It's a good title, as I attempted to chloroform myself. When the track starts rising in detuned fashion I'm starting to buy what you're selling. The breakbeat is pretty cool as the sample returns and brings a rave style synth riff with a terribly painful build up. Ouch dude, you want to kick me in the nuts with the first track? Is that how it's gonna be?


New Visions- "Over the years, the European Space Agency has proved that space visions can be turned into reality."


I'm sure they can. Just not in this economy. At first I liked this better as there are some good layers but watch it with those build ups. The sample is nice however it comes of as a cheap ploy to work a build up in. You ain't foolin nobody Mr. Engel.


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Out of Control- "This is AMAZING!" This is why we restrict the scope and size of government."


Much more powerful and in your face than the previous tracks. This is what I am used to from you Roy. Hard and driving with an edge. No real buildups to make me angry just run through a brick wall momentum. Easily the most substantial banger here so far.


Diverse Species- "We have evolved as communal organisms. Colonies..of vast numbers of species. In the guts alone there are more than 50 trillion bacteria. Most of these bacteria are not parasites and they don't normally cause disease. In fact...you could not survive without them."


Wicked sample Roy, I gotta hand it to you. The lead in the next wave is pretty good, as another arrives to replace it. Man it bounces nicely above that bass line. But I told you, watch the build ups. And what the f*ck is up with that interlude? It came out of nowhere and...well played sir. I like different. Kudos again for the surprising turn the track takes, I wondered when the acid was going to fly. Pretty good, but unfortunately joy was short lived as the track lost whatever momentum it had at the end.


I Believe- "I want to represent an idea. An idea that you really can make what you want."


I think that was an I Am Legend sample, but don't hold a gun to my head. The leads are grimy with a whiplike motion as a new filtered lead climbs out of the muck to dance. It all comes to a crescendo and then gets deconstructed, but the end promises a groovy ride on a roller coaster. Very good Roy, but you still lose points for the build up though.

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Yourlife.com- "We are here today to ask those who are still sleeping to wake up...and join us."


Like most of you I googled that "website" to see what would appear. Some teen blog or something...I'll be honest, I have a very short attention span. I really liked this beast. Forceful, like when I put the smackdown on someone, and chaotic with a good lead synth like when I try to find my car keys. The bad...Roy you don't f*cking listen, I hate buildups. Just don't do it. Apart from that this track is full and really goes full throttle.


OverActive- With a cyber feel right form the get go the track slings bass sounds above computer whirrings. It constantly feels as though the track is rising trying to get to that other level. The break is a slice of freshness as stuttering popcorn sounds stagger about. It's not long though until we are climbing again trying to reach...what, I dunno...the cookies on the top shelf? All in all it has the goods with a pretty good ending. The buildups though, I just cannot get past them sometimes.


Blurry- Yeah, I don't know about this one. Really full oney, with not a lot of redeeming qualities. Did Nutek try and sneak this one in there? The one note bass line, the simple melodies...it all adds up to... go home and do it again. Tommy Lee Jones...Men In Black...is anybody listening?



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I can't be the only one who thinks of this when I hear the word gazpacho? Tomato soup served ice cold! Barney tells her to go back to Russia...anyone?


The flamenco guitar comes out in this one and I'm sorry I just don't think it has a place in psytrance like reason and facts have in organized religion. Another Simpsons reference...did ya catch that? Anyway, there isn't anything psychedelic here, tempos change and I wasn't feeling it. Terrible way to go out Roy. If that is even your real name...



Man this was a surprise. When I read this was released by Nutek I was preparing for the demise of another artist whilst he caters to the lowest common denominator. But that didn't happen. This disc is full on, but more towards the darker side. It has power and crazy melodies and he ability to make you want to dance. It's not without it's flaws of course. For me there are too many buildups in the tracks to make them outstanding, but that is purely taste. My father once told me that opinions are like rectums...everyone has one. Well my rectum hates buildups. Also that last track...flamenco guitar + buildup = get me the hell outta here. I know he is from Spain, but that would be like me breaking out in the Lucky Charms song because I'm Irish. Maybe. While it's not going to knock any one of the Midnight Storm CDs out of my rotation, it has its very good moments. You've still got it Roy...well, at least some of it.










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