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I hope the mofo who stole my bike will be struck by lightning! :ph34r:


other than that, any day is a good day. I could definitely use some "entertainment"!


First two words of that story show you there is no need to keep reading (US preacher) and then you see the picture and there you go.


Anyway today is supposed to be the rapture, not armageddon. Today we shall be judged and I am pretty confident of God turning to me (or jebus who knows) and say 'basio, you rock!


I read that the preacher hasn't been seen since before the Rapture is supposed to have happened. Maybe it did happen, but he was the only true Christian.


Or maybe not.




You can watch him on CNN





Or the Belgian CNN, where you can actually see people 'dancing' for his return. They look like hippies Posted Image


skip to sec 50 Posted Image , It's in dutch but you'll understand the English parts.




ignorant people... He wasn't wrong, he just miscalculated!


Harold Camping says May 21, 2011 was ‘invisible judgment day,’ world will end October 21, 2011

omgwtf ... guy in pink t-shirt with fat beard behind the speaker, starting at 00:35 - watch him! :lol:


oh and thumbs up about the miscalculation :P


ignorant people... He wasn't wrong, he just miscalculated!


Harold Camping says May 21, 2011 was 'invisible judgment day,' world will end October 21, 2011


Posted Image and on the dutch link, he said, all the calculations were correct to that date and specific time...


I don't mind that my internet providers miscalculates ones when the bill arrives,


but when it comes to the end of the word, please use this.


Posted Image





I would appreciate it Posted Image



omgwtf ... guy in pink t-shirt with fat beard behind the speaker, starting at 00:35 - watch him! :lol:



I know Posted Image, they should make some kind of action figure of that guy!

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