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No, The whole Hinduism trend in Goa was a huge mockery of the followers of the faith. The idea of recreating the Goa experience is not a bad one. The problem is that you really can't. The idea of decorating a party with fluorescent tapestries of Hindu symbols and a black light. Then burning incense. And wearing some trinket or clothing that has more Hindu symbols. This is blasphemous. This is atrocious. "Sticking feathers up your ass does not make you a chicken." Tyler Durden. Trying to pay tribute to what occurred on the beaches of Goa, as if it was some miracle of human spiritual enlightenment. The likes of which can't be experienced. This is complete nonsense. And, I can use my own experience to explain it. Most of you have had the same experience.


It seems that you're looking to much into stuff. The whole hinduism thing in Goa it wasn't about real religious experiences. It's a symbol. Most underground music genres have symbols. Metal has satan, anti-christianity in general. Industrial has this mechanical, post apocalyptic theme. Goth has vampires and black stuff in general.


Goa/Psy has/had Hinduism, aliens, sci-fi, fractals etc. I've met many guys that listen to Psy/Goa that don't believe in aliens, but feel that the whole alien theme suits the music. It's the same with Hinduism.

Goa started in India, many melodies have eastern feeling I don't see what's bad with that.


Now if you're talking about real religious experiences while lisetening to Goa. Once again I think you're trying too much. I bought a cd recently that says in the promo that this music will take you beyond our world, in the far edge of the universe. Did it take me there? Literally no. But does it bother me? No. Cause I know that I'm holding a cd and not a scaceship.

What Goa Gil says about trancedance experience and stuff ain't much different than this promo. It's a cool thing to say/write, but you don't have to take it literally. When I promoted my ep I said that get ready to expand your mind. It's cheesy, but appropiate for a trance music IMO.


You say that the use of Hinduism is a mockery to the followers of that religion. How exactly? It seems more to me like an opportunity for someone to explore hinduism more than mockery.


It seems that you're looking to much into stuff. The whole hinduism thing in Goa it wasn't about real religious experiences. It's a symbol. Most underground music genres have symbols. Metal has satan, anti-christianity in general. Industrial has this mechanical, post apocalyptic theme. Goth has vampires and black stuff in general.


Goa/Psy has/had Hinduism, aliens, sci-fi, fractals etc. I've met many guys that listen to Psy/Goa that don't believe in aliens, but feel that the whole alien theme suits the music. It's the same with Hinduism.

Goa started in India, many melodies have eastern feeling I don't see what's bad with that.


Now if you're talking about real religious experiences while lisetening to Goa. Once again I think you're trying too much. I bought a cd recently that says in the promo that this music will take you beyond our world, in the far edge of the universe. Did it take me there? Literally no. But does it bother me? No. Cause I know that I'm holding a cd and not a scaceship.

What Goa Gil says about trancedance experience and stuff ain't much different than this promo. It's a cool thing to say/write, but you don't have to take it literally. When I promoted my ep I said that get ready to expand your mind. It's cheesy, but appropiate for a trance music IMO.

agreed 100%.

[...] use of Hinduism is a mockery to the followers of that religion [...]


i used to think that too, but i've changed my mind about that when i visited india. the people there use the religious symbols and names/images of the gods all the time for the most mundane things. you'll have a guy called ramakrishna going into the shiva-train-station to buy ganesh beedies from the hanoman-tobacconist-store. they use religious symbols all over for "good luck". i'm sure that 90% of hindus wouldn't object in the least if they knew about the use of hindu references in our party culture. i even suspect that the local population in goa played a major role in how it has become the way it it.

2 pages, and its just another promotional thread.... :(


Again, I am sorry. I don't play hard to get....I play hard to want.



T. Viz (your hip-hop name) seriously, what did you think of the mix?:blink:


Religion is a private matter and should be practiced in private settings. Simple as that!



You know...you really are an idealist, like me. Because, I agree. But, it seems like the most sacred becomes the most exploited. And, there are so many hybrid-believers. I mean...they say that they are Christian, but they don't practice it. There are so many fake people in the world. They are partial to everything so they can't ever be insensitive or politically incorrect. Meanwhile, the entire thing that makes them unique is erased. What happens is exactly what most people want. Docile, mundane, clone consumers.



And the people that hold their religion sacred and private are on the front page. Do you know what is the most recognized symbol in the world? The Catholic Cross. Do you know what is the second most recognized symbol?

Posted Image


This is the truth.


You know what other Hindu Symbol was exploited?



Posted Image




Look Familiar?


It seems that you're looking to much into stuff. The whole hinduism thing in Goa it wasn't about real religious experiences. It's a symbol. Most underground music genres have symbols. Metal has satan, anti-christianity in general. Industrial has this mechanical, post apocalyptic theme. Goth has vampires and black stuff in general.


Goa/Psy has/had Hinduism, aliens, sci-fi, fractals etc. I've met many guys that listen to Psy/Goa that don't believe in aliens, but feel that the whole alien theme suits the music. It's the same with Hinduism.

Goa started in India, many melodies have eastern feeling I don't see what's bad with that.


Now if you're talking about real religious experiences while lisetening to Goa. Once again I think you're trying too much. I bought a cd recently that says in the promo that this music will take you beyond our world, in the far edge of the universe. Did it take me there? Literally no. But does it bother me? No. Cause I know that I'm holding a cd and not a scaceship.

What Goa Gil says about trancedance experience and stuff ain't much different than this promo. It's a cool thing to say/write, but you don't have to take it literally. When I promoted my ep I said that get ready to expand your mind. It's cheesy, but appropiate for a trance music IMO.


You say that the use of Hinduism is a mockery to the followers of that religion. How exactly? It seems more to me like an opportunity for someone to explore hinduism more than mockery.


You are right....the Nazis already paved the way for the desanctifying of Hinduism with the Swastika.


But, you put Hinduism, Aliens, sci-fi, fractals together. Yesterday, I was being an ass. Now I am oversensitive. But, it's okay for you to take what is sacred to many people and what is absolutely true there being; and you make it nonsense like Aliens and Science Fiction. And then you take something that is very real and abundant in nature and now cutting edge technology. And toss them together like they mean nothing. That is fine with me, but if it means nothing then why hang the tapestry of an OHM, or why have a sample like the one in vapour rumors about the aliens landing. And, why use Windows Media Player Visuals to represent the visual hallucinations. Fractals are the last thing I want to look at when tripping, an ohm tapestry and a blacklight are so weak. Aliens are so lame. Except the movie with Sigourney weaver.


But you know what, this whole time I have been ranting, nature has already taken care of it. Guess who adopted all the stuff I don't like? Look, up in the heavens, it's a bird, no a phoenix, no it's a plane, no a flying saucer, it's DarkPsy!!!!!! To the rescue. Darkpsy has taken the almighty Goa Gil as their Psyth of the Darkpsyde. With a background of satanic ties and heavy metal, DarkPsy has emerged to seize as much of the evil psytrance as they can. This is a miracle. It's like mainstream America feels about the capture of Bin Ladin. Darklord Gil has been captured and now his Karmageddon is realized.

Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.


You are right....the Nazis already paved the way for the desanctifying of Hinduism with the Swastika.


But, you put Hinduism, Aliens, sci-fi, fractals together. Yesterday, I was being an ass. Now I am oversensitive. But, it's okay for you to take what is sacred to many people and what is absolutely true there being; and you make it nonsense like Aliens and Science Fiction. And then you take something that is very real and abundant in nature and now cutting edge technology. And toss them together like they mean nothing. That is fine with me, but if it means nothing then why hang the tapestry of an OHM, or why have a sample like the one in vapour rumors about the aliens landing. And, why use Windows Media Player Visuals to represent the visual hallucinations. Fractals are the last thing I want to look at when tripping, an ohm tapestry and a blacklight are so weak. Aliens are so lame. Except the movie with Sigourney weaver.


But you know what, this whole time I have been ranting, nature has already taken care of it. Guess who adopted all the stuff I don't like? Look, up in the heavens, it's a bird, no a phoenix, no it's a plane, no a flying saucer, it's DarkPsy!!!!!! To the rescue. Darkpsy has taken the almighty Goa Gil as their Psyth of the Darkpsyde. With a background of satanic ties and heavy metal, DarkPsy has emerged to seize as much of the evil psytrance as they can. This is a miracle. It's like mainstream America feels about the capture of Bin Ladin. Darklord Gil has been captured and now his Karmageddon is realized.


Darkpsy again?



Darkpsy again?



I really hope not. This is really the first and last time, I want to know about that. That is a bad word. I won't speak it, if you won't.B)


Sorry Time Trap --is it okay if I call you that. I really like your alias. Very Yin/Yang. Anyway, I am sorry. I did not mean to snap at you. That was my Danish side? (Lars von Trier) I apologize, psyncerely. I made that up. Sorry, I am an ass, sometimes. I still think that it is important to be straightforward and honest. I see a word of people that lie all the time. The corporate and government scumbags will always deny. But, the denial that I am concerned with is the other 99% that have no clue, don't want to know, or actively deny the complete absence of humanity. There is an ideal that most believe because if one person can accomplish it, then it makes everything okay. For example, the whole American Dream thing. This does not and has never existed. Yet the idea is that if you are in America, you have the same opportunity to become wealthy as everyone and it is up to you. Then, this idea is made real by exploiting some poor inner city kid that becomes a pro sports star. That is the American dream come true. Wrong. That is an anomily and no matter how hard someone works to become successful. It is rarely because of honest determination based on merit. Look at the richest people in the World. Do they come from the ghetto? No, they are from wealthy families and they usually lied, cheated, and unethically manipulated their wealth.

Sorry again, check this out. Tell me what you think of Goa Gil after this. Remember, he can't DJ.



sorry about my reply, again. I really look forward to chatting with you. Especially, since we have much in common (psychedelics, music, humans), And I would like your input on my theory that the DJ is responsible for the music that is produced. So I spontaneously attempted to save the music by mixing the dj back. It is raw and no headphones. one tiny unintentional whoops. But , I am sure it bothers me more than anyone else. But, I would be as guilty as Gil if I didn't admit it. and at least I corrected it...uncommon shaman


Hah , it's okay man. I don't like Goa Gil at all, he is completely talentless and an opportunist. I also consider him to be a hypocrite.


For those that asked, psychedelics are pretty much connected with the very first, "primitive" religions (shamanistic and pagan)...


Also , maxfactor, I am quite off the psychedelics for a few years (overdid it with high dosages). But I think you are wrong about LSD being a bad entheogen, the fact is that it acts on the same receptors as psilocybin mushrooms. Of course mushroomes and acid are different, but NOT *THAT* different. Both of them belong to the so-called category: "Classic psychedelics" , acting on 5HT2A serotonin receptor (and many more of course, I am far from knowledgeable in neurochemistry). Well the main differences I can spot between acid and mushrooms is :


acid makes you more hyperactive, more tension, also insomniac even if the experience has ended, while after mushrooms usually one can fall asleep very easily ...


Goa started in India, many melodies have eastern feeling I don't see what's bad with that.


I really don't like the use of nonsynthesized sounds. I don't want to hear a sitar for a long time. I can barely handle Raja Rams flute. Some tracks, it worked..like Rollerblades - Juno Reactor the electric guitar was cool. But, any artist from Poland, I doubt would incorporate the Accordian.

And have you ever listened to Indian music. Especially the Pop music....:lol:


Now if you're talking about real religious experiences while lisetening to Goa. Once again I think you're trying too much. I bought a cd recently that says in the promo that this music will take you beyond our world, in the far edge of the universe. Did it take me there? Literally no. But does it bother me? No. Cause I know that I'm holding a cd and not a scaceship.

What Goa Gil says about trancedance experience and stuff ain't much different than this promo. It's a cool thing to say/write, but you don't have to take it literally. When I promoted my ep I said that get ready to expand your mind. It's cheesy, but appropiate for a trance music IMO.


I am have a little trouble deciphering your cd/ufo comparison. And, I have never had a real religious experience. That is like an oxymoron. You are holding a spinning disc that many describe ufo's. j/k :P


The last sentence, I really admire. Finally, a little vulnerabiltiy and acknowledgment. I totally agree. It's almost impossible not to promote yourself as higher states of consiousness, or Spiritual or Multidimensional. But, I do that because it is part of the music that I like, and relate. If I were a rapper, I would have to be like Ahh, wutz up, g. dis iz tha shiznit, right here. Yo-Yo-Yo. Peep dis. :D


But instead, I make mix called Uncommon Shaman -- Trancending Axis Mundi.. I can't help it... That is how we speak this music. We have to be cryptic and use spiritual and futuristic terminology. I just think it's important to be clever and have hidden meanings. Again, I will use Juno Reactor as an example. Juno is a Synth made by Roland. Juno is also the guardian of female spirits. and the mother of Mars. So, Guardian Angel is much more meaningful so is Mars.


You say that the use of Hinduism is a mockery to the followers of that religion. How exactly? It seems more to me like an opportunity for someone to explore hinduism more than mockery.





I already tried looking for your tracks and I just get bad links. Oh I found you. I see. You have been kidnapped by darkspsy, also? Why? Your Music is Psytrance. If you are DarkPsy, then so is the lone dereanger, Juno Reactor, Etnica, Trancewave, KoxBox...Seriously. I admit that there is a lot of this formula happening. But it is due to trying to bridge the past. And, would if you didn't want to be linked to satan or belzababa (gil). No one is dark enough to warrant the new style. because it is not new. The only one that fits is Goa Gil. He plays tracks for 24 hours straight at 160+bpms. That is horror.


I don't know...but when it is overclassified you can't be as free... people expect the same but as a DJ, I would definitely buy this. You need to have a variety within a style to create new sounds and surprise yourself. I apologize if you felt I included you in the gil-bashing...but I didn't. One more thing, did mozart have dark symphonies? Yes, but did he say well this light symphony and this is dark. You got to have both. Or none at all. I have a very critical and serious way of choosing psytrance. First is it psytrance or not? Second, Is it good or not? If I answer yes both, that's it. End of decision. But, if I don't like something and I bought it, I might attempt to justify it. That is when we makeup silly new microstyles. That is one reason I would never DJ under a stage name that was specific. Like Goa Gil. He ain't gonna play house music. Also, Great artwork killer shit. If I mixed your tracks, would you hate me?


I really don't like the use of nonsynthesized sounds. I don't want to hear a sitar for a long time. I can barely handle Raja Rams flute. Some tracks, it worked..like Rollerblades - Juno Reactor the electric guitar was cool. But, any artist from Poland, I doubt would incorporate the Accordian.

And have you ever listened to Indian music. Especially the Pop music....:lol:

Same here. I prefer my psytrance to be 100% electronic. I was talking about the Goa melodies and how eastern they sound.


I am have a little trouble deciphering your cd/ufo comparison. And, I have never had a real religious experience. That is like an oxymoron. You are holding a spinning disc that many describe ufo's. j/k :P

What I meant is that when I read in a cd promo 'Oh Namah Shivaya', Trancedance experience, mind expansion, dance with shiva and all that I don't take them literally. For me it's a symbol of Goa. The same with aliens, sci-fi, fractals, drugs etc. I personally don't think that Goa artists connect their music with Hunduism as part of a religious experience. They just do it because it...looks cool I guess. For example I have used a drug sample in one of my tracks although I don't use drugs. Why I did it? It fits the track. The same way shiva fits in a Goatrance cover.


If I mixed your tracks, would you hate me?

Why hate you? It will be an honour. :)


Same here. I prefer my psytrance to be 100% electronic. I was talking about the Goa melodies and how eastern they sound.




What I meant is that when I read in a cd promo 'Oh Namah Shivaya', Trancedance experience, mind expansion, dance with shiva and all that I don't take them literally. For me it's a symbol of Goa. The same with aliens, sci-fi, fractals, drugs etc. I personally don't think that Goa artists connect their music with Hunduism as part of a religious experience. They just do it because it...looks cool I guess. For example I have used a drug sample in one of my tracks although I don't use drugs. Why I did it? It fits the track. The same way shiva fits in a Goatrance cover.




Why hate you? It will be an honour. :)


You know as an artist, we can get insecure and sensitive and arrogant and mad and back to confident and respectful.. Well maybe me, but I think artists, in general are a little unstable. Do you agree. Unless, Sinead O'connor shaved her head cuz she was hot. she was hot. or van gough was donating his ear to a burn victim. or, mozart was not a spaz. and Kiss didn't wear makeup..you catch my drift.




Thank you. I will get right back to you.


agreed 100%.


i used to think that too, but i've changed my mind about that when i visited india. the people there use the religious symbols and names/images of the gods all the time for the most mundane things. you'll have a guy called ramakrishna going into the shiva-train-station to buy ganesh beedies from the hanoman-tobacconist-store. they use religious symbols all over for "good luck". i'm sure that 90% of hindus wouldn't object in the least if they knew about the use of hindu references in our party culture. i even suspect that the local population in goa played a major role in how it has become the way it it.



In my experience, Hindus are ok with Hindus using images of the Devas for good luck, and are not ok with westerners using them for anything. Many of them would also have moral objections to some of what goes on at the parties, and wouldn't be cool with using them for that. But you're absolutely right to some degree... Ganesha is all over stores, so is Lakshmi, so is Hanuman. But at the same time, the devas have been used to promote things in america and the Indians over here have gotten offended. It's touchy, really.


2 pages, and its just another promotional thread.... :(


Now who is the negative one? If that was just another promo thread, Why would I suddenly become someone that is not me, like a wretched marketing chameleon? I have been true to myself on this psyte. I usually submit a rough draft as final the night before it is due. But, These discussions help me write my thoughts cohesively and they may evolve into something different. Maybe my tastes in comedians will help you understand my sense of humor: Bill Hicks, Doug Stanhope, and Dave Chappelle. IMO, the best stand-up artists ever. Hicks is a breakthrough in comedy substance and structure and views. Stanhope is similar to hicks but he is way more vulgar and he is so good at using intellectual humor to talk about lewd stuff. Dave Chappelle the only comedian that succeeded in making me view the world through a black guy in the ghetto. And he has the best timing and delivery of anyone. So, continuing to take low blows and cheap shots at me is not funny, i don't even think it's you.

I came to write you a compliment on your Digital Visual talent. Awesome visuals, that is what I want to see, not a black light and a bad glow in the dark symbol of whatever. The tapestries they now sell at walmart. With a black-light. I think I even saw an infomercial on how to make your own. They have become so popular , they are mass produced not hand painted. You of all, please help me with your talent of visuals, Is that advancing our experience or is it impeding it.? What's with the demonic avatar? Is that to show your devotion to Satan or that you are darker than the others? It doesn't fit with your beautiful and technologically advanced visuals. That's like the ray gun on Star Trek, how do they uses shitty stun guns and the can be beamed up? Like the Polish bringing Swordsmen on Horseback to fight machine guns.


I am sorry that I value your opinion enough to show vulnerability. I have to be more careful.




Its just a pretty picture I made (as in the 3d model), which is actually of a Satyr (see Pan/Puck).

Mythologically a creature I have always felt a kinship towards, for various childish and trite reasons.


By the way the Polish reference is one of these



But anyway I am outta of here, I think the scene as I imagined it is over, and I really need to let go

and find greener pastures. And don't worry it's not you, it's me.



Love you all as myself, and hope you all find what you are looking for.




Its just a pretty picture I made (as in the 3d model), which is actually of a Satyr (see Pan/Puck).

Mythologically a creature I have always felt a kinship towards, for various childish and trite reasons.


By the way the Polish reference is one of these



But anyway I am outta of here, I think the scene as I imagined it is over, and I really need to let go

and find greener pastures. And don't worry it's not you, it's me.



Love you all as myself, and hope you all find what you are looking for.


You do what's right for you. But, I think you are very talented at digtal visuals. On more that one occasion I have been the ass end of your insult. We both know that vulnerabiliy leaves ourselves open to pain but it also can cause some nasty and ignorant insults in return. So I am sorry. And, the whole polish thing was more anectdotal than truth, But, I was trying to pay you another compliment by comparing how much better your visuals would be than some black light and tapestry. Since you seem to be devoid of emotion. I took jab at you, but instead of ever explaining why you insulted me you just pointed out a fallacy and a guilt trip about being let down. Now maybe this is your way of having a reason to get out, and I was a good sucker for that. Or, something else is bothering you...the only thing I can tell you from my experience is what I tried to relate with OOOD. Everyone sees the people behind the scene and think that they are godlike and have a wonderfully charmed life. What they don't see is all the hard work and bullshit that we have to battle all the time to make some progress. It's not easy, but if it's your passion it doesn't matter. So, if you aren't passionate about it that is why you get out. Not for any other reason. If you are motivated by any other reason besides that you love it. You are not gonna make it. If you really love what you do, Just sleep on it. And think about it and do what i do wu wei. the art of action through inaction. I hope you stick around but I understand. Remember, I am on your side.


Vaya con Dios.


In my experience, Hindus are ok with Hindus using images of the Devas for good luck, and are not ok with westerners using them for anything. Many of them would also have moral objections to some of what goes on at the parties, and wouldn't be cool with using them for that. But you're absolutely right to some degree... Ganesha is all over stores, so is Lakshmi, so is Hanuman. But at the same time, the devas have been used to promote things in america and the Indians over here have gotten offended. It's touchy, really.


ah, thanks for the clarification. i always thought that that was only the ultra-orthodox hindus wile the majority would be quite relaxed with it. but i see it's a touchy issue, after all they even accused ian anderson of mocking shiva for standing on one foot while playing the flute...


It seems that you're looking to much into stuff. The whole hinduism thing in Goa it wasn't about real religious experiences. It's a symbol. Most underground music genres have symbols. Metal has satan, anti-christianity in general. Industrial has this mechanical, post apocalyptic theme. Goth has vampires and black stuff in general.


Goa/Psy has/had Hinduism, aliens, sci-fi, fractals etc. I've met many guys that listen to Psy/Goa that don't believe in aliens, but feel that the whole alien theme suits the music. It's the same with Hinduism.

Goa started in India, many melodies have eastern feeling I don't see what's bad with that.


Completely agreed. The trance scene had always many different people coming from very different backgrounds. There would be the lost hippies in india, but also people from the acid house scene, from playing in rock bands, etc...... Many brought their symbols. The Shivas are there, but also all the fluoro from the acid, and a lot of the rock mythology, elfs etc...... Aliens I guess came from outer space........


This wide spectrum of people coming together and putting their 2 cents into the scene is what makes it so open minded. Later on, each one is free to believe or adopt what better suits him/her.


As an example, I am not really into religion, but yoga really makes you feel better and improves your life.


ah, thanks for the clarification. i always thought that that was only the ultra-orthodox hindus wile the majority would be quite relaxed with it. but i see it's a touchy issue, after all they even accused ian anderson of mocking shiva for standing on one foot while playing the flute...


I come from a fairly orthodox view of things, so maybe *my* perspective on this is also biased... but in my experience, yes, it's quite touchy. I hadn't heard the ian anderson story and I'm fairly curious about it. I'd like to read about that if you have a link to it. :D


(also, a lot of it really has to do with WHAT is being promoted - Lakshmi was used in some advertisement for hamburgers by Burger King and it set off a FURY. Similarly, as I said, the connotations of party lifestyle that is associated with goa culture would be vaguely off putting to most Hindus when it comes to displaying divine images in association with it. And yet as much as I feel that I should be offended by it, I was born a westerner and have the opportunity to see things from both sides... and it's just part of Goa's charm to me. I know the scene really doesn't mean any harm by it, even if it's annoying at times. oh well. :) )


Completely agreed. The trance scene had always many different people coming from very different backgrounds. There would be the lost hippies in india, but also people from the acid house scene, from playing in rock bands, etc...... Many brought their symbols. The Shivas are there, but also all the fluoro from the acid, and a lot of the rock mythology, elfs etc...... Aliens I guess came from outer space........


This wide spectrum of people coming together and putting their 2 cents into the scene is what makes it so open minded. Later on, each one is free to believe or adopt what better suits him/her.


As an example, I am not really into religion, but yoga really makes you feel better and improves your life.


My two cents, again...

Goa/Psytrance music can only thrive when it aligns its sound with our mind's unquenchable thirst for innovation , cleverness, and impatient desires. The idea of decorating a party with black light and tapestries is like wearing parachute pants. Break Dancing has survived from it's roots the early 1980's and has actually become very popular. But people don' wear parachute pants any more. Psytrance has become very popular, why do we still use the same clothes to express it? it's outdated. The best way I can put it is it's like buying a brand new gaming computer with a quad core processor, 8gigs of ram, a huge hard drive , super fast HD graffix and then you connect it to the internet with dial-up. That dial-up modem is like the tapestries and the computer is the music. And the interaction of the music is like connecting to the internet with a 56k modem. Are we so bereft of creative innovation that we keep the same props? I think it is really insulting to our intelligence to use the same decorations as we used almost twenty years ago. Can't we have like holographic lighting and digital images, instead. The music has overall gotten very bad. Not all of it just most. It is the same sound of minimal trance/techno with a possible 303 but it is more.


Correct me if I am wrong. Most Psytrance to day is the same formula. It starts out with ambient and vocal samples and then this thick baseline that is the same for almost every track and then 4 on the Floor Techno percussion with rolling drum patterns . Then a synth sound like an acid like sound or an intermittent saw wave with a reverb effect than another ripping sound, and more vocal samples and ambient, dropping into the same sound as before. You know what it sounds like. It sounds like the artists don't know how to play the piano. The don't know how to create riffs and melodies. Just a rolling percussion the same bass line and an atmospheric stab or rip sound. The artists of the early years were musicians, now I think they must us a program like Acid and sequence loops. I hear fat sounding synth but it is used like a sound effect instead of cool sounding riffs.


What do you think?


My two cents, again...

Goa/Psytrance music can only thrive when it aligns its sound with our mind's unquenchable thirst for innovation , cleverness, and impatient desires. The idea of decorating a party with black light and tapestries is like wearing parachute pants. Break Dancing has survived from it's roots the early 1980's and has actually become very popular. But people don' wear parachute pants any more. Psytrance has become very popular, why do we still use the same clothes to express it? it's outdated. The best way I can put it is it's like buying a brand new gaming computer with a quad core processor, 8gigs of ram, a huge hard drive , super fast HD graffix and then you connect it to the internet with dial-up. That dial-up modem is like the tapestries and the computer is the music. And the interaction of the music is like connecting to the internet with a 56k modem. Are we so bereft of creative innovation that we keep the same props? I think it is really insulting to our intelligence to use the same decorations as we used almost twenty years ago. Can't we have like holographic lighting and digital images, instead. The music has overall gotten very bad. Not all of it just most. It is the same sound of minimal trance/techno with a possible 303 but it is more.


Correct me if I am wrong. Most Psytrance to day is the same formula. It starts out with ambient and vocal samples and then this thick baseline that is the same for almost every track and then 4 on the Floor Techno percussion with rolling drum patterns . Then a synth sound like an acid like sound or an intermittent saw wave with a reverb effect than another ripping sound, and more vocal samples and ambient, dropping into the same sound as before. You know what it sounds like. It sounds like the artists don't know how to play the piano. The don't know how to create riffs and melodies. Just a rolling percussion the same bass line and an atmospheric stab or rip sound. The artists of the early years were musicians, now I think they must us a program like Acid and sequence loops. I hear fat sounding synth but it is used like a sound effect instead of cool sounding riffs.


What do you think?




Lots of thoughts here together......


I have the feeling that you focus to very specific details when you look at the scene, rather than seeing it as a whole. For example with the spiritual trend within psytrance. This is just a little part of the scene. Maybe, just more influential in some local scenes than in others,but there´s trance in many countries and everyone has their unique vision of it.


Relating to symbols, Shiva makes a lot of sense in a scene that is about dance, trance and getting off your head.


With fashion as an example, when visiting a international festival, you can see many many different outfits. This is always been like this. From flouro cybergdog, to elfs, to every day sport clothing, to just a swim custom, to dressed up people, to more hippie, to more punkie, to people disguised..... etc... there is not one clear trend like gothic, or heavy metal have. With such a wide selection is hard to decide which to dispose. No need to.


Obviously there are thinks I don´t like too, but I can just ignore them and carry on with what tickles me.


I understand that for you, the space for this music should be something different, but this is what it has come to with the input of many people around the globe. Push for your vision locally and make us all be jealous of it.


Trying not to go too much offtopic..... about deco, I thing money has a lot to do with no big setups in parties, and about music, to dump that fullon one note bassline is and emergency.




I have the feeling that you focus to very specific details when you look at the scene, rather than seeing it as a whole.



I come from a fairly orthodox view of things, so maybe *my* perspective on this is also biased... but in my experience, yes, it's quite touchy. I hadn't heard the ian anderson story and I'm fairly curious about it. I'd like to read about that if you have a link to it. :D


i haven't found a good source on the web. just this paragraph from a random website:

Anderson would also assume a one legged stance while playing live particularly during solos. Later in the seventies he found himself in the hot seat during a press conference in India being accused of mocking one of their Hindu gods, Krishna. He apologized claiming that he hadn't a clue who Krishna was.

(whoops, i mixed up krishna and shiva here :unsure:. i thought shiva played the flute too?)


i guess i heard about the story in a interview with anderson on some jethro tull dvd...

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