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MadHouse Presents XP Voodoo LIVE at the CosmicDance


CosmicDance is a cosmic gathering which revolves around the Pure Ecstasy of Psychedelic Music and Cosmic Powers revolving around it. The aim is to bring the tribe together and celebrate the Oneness it brings and the Permanent Impact of Love and Unity it makes on all who experience it.


This party is a psychedelic gathering of all Spiritual beings and freaks who believe in Peace, Love and Unity.

Here starts the Countdown to Parvati Gathering 2011!!


Date: June 3rd, 2011


Venue: The Zoo, Garden of Five Senses. New Delhi, INDIA




pInDrop (India)

pinKOrange - Goa



Zhannet (Russia)

Goa Groove - Goa



X.P. Voodoo (Russia)

Neurobiotic Recs./ Aerodance

Full On


DJ X.P.VOODOO The pioneer, founder and the legend of trance culture in Russia Had been playing on records from 1994-1996, 1996-2001 on DAT, 2001-.till now on CDs. Played at the biggest parties in Goa since 1996. The founder and producer of the first Moscow trance club Aerodance (1994-1996), and underground party points-LESS, Chill Out planet, Plazma. From 1994- the head-leader of Aerodance Corporation, the main party label of Russia. Organized more than 400 psychedelic events, including Earthdances and Orbita Moscow (1-6) - the biggest In-door once-a-year trance festival in the world (6000-10000 people) .

Well known between the world with his travel crew. The Style-Modern psychedelic goa trance, daytime psy groove, psy-tech, progtech, psychedelic deep chilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

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