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Music with a 'Spooky' feeling

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Guest Daniel

In my opinion I find Logic Bombs "Head Ware" album very spooky, not in a dark way but the way they approach their music in that album seems I dunno...very drifritng.



Logic Bomb - Shadow of the Beast

Logic Bomb - Halojaner


Also try these goodies:


Sandman - Natural Born Killer

Infected Mushroom - B.P. Empire

Infected Mushroom - Never Ever Land

(in general the entire B.P. Empire album tends to be moody, so try any track)

X-Dream - Thorazin

Infected Mushroom - Mush Mushi

Infected Mushroom - Release Me


Try X-Dreams "Irritant" Cd and "Radio" Cd...all very good tracks you'd like for your party.


Have fun :)


Oh and just because I love the song so much....download Infected Mushroom "Symphonatic" it's a fucking party classic.

Guest Daniel

why oh why did I forget:


Infected Mushroom - Psycho


That song is surely a dark storming powerful song with bad ass psychedelic acid sounds :) Check it out.

Guest krize

PSYCHO !! that peak is so good .. wow had many good moments with that song ... :)

Guest krize

And we must not forget Parvati records .. the latest compilation from them : "Third Trip" is very good, with a spooky and dark edge ..


Jelle, Schlabaduerst music would fit your description, and many more Swedish (un)releases(d), spooky, full on and véry psychedelic!


I'm a Belgium dj in that style of Boom! and Schlab so if you want someone or more info you can always mail me or if you have a bigger budget get a live act of Ka Sol and Battle Buddhas together like we had one here a few months ago in Belgium....... SPOOKY it was :)


Both of Dark Soho's albums are probably some of the darkest stuff I've listened too. It should be obvious, since they have this gothic theme going on with their whole style. Irritant, by X-dream, is also very dark.


The gathering, album, by infected is very dark also.


Most people find, BP empire album, by Infected, to be dark, but I don't. I find it to be very colorful.

Guest sangg

Infected Mushroom - Dracul!!!


Its spooky and catchy at the same time:)

Guest Drat Mafia

Phony Orphants - Symphony (the track that is...not the whole album)



Guest minigun

i must say squaremeats neliöpila and offcourse texas faggotti el macotti -spooky faggottt......


rotten skeletor is sp00kie too............:>

Guest Towelie

just remembered one very spooky track tim schuldt - evil playground. those childrens singing..

Guest Short Circuit

Try to find Xenomorphs side project, Labyrinth, published on various complations, its like Xenomorph, but more full on.




ohh wow, didnt know about his side project !! you know any compilations ?any special to recomend ??


(expect the song on drug theraphy, wich is ofcourse very nice :)))

Guest mindtwister

I acctually think "Oforia - Compulsive Dance" is kinda spooky! Not dark but spooky! =)


take care


thanks a lot everyone for the responses! lots of material to ask the dj's to play.. super! :-D


Chi-AD - Moonart

Juno reactor - Feel the universe (Koxbox remix)

Darshan - Transformation

Dark Soho - Gothic prayer

The delta - Thing

MOS - My baby

Krumelur - Knorr


hum...just try to download :


David shea - Intrigant excerpt


this is not psytrance but the intro of the track is the scariest stuff i have heard, 10 times scariest than The delta - thing, play this during your halloween party, you will kill some heads :)


Anoebis: thx for the message.. i will definetly consider this and talk with the crew... we are always looking for new cool acts.. we are non-profit organisation though (well.. its not our main goal anyway) so we have to see what kind of prices we can arrange...


take it easy. :-)

Guest d-dave

Send us at Schlab a mail at battlebuddas@hotmail.com if you like. :D


...yeah Towelie you are right : Tim Schuldt - Evil playground, those children singing, and this melody at the end of the track!

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Chrisa

ok...who are you?!


i can t believe i finally found someone listening to schlabaduerst!

where are you from?

Guest Chrisa

keep schlabaduerst world alive!

let us hide in the woods of Uppsala

and let the others running!he

  • 1 month later...

THE DELTA - thing..............the most evil track on the face of this planet!!!

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