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I was at a jazz jam yesterday night (Copenhagen Jazz Festival) and there were a lot of different (really skilled) musicians playing, but no women! And when I get to think of it, I have been to quite a few jazz event and don't remember seeing any female musicians, only singers! But jazz has a huge nerd factor as well! A lot women in the audience though. I really think the nerd factor plays a large role in general when it relates to relative low number of women musicians (minus singers) in many music genres.

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Simply, because there aren't any fit blokes into psytrance.


SSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! We're trying to keep that under wraps so we can lure more women to our side!


Hmm. Does darkpsy have the highest concentration of women of any psytrance subgenre?

ime yes. of about 5 female DJs in my area only one plays anything other than darkpsy


Why don't you guys go out and get laid


Because we don't know any women.


There seems to be a lack of women musicians in a lot of different genres, not just Psy. Rock, Blues, Jazz, Punk, Hip-Hop, Metal, Reggae, etc all seem to have mostly male musicians. There is a definite "nerd factor" to psy music though, since it requires a lot of fiddling with synths/computers.


Why don't you guys go out and get laid instead of making these dumb threads.


Why don't you go out and get laid instead of shitting on these threads? :P


Well what I tried to said before is that the amount of women that are interested in extreme kinds of music is way smaller that those of males.

From my personal experience about 25%-30% of the guys I know are extreme music fans (metal, hard EDM, etc.)

In girls is way smaller around 5-10%.




ime yes. of about 5 female DJs in my area only one plays anything other than darkpsy




There seems to be a lack of women musicians in a lot of different genres, not just Psy. Rock, Blues, Jazz, Punk, Hip-Hop, Metal, Reggae, etc all seem to have mostly male musicians. There is a definite "nerd factor" to psy music though, since it requires a lot of fiddling with synths/computers.




Why don't you go out and get laid instead of shitting on these threads? :P


This topic did sound familiar.

Slow? As compared to Izratrance? If this is slow, Izratrance is a fossil. Maybe they could make psynews have chat room ability. That way you can actually have somewhat of a realtime conversation and it wouldn't be slow. Forum-based communication is like a category in your email. But, what would really spice this place up ... more women.


Don't worry that awesome mind-blowing original sound will naturally return. Practice Wu-Wei, for now.

P.S. Thank you for bringing your feminine energy and softness to this typically masculine and stubborn forum. I just realized something...the problem with psytrance is that it's a sausage fest. Screw Mars, Psy needs woman. :wacko:;):wub:



Dear Mr Maxfactor,


Although I heartily agree that psy needs women, I regret to inform you that I am not one of them.


Just a big hairy 30something guy who happened to like neverending story when he was little.







If the question were, "What does 99% of psynews.com's audience have in common?" Answer: "Just a big hairy 30 something guy..." I kid and I joke, but the truth is pretty close and that makes this computer screen a whole lot more attractive. Screw Mars! Psynews Needs Woman. Psytrance in general needs women.

I have another theory, yes another. Psytrance would be a lot more popular, a lot more friendly, a lot more pretty, a lot more creative, a lot more evolved if it didn't scare away so many woman. How many hot woman would flock to the DJ Booth with Goa Gil trainwrecking at 180 BPM? NONE! How many hot woman would flock to the dance floor if it smelled nice, no incense, no patchouli, no dreadlocks-unless your black. Awesome lighting, dancing and mixing with some sort of style, not Grateful Dead Dancing. All of the ones with an IQ high enough to know that DJ Tiesto does not have a Tortilla Chip named after him -- any day now. So, I am ranting again, but am I wrong? Open your mind and your fly will follow. I mean heart.



I don't know but psy seems to be very popular, for men and women. I mean here the crowd is pretty mixed at parties. Obvioulsy more women artists would be nice but you can say that for nearly any musical style since it doesn't matter if you look at snobbish house parties or underground dubstep (or whatever style you wanna name) there are still way less female DJs than male DJs. I think it would take more than a good smelling dancefloor to attracte girls to start DJing. Especially considering that if you enter a party at 10 in the morning (after it was going on for hours allready) there's a nearly 50/50 ratio of males and females on the floor. There is way more going on than Goa Gil DJing and I have the idea that you sort of make the stuff you don't like in the scene (like dreadlook guys :P) responsible for the lack of women. Which is maybe an explanation that is too simple to get close to what it really is about.



I really start to wonder about how psy is in other countries. What you describe has absolutely nothing in common with parties here (or maybe with non-psy parties, especially after-hours in a dark hole). Sure you can be unlucky and hit a party with stupid people (especially indoors) but most of the times it's family vibes, smiling people, everybody taking care of eachother, a good mix of males and females and the music is great too if you care to decide where to go after reading the line-up.



It's like that here too.


Forums seem to attract a lot of these grumpy old-timers who haven't been to parties for years but still claim to know how things are or what the psytrance scene needs most :rolleyes:


So, all these people are wrong, too?;)


AFAIK most women are not that interested in extreme genres.


Yes, they are.

They chose cybertrance.

There's a massive geekery component to doing this type of thing, and for whatever reason most ladies just aren't interested, even though they're just as good as the lads.


All the chicks flocked to the lameness of cybertrance.


Not really that valid


not at all. In fact, most chicks are into weird music. Psytrance was too elitist and misogynistic so they went to cybertrance. Plus, woman like to dance and it's difficult to dance to trains wrecking.:P


WTF is cybertrance? Here in Greece I see a lot of women in psytrance parties. Ok maybe the analogy is somethink like 60+/40- , that's still enough women. Same for dubstep/drum&bass parties etc


ime yes. of about 5 female DJs in my area only one plays anything other than darkpsy


can you give me a link to a mix?


WTF is cybertrance? Here in Greece I see a lot of women in psytrance parties. Ok maybe the analogy is somethink like 60+/40- , that's still enough women. Same for dubstep/drum&bass parties etc


This was the other music sold in the record store I used to buy from: This is cybertrance: 90% of the females chose this over psytrance.imo




not at all. In fact, most chicks are into weird music. Psytrance was too elitist and misogynistic so they went to cybertrance. Plus, woman like to dance and it's difficult to dance to trains wrecking.:P


How exactly psytrance is misogynistic?


How exactly psytrance is misogynistic?


i don't know but the scene has not been nice to woman. so either it doesn't like woman or it doesn't know how to be natural.


i don't know but the scene has not been nice to woman. so either it doesn't like woman or it doesn't know how to be natural.


How did you get the impression that the psy scene has not been nice to women? :unsure:


Dark psytrance has Z-Cat, who is a very talented female artist from russia, her music is a bit cheesey at times (hence the female vocal samples) but the production and sound-design is like something we could all learn from, just beyond perfect, she's one of my favorites, when I think about darkpsy I instantly think about her work included, next to Cosmo, Highko, Kindzadza, Furious, Electrypnose and so on.


How did you get the impression that the psy scene has not been nice to women? :unsure:


because from the early days, it was treated more like a scientific discovery. historically, women have not been given the credit they deserve, especially in discovery. Women have so much power over the environment that they can make it possible for the manifestation of "angelic particles." but their feminine soft sorcery is ignored and they are objectified. when its groovy house music, the need for women is mandatory and gratefully embraced. the icy glare of psy does the opposite when woman need to be thanked because they are the reason for music. they create the music, men just perform coordinated gestures that would be meaningless without the magic that woman weave.


My hero in this scene is Ree.K. Why? She makes music with no outside input, and if you compare what she makes to the music of her husband


How is that possible? Quantum physics shows the opposite, that we all create what we have the ability to see. So, "outside input" is an oxymoron. All input is from outside, or it would be output.


How is that possible? Quantum physics shows the opposite, that we all create what we have the ability to see. So, "outside input" is an oxymoron. All input is from outside, or it would be output.


That was awkwardly phrased. By outside input I meant 'no collaboration'... she isn't part of a 'trance duo' like Analog Pussy, The Nommos, Sirius, ect.


Oh, I see. That's cool. I have to check her out. Does she have any thing in particular, you would recommend for me to listen?


Sure, here's a couple of her tracks:




If you look around Utube you can find some footage of her DJ sets, which are more techno than this but still have a trancy feeling.


AFAIK most women are not that interested in extreme genres.


same train of thoughts/experience...


Why don't you guys go out and get laid instead of making these dumb threads.

Who told you I can't do both? Posted Image
  • 2 months later...

To quote a female friend...



Simply, because there aren't any fit blokes into psytrance.


Yes, thankfully this is psytrance, not brostep, and we're glad for it.


I heard a long radio program about hearing, and the female ear is apparently a lot more "limited" than the male ear. That doesn't go for all women of course, but quite a lot of them. They said that was one of the reasons why there are so few female music producers etc. I tried to find a link, but couldn't. I'll try and see if I can come up with something later.


I heard a long radio program about hearing, and the female ear is apparently a lot more "limited" than the male ear. That doesn't go for all women of course, but quite a lot of them. They said that was one of the reasons why there are so few female music producers etc. I tried to find a link, but couldn't. I'll try and see if I can come up with something later.


It seems it's the other way round. "There is a difference in sensitivity of hearing between the sexes, with women typically having a higher sensitivity to higher frequencies than men."





It seems it's the other way round. "There is a difference in sensitivity of hearing between the sexes, with women typically having a higher sensitivity to higher frequencies than men."





Interesting. It seems women/men definitely have different hearing attributes (generally speaking of course), so that could certainly account for enjoyment of certain types of music more. I think we all know women's/men's minds work differently so I guess it's not surprising that we prefer different things. :) I've also heard women read more books, while men play more video games, for example.


I have to wonder how much of it is societal as well. Let's face it, there is still prejudice against women even in fairly progressive countries (otherwise they wouldn't get paid less than men on average).


I think many people would be surprised how much your brain can impact your hearing/perception too. Most people talk about speaker/headphones needing to be "broken in" for example, but it's actually their brain that is being broken in, getting used to the audio characteristics of that speaker. This is why most people think THEIR speakers sound better than others.


P.S. They have done objective tests on "breaking in" headphones and the differences were extremely small (like 0.2dB in a given frequency). I don't think anyone has ever been able to hear that small of a dB difference in double-blind tests, yet we notice a BIG difference when breaking in headphones.

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