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How do you say "Ololiuqui?"

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Guest Protex Midget

I thought it was pronounced: "Ololikwee"


Another one witch i was never sure about: Ticon.

Who do you say it? is it - Tea-Con, or - Tye-Con

Guest Eshanti Rahman

Fucking good questions!!!!



There are many names I have been wondering about but cant remember any now....

Guess I am too drunk to funk.....hehehe

Guest Eshanti Rahman

Fucking good questions!!!!



There are many names I have been wondering about but cant remember any now....

Guess I am too drunk to funk.....hehehe

Guest Eshanti Rahman

Fucking good questions!!!!



There are many names I have been wondering about but cant remember any now....

Guess I am too drunk to funk.....hehehe


yeah I thought it was olo - lik - wee.

but there's too many U's or something for that.


Ticon I guessed was tye-conn.


What about Tsuyoshi (actually I can't spell that wither. Hopeless).


I've always had problems pronouncing Hallucinogen, because I pronounce it different before....

Guest bugbread

Tsu as in "Rat Soup" (minus the "ra" and the "p")

Yo as in "Yo, whattsup?!" (Actually, it's a bit different, but there's no direct English equivalent sound, and "yo, whassup" is close enough.

Shi as in "She"


Any other Japanese bands/people I can help ya out on?

Guest Protex Midget

Good question anoebis. I beleive it's X and V, but who knows???

Guest Setsuko

a thought XV was another way to say DJ , someone said this in the review or the forum but i'm not sure..


i think it's OLOLEE - OU - KEE , but it's just a guess



I believe "Ticon" should be pronounced "Tony Blair".


Furthermore, calling "Parasence" "Parasence" is just ridiculous, as every Russian could tell you that the proper form of pronounciation is "No mad hats allowed or else".


Keep those in mind and you'll have a good long life.


Protex Midget,


re: Ticon - I thought it was pronounced "tic-on"


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

or is that too simple?


***backround info***


Ololuiqui is an American Indian word. It is the name of a medicine made of parts of a plant of the genus Ipoemea. The flowers and seeds of this plant containing a lysergenic (?) acid, a compond related to LSD as we know it, only less potent.


The plant is called Morning Glory in English, because it flowers only in the morning. It has beautiful deep blue flowers. The seeds can be bought in garden centers.




I have an MD which I labelled Morning Glory, because it has this beautiful melodic morning trance on it. But when my friends read that, they thought of something very different (that gets up in the morning too)...

Guest bugbread

Son Kite is pronounced Sonn Kite. I can say that pretty definitevely because in an interview with Son Kite it says the name comes from "Son" for sound (as in Sonic" and Kite as in the thing that glides in the sky on a string.


Not that anyone's asked, but one that I was surprised at is UbarTmar. Both of the R's are silent (it's pronounced UbaTama). Ubatama is Japanese for peyote.


Another Japanese one that has a neat name is Kinocosmo (Key No Cosmo). Kinoko is Japanese for mushroom, so it's a neat play on words.


And for more pointless Japanese gratification, the Boredoms changed their name a few years back. It's still spelled Boredoms, but whereas the old way of pronouncing it was Boredomz, the new one has a hard "S", like the "s" at the end of the word "cats". Damn them and their silly name changes.


(Speaking of which, Eye of the Boredoms has changed his last name 3 or 4 times, from Yamatsuka to Yamantaka to Yamataka, apparently because John Zorn kept mispronouncing his name)

Guest Mike Indidginus

Jar, I often have problems with pronouncing my name. Can you help me out?



It has no particular pronunciation because it's an Aztec word... No body knows how the Aztecs said the word anymore...


and what about Chi-AD?

is it chi- A. D. (aaa-deee) or chi-ad (add) or chi-aid (like in 1st aid) ?

For me it's the first...


But I do know it's Mike IN-DEED-GENIOUS... hèhè ;)

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