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Artist: Various

Title: Yggdrasil

Label: Yggdrasil Records

Date: September, 2005


01 :: PhasePhour - Evolution of Space

02 :: Heggmatech - There Is A Place

03 :: Trold - Fruit Juice

04 :: Krussedull - Lord Vader

05 :: Tech Republic - The Incredible Machine

06 :: Phobium - Self Interest

07 :: Loke - Twisted Nerve

08 :: Psy-Fi - Wind


Chapter 7 in the series You Motherf*cking piece of Sh*t is an oldie but a goodie. I am fairly late to the forest party, but what I have discovered is that not only is it insanely trippy, but it can also be melodic and groovy as hell. This is a free promo that the label put out 6 years ago full of Norwegian artists. Since the massacre (hence the title of the review) in Norway I figure it's the least I could do to shine the spotlight on our very good friends way up there. Norway. Up until recently the only other country that gets less attention is Lichtenstein. Seems like all the other Scandinavian countries steal all the notoriety. Denmark has Hans Christen Andersen, Finland has reindeer, Sweden has hot blonde chicks, and what does Norway have? Fjords?


I'll tell you what they have...some seriously twisted musicians.



Evolution of Space- I wasn't aware these two guys made forest music. Ah, but here you go. The bass lead is the big feature here and it gets twisted this way and that. With echoing effects it feels more outer space than Scandinavian forest. Not a lot to be afraid of though as it doesn't really evolve into anything.


There is a place- "When and Indian is lost he must reach into the spirit to find a way. We are lost right now."


Now this is more like it. Trippy sounds rising and falling and did you see that? That motherf*cker pushed me down this hole! This is rife with the stink of fear but has some melody to give you just enough light to see the overgrown trail. Spooky animal sounds call from the dark to let you know you're not alone. Creepy.


Fruit Juice- "Hey! What kinda party is this?"


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A f*cking awesome party, that's what! This has melody, plenty of effects, and a groove factor that's off the charts. It throws my entire perception of reality into question. I feel ya. But you expect nothing but the best from Trold or do you not recall Time of Illusion from 2007? Hit the books, Poindexter!


Lord Vader- "Lord Vader....Yes master?...Rise."


10 and a half minutes means you better pee now because you have a lot of digital farts to get through. The lead at the outset blends into the next one as if hiding behind a thick mossy tree. New synths sprout out of the ground quickly like a plant biologist's wet dream. Too much? I liked it, but felt it went on a little long.


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Recession is f*cking with everyone's paper.



The Incredible Machine-


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Bingo. It's hot as a b*tch here. F*ck Al Gore's internet, greatest invention of all time right there. Lots of echoes and wobbling and I have my hallucination set to high. This is look at your hand and see it quivering type freakout sh*t. I can see every molecule tumble out of the plastic bottle as I pour it in a glass. Rumbling, and I mean RUMBLING bass as static rises to a fever pitch. What the hell is going on here?


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Kill it! Kill it! Kill that motherf*cker!!!



Self Interest- This one switches direction a lot from muffled hi-hats to screaming alarm like leads and chopped up bits of sound. The layers fall nicely into place as the synths play a cat and mouse game at high velocity. Not bad at all.


Twisted Nerve- Don't leave me. This is what I would be saying if I were in this nightmare. To the untrained ear, it would sound like a bunch of noises echoing over a constant bass line and kick. But the modulated leads and delicate synth tones speak of downed trees and fog so thick you can cut it with a knife. Harsh tones and evil whistles don't help. Did it just get colder in here? This reminds me of Jeepers Creepers when I'm a mac goes down that pipe and sees all those people sewn to the ceiling. Not something that I would choose to listen to, but if you're looking for a hallucinatory soundtrack...you found one.


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Jeepers, creepers...where'd you get those peepers...


Wind- For a track named wind it sure has a bunch of loud washes. Eerie leads lead me to believe this is what happens when you realize you're lost in a forest the size of Manhattan. F*cked.



Wow, that was demented. There were parts that were melodic and parts that were just plain scary. And I mean that in a great way. This is Alice in Wonderland on acid with strong atmosphere. As I mentioned, I'm just getting into the whole forest thing, so any recommendations would be appreciated. This was delicious. If I find myself in a Norwegian fores at nighttime, I'm sure you'll find me with well soiled trousers.







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