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im sending out free demos,

so if you want a copy, with all the latest goodies from: Cujorius One, Shrimptease, Handbuch and Front Minimâle


email your address to me cujo@cujorius.dk


also if you have friends, relatives, colleaques, whatever, who might be interested.

Promoters, organizers, labels, dj's. etc.

if you think they would be interested.. give me their address as well..


so i hope i'll hear from you :)



How do we pay for the package, the postcompany needs money to deliver it.. In form of stamps etc.. Iam living in Denmark too, so it would not be a problem, but I like to know how much it will cost :)

Not that it is a problem, but.. Iam only cujorious ;)..



Take Care..



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