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Artist: X-Noize

Title: Clockwise

Label: HOM-mega Productions

Date: November, 2010



1. Good old days (with Techtonic)

2. By any means necessary (Remix) - 3.Turn

3. PTXnoiZe (with PTX)

4. Machines (X-Noize 2010 Remix) - Loud

5. Dymethltryptamine (Remix) - Quantize

6. Losing control (with Guy Salama feat. Tom C.)

7. Deep fried (with Illumination)

8. Clockwise (Live Mix feat. Tom C.)

9. On board (Hipnotix rmx)

10. Rock n' Roll



When I take long walks in the woods, I am very fond of saying, "You know what we need? More full on."


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Music is one of the most powerful forces on Earth. It can be so many things to so many people, but all of them are moving. It can excite you, bring you to the highest of highs or it can make you want to dance until your heart gives out. It can pump you up for a certain task or relax you to the point of being asleep. It is beautiful and violent and passionate with the ability to change futures.


But saying we need more full-on is like saying...


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"Yeah, I see what you're trying to do, I do. But could you possibly make it...I dunno...more gay?



Let's start from the beginning shall we? X-Noize are Barak Argaman and Nadav Bonen from the Holy Land and this appears to be their 3rd studio album. They seem to be one of those projects that is intent on making a living with this genre of music and good or bad this usually means they appeal to the more...ahem, commercial side of things.


And by commercial I mean lowest common denominator.


Their style is a mix of full-on and...well, more full-on. Not the deep, moving and intricate (don't laugh, it could happen) type of music but the stand behind the decks and pump up the crowd flashy light show hopefully soon to work with David Guetta and Akon type stuff.


HOM-mega, a once proud label, has fully embraced the abyss of generic full-on and aspire to the Michael Jordan philosophy to coming up with a classic.


Take a lot of shots and some are bound to score points.


With statements like "leaving many dancers and clubbers breathless" and "dance floor saga" the promo leaves no doubt where this journey is headed. Shall we jump aboard?



Good Old Days- "I need you to get me something."


You know when I read that they were "circling clockwise from old school goa trance" I must admit that the only thing I thought that they might be circling was the drain. Look at the album cover...tell me it doesn't look like the drain in your shower full of your girlfriends hair. But that's not what is important; it is of course the music. Well they deliver a punishing beat and a slight (heavy on the word slight) goa flavored lead. Sure there are buildups, but this is X-Noize we're talking about here. Were you expecting Arabic scales? If you were, then you were the victim of a snake oil salesman. As far as full-on goes, it's not bad at all especially with the break near the end where it changes course with an epic trance lead. Good show for an opener.


By Any Means Necessary (X-Noize Remix)- Hop on the horse cause it's galloping bass line time! They're onto something here as this sounds great with a echoing synth adding to the rhythm. There are some techno influences here along with plenty of washes. It's dirty and gritty with metallic synths and a really nice break with a 303 rising from the depths. Oh no you didn't


Yep they did. And they killed it. Great track.


PTXnoize- "Ok so now for a quick practical example of grass."


Here is a collaboration with another prolific full-on artist PTX who has released some quality tracks, even though his latest Fade Out was a disappointment. It's your typical full-on but it has a deep bottom end that gives it some oomph. Another nice break with floaty pads, funky percussion, and leads crawling to the filtered surface. It's been over 5 minutes so you know a buildup is coming right? Didn't bother me one bit though as this track was a little bit of tasty full-on.


Machines (X-Noize 2010 Remix)- "Move your body like machines."


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I know what you're thinking Captain. While the first 3 tracks were surprisingly good, it only took track 4 for the wheels to come off. Here the duo remix a track by Loud and it comes complete with paint by numbers full-on as well as the above sample repeated several times. Ugh.


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Hey look at me I'm making psytrance!




Dymethyltryptamine (X-Noize Remix)- "What are you looking for?"


Just can't let it go can you? While the rest of the scene is playing down the drug part of the scene you guys feel the need to hang your hat on one of the biggest cliche's in the genre. This is a remix of the Quantize track from the Borderline compilation, with darker overtones. Now I have to admit that the sample was pretty cool and I actually liked it. But the rest of the track I liked a little differently.


In the same way I like listening to my crying newborn at 3:45 a.m.



Losing Control- Some pretty good full-on here, but which of the rocket scientists decided to sing on this? Control has surely been lost which is a shame because it was shaping up to be not disgustingly terrible. Unfortunately, I would liken it to Arnold doing Shakespeare. It might sound good to him, but it comes out like this


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Deep Fried- "You know I, years ago used to hold the opinion and still do that this thing could've come from outer space. How long have mushrooms been around since they're primary decomposers you would assume they've been around since the get go. You see the miracle of psilocyban is the hallucination."


See this one I liked. It had great flow and kept my toe tapping, so I know they can still make good music. There was more of an ominous mood with none of the commercial crap that full-on can be infected with. Besides if it's one thing we know about in the South it's deep fried food. We'll fry anything. Oreos, pickles, twinkies, Coke.


Yeah, that's right, we fry Coke down here.


Clockwise (Live Mix)- I've lost count as to how many of the tracks here begin with the galloping bass line so let's just say it's all of them. Still, this one is flexing some muscle and a look over your shoulder quality that is appealing. You would think that the cheesy vocals would f*ck it all up, but it didn't. I particularly enjoyed the vocal during the break. It gives the whole thing a broader appeal, an alternative vibe. I like it the way I like fruity mixed drinks...they taste great but I wouldn't let my boys see me drinking it.


On Board (Hipnotix Remix)- Another powerful track that builds momentum and has nice melodies that are well structured. So yeah me and Batman are on board. See, here's a video of us at the swing club.


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What? No we're not gay, we just like to have a good time.


Sure it's full-on (where the hell have you been?) but it sounds great. The break is pretty massive as well seeing a huge synth line rise up and finish strongly. Sounds a lot like Xerox & Illumination XI stuff.


Rock 'n' Roll- With a grumbling progressive feel and a hearty hi-ho silver we march forward with sizzle. Take a listen, it sounds like bacon in the pan. Groovy as f*ck but the rock and roll music sample just makes me want to turn it off. Then the banging started and I just...ah f*ck it. Couldn't take it. I'm going for a walk in the woods.


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Hey good lookin', how you doin'?



Revolver Live Mix (System Nipel & White Noise Remix)- "You're out of you're f*cking mind!"


Mr. Nipel's Deep Into Matter really impressed me, but so did the Atari 5200. What have you done for me lately? The answer to that is not much if you can hear it over the guitar. And the build up.

Fill...wait for it...er.




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Let me tell you when I first got my hands on this I was ready to give it the business. Fresh meat for the sarcastic parade. But I treat this like a guilty pleasure. I won't insult your intelligence and tell you that this is a massive release and it will set a new benchmark for the genre. Of course it won't, it's full on. But it has numerous little twists and turns that make it an enjoyable listen. I would say half of it is pretty good and the other half will test your endurance and patience. If we measure the worst of the genre at Alien Jesus, then this is a lot better. Obviously not essential, but if you're in a cotton candy mood this might give you a cavity.









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