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He is into some common ideas like karma and re-incarnation. But he also talks about how current humanity will evolve up to higher planes of existance. But then eventually will return to the physical plane, but not as humans, but rather planets, sun systems, galaxies. And this, he says, is a ever evolving spiral of evolution.


Let's say you are a man, in this part of the spiral. But then when you come back to the physical plane you are "women planet". And next time a "male sun". and then a "women galaxy". But it starts over again as atoms. So this you have the chance to try out life with a whole new sex. Atom man, female cell, male organ, female human, etc....


This happens during an immense time period. And currently the evolution is forced, so within 3000 years, when our planet has "cosmic consciousness", alot of people on earth will also gain cosmic consciousness. This is of course a goal for a lot of people. But you cannot really rush evolution, let's say with drugs, this is just taking an even longer path.


Ok. On the subject of drugs. Which I know is a hot topic here. He says it damages the spiritutal genes. Which he calls "talent kernels". And they blossom after each re-incarnation. So when you incarnate into a new physical body, your goal, in the uterace, is to build this body with help from your mothers blood. But also with the "talent kernels" which has the fundamental design of the body and power to create. And after a previous life of heavy drinking or drug abusing, the risk that you are reborn as a handicap. Or other physical or mental flaws.


Of what you wrote, I would say that most is in accordance to the doctrine I follow: Spiritualism. I have never heard of Martinus, but his view on spiritual evolution is almost similar to what we read in Allan Kardec's The Book of the Spirits. And I can't agree more on the subject of drugs, I also once wrote about the deep damages caused by drugs one carries afterlife.

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