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Artist: Synergic

Title: Liquid Depth

Label: Space Baby Records

Date: October, 2011


1. Liquid Depth

2. Ich mag das

3. Delusion Red

4. Nice interfering noise

5. Ujulala

6. There is nothing wrong

7. The Secret

8. The other side

9. It is all one



Synergic are Torgen Anton & Benjamin Neiss and a little while back I reviewed their debut EP which can be found on Ektoplazm. Here's the link. http://www.psynews.o...__fromsearch__1 By the way, is there anyway to make the link into a word instead of that ugly long link?


I thought the EP had a bunch of promise and brought together several styles. This is their debut full length and right off the bat I love the cover. Beautiful colors and imagery. Second and of equal importance was the fact that it is released by the same label that was responsible for Alienapia's superb Goapocalipsis. This album was actually made in 2008 and just recently released so apparently these tracks are 3 years older than the stuff on the EP. Hmmmm....I wonder why that happened?



Liquid Depth- Right off the bat there are sounds of the shore and they dive (pardon the pun) right into a progressive groove surrounded by plenty of effects. After 4 minutes though and little in the way of evolution it begins to grow stale and stays that way. I'll treat it as an intro track but...we're not starting well.


Ich Mag Das- Already there is a better groove but again this track is boring. It has better melody work and a drifting style but... I dunno. I think the title is German for What the hell is going on here? So far this sounds nothing like their EP and I'm just looking around trying to figure out what happened?


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Yeah like these guys.


Delusion Red- There are some weird combinations of deep electronic bubbling and tabla work but it's another example of a track relying on effects to carry the load. When the twisted voice begins to speak I feel like this is the soundtrack to a cheesy carnival ride. Not impressive.


Nice Interfering Noise- Computer gyrations abound as they shimmer in a very cyber environment. An immediate improvement over the previous two three tracks but where is the power or the chaotic leads? It just plods along without showing any spark.


Ujulala- Now that is a bass line with some attitude. Forest sounds trickle out from rocks and stumps, bringing a nice lush feel. Leads rattle off and leave a trail like smoke as the guitar strums. The best one so far even though it too was lacking any twists or turns.


There is Nothing Wrong- Sure there is...the album so far is full of weak tracks. But like the last two we are on the upswing. Thick effects and a slow wobbly bass line make for an ominous tone. Definitely an alien land that is filled with darkness. It's the perfect soundtrack for a trip through cold space. Me likey.


The Secret- Rumbling bass and loads of sci-fi effects give this beast some swagger. It's darkpsy like I like my darkpsy. Atmospheric while not screaming at me. Imagine you found a Scandinavian forest in the middle of space. Twisted sounds abound but also soft comforting pads. Good stuff.


The Other Side- The mindbending forest sound continues with flashes and bubbling synths that make you feel like the ground you walk on is alive. Nothing flashy, just good organic psytrance with a bunch of layers. The second half of this album has really taken an upswing.


It Is All One- More effects but this track lacks the presence the previous ones had and sadly is a return to the trudging of the first three tunes.




The first thing you have to realize is that this was made 3 years ago. Compared to their EP this is thin and lacking in evolution and the power that they had with the One Mystery Left EP had yet to manifest itself with this release. Everything sounds like it's far away. It's good to know that the current incarnation of Synergic is more detailed and mature now than when this was made. That said, the second half of the album is miles better than the first, being more descriptive and dark. Very skilled these musicians are at crafting a sinister vibe. They are on the right path and let's face it, the music is supposed to get better the longer you work at it.


There's a lot of music to choose from out there. I suppose people read my reviews to be entertained but I also hope to inform consumers what an album or EP is like. Thank you Torgen for giving me the opportunity to review your early work...it's good to see where you guys were. I do indeed look forward to new tracks from this project.









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