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Last time when I was tripping I listened to this album and I have to say it is just amazing. I know it's close to regular prog but the effects and the music still differs from other stuff I was listening to. So can anybody recommend similar music?


Link to some samples: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=7688

  • 5 weeks later...

How could this thread go unnoticed for so long ?????


Just gave this album a nice spin this morning , and i must say Tatsu you have some sexy taste ;) end of day is the most bodyrocking progressive tune i have heard in a looooong time, still have to listen to it more to see which other tracks are outstanding.


I suppose you could check out Timedrained - Dilemma from 2007 & Time in Motion after doing a check at last.fm


Glad i stumbled upon your thread , i would not have found this album otherwise. :)




Very nice suggestion here. I'm a bid sucker for Time In Motion since I saw a them live about two years ago. Unfortunately they don't have an album out (yet?) but only compilation tracks and two EPs.


I will immediately check Timedrained out. I haven't even heard of them but if you mention them together with TiM and Nasser they must be great! Thanks exotic! :wub:


The Timedrained album is obviously not as good as the Nasser album , I got that from the last.fm similar artists list. So i would suggest listen to the samples before blindly buying it, as i think you would :P Just don't want you to rush into it just because i mentioned them with TIM. ;)


Well, you really know me.... :D I gave the samples a short listen, it had interesting (interesting as in tripping with it might be cool) parts and so I ordered it. Together with the two Hi Profile albums you mentioned in Draeke's thread. Samples sounded nice too.


I hope you like Hi-profile, the only thing that gets me in a good mood these days. :rolleyes:


Samples sounded nice and not as "standardized" as a lot of other prog releases. Considering it manages to make you happy it should work for me as well.

  • 3 weeks later...

I finally have time to listen to the Timedrained album. I'm not done yet but so far it really is kinda similar to the Nasser stuff. Rather calm but still with lots of stuff going on. Will have to see if tripping to it will be fun.


Some more suggestions maybe? :)




Been playing motion drive a lot these days, i love their sound. This remix album comes highly recommended, a fab job done by all the featured artists. Not very often do you see such a splendid remix album in which the next track is better than the last!! give it a shot .. definitely should rock your soxxxxx :D

  • 2 weeks later...

I have to correct my view on the Tmiedrained album. It is nice but it did not have the expected effects while tripping. Some effects were mindblowing but it was by far not as awesome as Nasser's album. But maybe I found another goodie: Suntree - Inside. I'm listening to it right now (sobber tho) and I think it might be good to trip to. But it will take some time until I can check that out... Motion Drive are actually nice to, haven't heard them while trippin tho.

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