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I was looking at my collection of Somnia releases and started to wonder what happened?! First they pump one awesome release out one after another (http://www.discogs.com/label/Somnia) and then no releases after 2009!!! The website is also down (somniasound.com) and I remember they were planning a few back in 2009 and then nothing happened.


I can see almost same pattern with the parent label Native State Records, with one exception of a Bluetech (file-release) in 2011. (ED: and one album in 2010)


Maybe Evan is just busy?! I get a a news-letter once in a while with "live-dates" but that should not stop a label should it!?


I want Somnia back!!!!!


Yeah, somnia was on fire for a while. I guess it just petered out as Evan got busier and busier and he no longer had the time or energy to hand craft 777 cd cases.

He still produces music though that could go on somnia, his collaboration with Killowatts last year was awesome and I hear he's got a new save the rainforest album out, not heard it though.

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