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Artist: Ritmo

Title: Phrase - A

Label: http://www.iono-music.com

Date: 05.12.2011


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In modern times, art was perceived as a pure unit that represents a cohesive

and universal idea. But then Postmodernism appeared, and tried to challenge

these definitions of art and stretch them in order to break the rigid borders

that Modernism has created. Postmodernism introduced the term of collage,

which means taking different unites and assemble them together into one

piece.Phrases in music can be seen as a kind of collage; separate units that

combined together create a track.


After some time of polishing and perfecting his sound, Ritmo, aka Dubi Dagan,

has decided to take a different approach for his second album. Forget what

you know about albums, and take a look to the future. Trying to experiment

with innovative directions of expressing his art, Ritmo decided to take the

concept of Phrases and separate them into two phrases – Phrase A & Phrase B.

Each Phrase consists of a collage of Ritmo's latest artistic creation and expresses

different moods. Phrase A, is the melodic, happy and sunny side of Phrases.


It begins with 'Follow Me', which is a seductive psychedelic tune that signals you,

as the sample will say - to leave everything behind and follow this revolutionary

process. After you managed to pass the first stage, you will start having 'Big Eyes'.

This is a natural procedure in Phrase A, and comes with reinforcement of Motion Drive,

aka Philip Guillaume. Having 'Big Eyes' helps you realize the positive side of life and start

dancing in a manic uncontrolled manner to show it. If you think that it will help you

distinguish between a 'Dream & Reality' then you might be expecting a surprise.

Because this trip was designed exactly for destroying all the predictable assumption

we have, and the best way is to embrace the notion that a dream and reality can

happen simultaneously. For the final phase of Phrase A, we must 'Imprint' you. After

all, passing through such a musical turbulence needs a final proof that you are eligible

to go to the next stage, to Phase B. But in order to leave a mark that will give the

proper grounds for this kind of 'Imprint', Ritmo called another expert for the job –

Zen Mechanics, aka Wouter Thomassen. Together, they create the finale that both

closes a Phrase and opens another one, using their special thumping base line and

sweeping rhythms.




01. Ritmo - Follow Me

02. Ritmo & Motion Drive - Big Eyes

03. Ritmo - Dream & Reality

04. Ritmo & Zen Mechanics - Imprint





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