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@ Tatsu,


Selling masks and other stuff, like hallucinogen mousepad is ok and if I had more money I would buy such things to support the label, artists should not produce music only for people to hear, when someone likes music a lot and the artist, he should donate him, like you pay for games and gear aswell, buying mechandise like mousepads, mise and other stuff is not a problem at all IMO. I am sure Simon Posford, as the main face of Twisted does not need to work some other job, Twisted sells well, Ott, Youger Brother, shpongle, they all are liked and they sel well, but some smaller artists are not that well and i am sure the newschool artists don#t get a lot of money. Goasia, ypsilon5 and so on, when I looked, 1000 copies pressed of a very good album, is that all albums that will ever sell, 1000? In po music people sell millions of albums.

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That's a good thing then. But well, compared to, let's say make a living with it? Not a Lady Gaga living but like grant Simon something like a regular salary all in all?


I am sure he gets enough to live well with his label, Ott, Shpongle, younger Brother and many many more.



That's a good thing then. But well, compared to, let's say make a living with it? Not a Lady Gaga living but like grant Simon something like a regular salary all in all?


I don't know. But pretty much every swedish online cd/dvd shop has Shpongle in their stock (compared to zero Logic Bomb) I can only assume they sell some of their CDs :)

@ Tatsu,


Selling masks and other stuff, like hallucinogen mousepad is ok and if I had more money I would buy such things to support the label, artists should not produce music only for people to hear, when someone likes music a lot and the artist, he should donate him, like you pay for games and gear aswell, buying mechandise like mousepads, mise and other stuff is not a problem at all IMO. I am sure Simon Posford, as the main face of Twisted does not need to work some other job, Twisted sells well, Ott, Youger Brother, shpongle, they all are liked and they sel well, but some smaller artists are not that well and i am sure the newschool artists don#t get a lot of money. Goasia, ypsilon5 and so on, when I looked, 1000 copies pressed of a very good album, is that all albums that will ever sell, 1000? In po music people sell millions of albums.


I never said it is a problem. I just stated that then it was a rumour (or a guess) that he might need money.


Exactly because it sells so much it is called pop(ular) music.


If artists want to sell more, then they need to make their music more accessible to more people. This usually goes the way of dumbing it down as it were and the likes of us music snobs would no longer like it. What you are proposing Radi could be the end of the scene so I'd rather it didn't get too big.


You can do the little things to promote stuff you like though. You could start by fixing the dead link in your signature to something that is still alive and could do with people clicking on it.


Well, a big scene does not neccesarrily mean bad music at all, Rammstein are world famous and their music is one of the best I know, also some metallica and apocalyptica, Rammstein are rich and have concerts all over the world, yet their music can compete with great goa trance, tracks like Sonne, Zwitter, Benzin, Feuer Frei c an compete with awesome goa trance IMO, also the latest Pop songs that are coming out are better then earlier Pop songs and some stuff from Pussycat dolls or lady Gaga is artistically good music, so the argument that if the scene gets bigger the music will get worse is absolutely bullshit and honestly I think that people just talk like that without thinking seriously. shpongle is very well known and probably more people love it then Astral Projection, even so Ott, yet these albums are some of the best music albums I know, which is another example that fammous music does not need to be bad at all.


Most of what you've mentioned I think is pure shite.

Apart from Rammstein who are in the few percent of talented artists that get famous most of the big sellers are IMO complete crap that I would never want to support....although often very pretty. How many of our goa stars look good strutting their stuff on stage?


Well, a big scene does not neccesarrily mean bad music at all, Rammstein are world famous and their music is one of the best I know, also some metallica and apocalyptica, Rammstein are rich and have concerts all over the world, yet their music can compete with great goa trance, tracks like Sonne, Zwitter, Benzin, Feuer Frei c an compete with awesome goa trance IMO, also the latest Pop songs that are coming out are better then earlier Pop songs and some stuff from Pussycat dolls or lady Gaga is artistically good music, so the argument that if the scene gets bigger the music will get worse is absolutely bullshit and honestly I think that people just talk like that without thinking seriously. shpongle is very well known and probably more people love it then Astral Projection, even so Ott, yet these albums are some of the best music albums I know, which is another example that fammous music does not need to be bad at all.


Posted Image



Wait. Stop. Pop with a higher artistic value would be Florence And The Machine and stuff.


Goa trance, Lady Gaga, Rammstein AND Pussycat Dolls in the same paragraph is just so wrong


I don't see it as wrong. Taste is taste...


Imho you can compare the styles as you like. I like some Rammstein tracks and I like some Lady Gaga tracks. For what they are in their genre (catchy, banging, whatever). But the difference between Goa/Psy and stuff like Metal or Pop is that the later styles are (most of the times, there are exceptions of course) not psychedelic At least not the stuff that gets sold a million copys.. A lot of regular people get turned off by too much psychedelica in the music. Even when it is rather soft like with Shpongle or Younger Brother and not banging in your face acid-style. I doubt this will change.


I didn't say it was wrong to degrade someone's taste, or the range of their interest in music.


I like some pop myself as well. I don't bang my head around all day to 4x4 beats either, although sometimes I'd love to :)


My point is, trying draw a parallel between Lady Gaga and Rammstein, musical acts of extreme success and a large fan base, and a scene where artists are seen as lucrative if they push a thousand units is just preposterous. Sorry...


Instead of "dreaming" of a world where Simon Posford is financially on par with The Pussycat Dolls, people should promote and advertise within reasonable limits and boundries within wich this scene is realistically bound.


As I previously stated, but no one seemed to notice, for good and quality promotion, maybe people should first have a look at the examples I stated on the first page of this thread...


Man, Jeff Mills is considered a freaking billionare by the standards of the electronic music industry, and what the fuck is one Jeff Mills compared to guys like The Arctic Monkeys or something, and I won't even mention the really large acts.


If you want to promote and help, you don't go to a million Gaga fans and try to convince them that Filteria is the shit. You have a targeted audience, people whose interests maybe coincide with yours, and then slowly you move up the food chain.


I know artists and labels, Sandwell District being a great recent-er example, who print batches of a few thou records and manage to sell their stock very quickly. Loyal fan base, excellent promotion = guaranteed gigs with a lot of interest = more or less a regular cash flow.


Having dreams that Suntrip Records (I will just use them as an example, no harm intended) will sign multi platinum artists is a little too far fetched, even for a new Harry Potter movie, I think.


Well, with such talk and no action, it is indeet too far fetched, but I opened this thread to discuss what true goa trance fans can do, to make the scene larger and let's not get unfocused of that, I might open such topic at Twisted.co.uk, since there are a lot of people, metall listeners and other who are amazed, when first hearing Hallucinogen, MFG, Indoor or Astral projection or Electric Universe, so we need to spread it a bit.




I will post now links to Goa tracks on facebook,


I will add links on forum signatures where I am signed in,


I will write many reviews on Amazon so not all albums are empty and people do not know what to think about a certain album.


I am allready writting reviews in German of psytrance albums on www.dooyoo.de and you even get a bit credit for writting reviews there.


What will you do?


@ rino: totally agree with you. :)


@ radi: I actually had to smile reading your "such talk, no action" sentence. There are people in this forum who have spend years with promoting the scene. Be it with writing reviews, collecting stuff, organise events, making music and what not. While others just recently started to pay for their music... It's cool you write reviews and do all that stuff, but thinking it's something people have not done before is maybe a bit naive.


Just buy the music. That's the most important thing you/one can do. There's no use in trying to evangelize people.

Of all the people that are attending goa/psy parties around the world, minus the ones that are there for the drugs only (Huge image problem for the genre by the way. One that actually prevents the people of showing interest into the music or even "scene", at least around my place), if only 10% would actually buy the music they are listening to on a frequent basis, imo a lot of artists would be better off.


Imo it's not so much a problem of too few fans, but too few well-financed or too many stingy people :-)



//Edit: @OP: One question...might be a bit heretical, though: You said you produce music. You probably use software for that. Did you pay for that? Did you pay for every song you have on your HD?


Well I do have paid tracks on my hdd, but you should not distract from the topic, the big thing is that we have to spread the music, post links on our signatures whereever we can and write reviews of albums on amazon, which don't have them, a person is much more likely to click on an album, if it allready has reviews, so please have in mind to do it from time to time.


and some stuff from Pussycat dolls is artistically good music




Psy is underground and needs to stay underground. There is already a lack of good stuff in the psy-scene (just like in any genre's scene actually), the more money getting involved the shittier the results will always get. I think it's best for psy to stay away from commercialism, otherwise everyone will go skazi and then there will be a time where everyone of us will be remembering the good old stuff getting released in the early days and use it as a counter-reaction to the fact of how shitty psytrance and goa has become. If you want more examples, look at dubstep.


Psy is underground and needs to stay underground. There is already a lack of good stuff in the psy-scene (just like in any genre's scene actually), the more money getting involved the shittier the results will always get. I think it's best for psy to stay away from commercialism, otherwise everyone will go skazi and then there will be a time where everyone of us will be remembering the good old stuff getting released in the early days and use it as a counter-reaction to the fact of how shitty psytrance and goa has become. If you want more examples, look at dubstep.




No, for sure not, being well known and producing good music are not opposites, it seems my post either get ignored or the people here, just like the user above can not comprehent or are too ignorant. How are Rammstein, Simon Posford, Metallica, Jean Mishele jarre, Vangelis and many more very popular and still make some of the best music in the world? And by the way, a lot of psytrance is allready shitty and for the scene to have good tracks, artists just want more profit from it.


and for the scene to have good tracks, artists just want more profit from it.


And how we're gonna achieve that? By forcing our friends to listen to psytrance? If psytrance could have been more mainstream it would have been already. That's my theory. You can put millions of links in facebook etc. if people don't like it they never will. I tried many times to make my friends interested in psytrance, but I failed.


Like Ionized wrote just by their music. Case closed.



And how we're gonna achieve that? By forcing our friends to listen to psytrance? If psytrance could have been more mainstream it would have been already. That's my theory. You can put millions of links in facebook etc. if people don't like it they never will. I tried many times to make my friends interested in psytrance, but I failed.


Like Ionized wrote just by their music. Case closed.


You are right, it is quite difficult, but it is possible to get some people into it, that would usually not know it, it is possible at least.


I really don't like when I hear "I don't want them to make more money or get more popular, that degrades the quality" - so what, you rather have them not make anything and have very little to no motivation to keep going? That also degrades the quality. I don't want psytrance to become over-consumed crap either, but I would like to see the artist benefit more from it. Now how can that work when most of the listeners aren't actually doing their part at all? If you've never bought a new CD, consider make some donations, just anything that could help.


It's a huge gap from listening to buying, but whatever little you can do for whatever little sums you can spare, considering it. Just saying "herp derp, I don't want them to get more money and I won't give them any either, but I'll consume it freely", is morally just messed up. Little is still something. It might be enough.


But I'm interested in what the 90's offered to artists like Etnica and others, who made such ridiculously good music and managed to keep going. Did CD sales give them a fair share back then or was it the amount of parties that made them the money that kept them going? Because I know for a fact that they wouldn't have done what they did for nothing.

"I can't enjoy a song if there's no lyrics"


Dumbest* sentence ever.


Without the typo, of course, I whole heartedly agree. That is one of the worst. Taste is taste, but everyone can broaden their musical ear regardless.

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