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Artist: Various Artists

Title: Christiania Selection

Label: http://www.iono-music.com

Date: 20.12.2011


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In times like these, when every part of the world is protesting against the

governments and corporation, you can still find one island of sanity – Christiania,

in Copenhagen, Denmark. Freetown Christiania is a self-proclaimed autonomous

neighborhood, and the closest example we have of a group of anarchists, who

managed to create an independent society. Christiania was a deserted military

base, which was squatted in 1971 by various people who you could call hippies,

freaks or outsiders. Their vision did not remain in empty slogans like many other

hippies across the world; they decided that action is stronger. Thus, they took

the psychedelic idea of seeing beyond the normative boundaries, and broke the

established pattern of how people should live. Along with meditation, Yoga and

other spiritual practices, it is no wonder that Goatrance found its way into Christiania

to, almost from the very beginning. Stefan Gøransson, aka Flexus / Dj Flex, who

was born and raised in this permanent autonomous zone, decided it was the right

time to share the Christiania Selection, and perhaps give some ideas and hope to

the global protesters that change and a better future is possible – it is in your hands!


In order to get you in the mode of Christiania, we begin with our Danish representatives,

including the man behind this compilation, Flexus, together with Time in motion, aka,

the brothers Thomas and Leslie Cowan. This lethal trio is hard to stop these days, and

'I got to' say it is one dose you wouldn’t want to stop consuming. After we entered

the Progressive realms that swept us to an autonomous state of mind from the Danes,

we move to Xshade, aka Michalis Yamakis, from Greece, to take us back to where society

was invented. Xshade takes us to 'Sexofrenic' state, where only the bass rules and the

beat goes on. Then Liquid Space, aka Denny Seidewitz, joins the selection, with an offer

to make an 'Offbeat Meeting' which was accepted with much enthusiasm. After all, such

an offbeat melody and atmospheric melody is something which is always needed, especially

in this unique compilation. Sonic Sense, aka Igal Yakubov(also known as Timeless), &

Time in Motion take us to the 'Red Zone', which means we are in for some serious shit,

but the good shit. Red is always a dominant and strong color, and the Zone that

The Cowan brother and Yakubov take us to is a powerful seductive sense of bloody

good Progressive Trance. It was time for Static Movement, aka Shahar Shtrikman & Impact,

aka Andrey Panov, pull us down to dive to the 'Atlantic Spirit' and explore other kinds of

liberations from society, gravity and sound.


Some people take a break when they reach the middle, but as we mentioned above,

Christiania Selection is against all the formulated models of action, and so we do not believe

in breaks, rest or intermission. Therefore, Ace Ventura, aka, Yoni Oshrat was a perfect to

help us step into the next phase of this trip with '138' ways to get there. It is no wonder

why an Ace always wins in every game, because the hypnotic and yet complex music he

makes is a sure bet each time. We continue with Infinity, aka Nick Karamalakis, who gives

us an illusion of a commercial break and yet gives us all the reasons to 'Keep on Walking'

with a smile. However, this wandering has a purpose, but not in the capitalistic materialistic

manner, because approaching such a sacred phenomenon always requires some kind of

awareness. After all, it is 'The Last Jedi' we are talking about, and what other artist can get

us closer to him than Motion Drive, aka, Philip Guillaume. The wisdom of the judi is passed

to us in the ritual dance of superb Progressive Trance that only few can resist. The end of

such a journey can only lead to Yotopia, also known as Tomer Dayan & Yonatan Rimon,

who bring us 'Cometic' to wrap the visionary revolution that this musical piece tried to do.

With their known talent to convert even the extremist to their side, Yotopia gives us the

proper catharsis we all need for such an intense and magnificent expedition.


Reality is temporary, but we have the power to change it, Christiania Selection is just

an attempt to wake you up and show you that it is possible, it is in your hands.





1. Time in Motion & Flexus - I go to

2. Xshade - Sexofrenic

3. Liquid Space - Obeat Meeting

4. Sonic Sense vs. Time in Motion - Red Zone

5. Static movement vs. Impact - Atlantic spirit

6. Ace Ventura - Maximum Overdrive

7. Innity - Keep Walking

8. Motion Drive - The last Jedi

9. Yotopia - Cometic



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