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I read that The Police's "Every Breath You Take" was voted years ago as the Song of the 1980s. I was thinking if we can somehow decide on some kind of "Best Goa Trance Track of the 1990s", and "Best Goa Trance Track of the 2000s", and so on with other subgenres. Is that important? No it's not. But if someone can decide on that, it's Psynews. It is the only forum where psy culture is talked with some knowledge and authority.

I just have the idea, not the methodology.

What do you guys think about that?


I like the idea. But we need a lot of votes. In the best of the noughties poll we had like 20 voters.

Not cool guys, not cool.


Well an idea would be to make a site dedicated for such poll(s)(best of noughties2, best of 00's). It could require an email to vote and the link for it could be spammed everywhere to get the most votes. Just having psynews's own is just not really worth it imo.


But if someone can decide on that, it's Psynews.

You think so? I think we're more likely to get in a huge argument over it.


The thing about goa trance, or any electronic music really, is that it's just not as immediately catchy as pop music. Regardless of how good a goa song is, something like "Every Breath You Take" is simple, has a catchy and easily remembered melody, and by virtue of having vocals is more widely liked.

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