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Artist: Atomic Pulse

Title: Anatomic

Label: Planet B.E.N. Records

Date: August, 2011



1. Solar Flare (Live mix)

2. 3rd Eye (Atomic Pulse rmx) - GMS & Space Tribe

3. New World Order III

4. AnaTomic

5. Spartan

6. Open Society (Atomic Pulse rmx) - Astral Projection

7. Eaven and Earth (Atomic Pulse rmx) - Ultravoice & Indra

8. AnaMorph

9. Unknown Strings

10. Existence



If there was ever poster children for the full-on sound it would be this project. They were doing it before it was even labelled I think. This is Tamir Ozana & Yair Bar-On with their fifth album release. Their first album, The Safi Collection was one of my first introductions into this genre so I've kinda been keeping track of their evolution. Since then, they have appeared on so many compilations and worked with all the full-on labels. Well, now full-on is pretty much a dirty word but that's because so many artists just applied the cut and paste model and deleted all the creativity. So like VH-1, where are they now?



Solar Flare (Live Mix)- This was a good full-on track with power and some pretty thick leads. With the vocoded sample it gives it a space appeal.



3rd Eye (Atomic Pulse Remix)- "Mental abilities would multiply a hundredfold. That our consciousness would be expanded to the ultimate."


So I went back and listened to the original from the Space Tribe album Collaborations and, uh...yeah it doesn't really hold up well. The wavering synth is memorable, but that's because back in its day this sound was probably cutting edge and you can identify with it. Like the time you finally got to be with you're soulmate


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"If this is wrong...I don't wanna be right."


But I haven't seen a lack of balls this evident since they neutered my dog. No power or originality whatsoever, just another track to throw on the generic crapheap.


New World Order III- The first NWO was on their 2nd album De-Toxicated. Then came the 2nd part on Multiverse. So here we are on part III and I'm not about to go and relive those rather unremarkable tracks so I'll just discuss this one. And it will be a short discussion because there ain't a lot here. Like frozen pizza that I get from Wal-Mart where's the f*cking meat? No layers or new leads, just the same limp dick effort that I've heard on previous albums from this project.


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AnaTomic- Better. Here you have uplifting melodies and expansive breaks. Yeah it's cheese, but it's well done cheese. I would say this is more epic trance that Van Dyk would spin rather than psytrance, but it's not unpleasant to listen to.


Spartan- The lead is twisted and filtered as it searches and smoothly transitions into a new sound. See this is good full-on stuff. The break has soft pads and a new synth germinates out of this rich medium. It undergoes a for lack of a better word a "heavenly" transformation with a choir sound and it really is pretty good. Hell, you win points from me by not going the easy route and stuffing samples from the movie 300 in there.


Open Society (Atomic Pulse Remix)- "We must after all is said and done preserve the liberties that we are fighting for."


Ah a remix of an Astral Projection track probably from an album that we shall never see. This was also on the Blissdom EP released back in 2010 and it's another good one. Plenty of layers and that main melody sounds like vintage Astral. It's pumping and I always thought the sign of a good track is that you are into it and before you know it, it's over. Good sounds and good structure.

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Yeah, I know it was made almost 2 years ago and it's not a new track, but look at 'em...the kids love it.



Eaven and Earth- "In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth."


First I'll say I like the break with it's skipping effect. But Alien Project did this type of stuff almost a decade ago. The leads are nice, but I feel like I just jumped back in a time machine.


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"Is that the new PS3 with retro stylings?"



AnaMorph- *sigh*


Unknown Strings- You know those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat it.


Hitler was a brutal dictator filled with hate who killed millions of Jews. Atomic Pulse did not study history.


Therefore...Atomic Pulse is responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews.


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"Sometimes...I get a feelin. I get a feelin that I never never never never had before!"



Existence- To finish this underwhelming exercise is a lower tempo track that contains more of the same cheesy simple melodies that true psyheads will scoff at. Sure it's pretty but so's this guy.


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Doesn't mean I want to spend time with him. Besides, he's got his shoes on the wrong foot.



Unless they pull an Osher or a Talpa and go in a direction 180 degrees from where they are currently located, I think it's time to put this project to bed. How many times can you create the same generic paint by numbers full on and expect to come up with a different outcome. That's the definition of crazy. Surprise surprise, it's more run of the mill full-on stuff that would've sounded great 10 years ago. Times have changed, we have the internet and 16 year old kids are downloading pirated copies of Cubase and smoking the sh*t you just made. When you put 10 tracks on an album it just makes it easier for me to come of with a percentage of disappointment.


So if we discount a track that we already heard, by my count I am...let's see carry the one, divide by 2....yep, 80% sure that I have no room on my hard drive for this.







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