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Artist: Dionitrix

Title: Well of Dreams

Label: None

Date: January, 2012


1. Vivid Dreams

2. Trip To Goa Trance

3. Reincarnation

4. Fall Silently


Bonus Track - Enter The Sphere


Hey David. David is this you?


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Yeeesh...you better f*cking clorox that tub when you're done you weirdo. On second thought, just get the f*ck outta here.


I have no idea who this is, but whoever you are thank you for posting your music up here for free. Of course you realize that means that you are opening yourself up to criticism from no talent douchebags around the interwebz, right? Hope none of them come here. Far be it from me to sh*t on someone's hard work, but I'm also not that guy that will sugar coat anything and tell you it's gonna be all right. Not me. But let me get right to it.


Vivid Dreams- This is a mish mosh of styles and directions. Dark creatures in the background, twinkling melody...Interesting to say the least. But it seems like you had a lot of things running around in your head and just decided to throw it all together. Like a casserole. Now normally I love me some casserole, but this needs some direction and polish. And some cheese, sprinkle some cheese on that mother f*cker.


Trip To Goa Trance- Any melodies that you might hear are in the background and sound rather amateurish. Which is ok, because he is an amateur. I realize that everyone's idea of goa trance is different, but I'd like to think I can recognize it when I hear it. I uh, didn't hear any.


Reincarnation- It's a techno punch in the face with that heavy kick as synths dance the dance. Thinner than loose leaf paper, but it's the most musical track yet.


That's not that big of a compliment.


Fall Silently- Ok, we've got some musicality and get this there is a female vocal. No info on whether she was sacrificed shortly thereafter however. The hi-hats are drawn out in a shuffle as a synth arpeggio runs. But there is the unmistakeable sound of white noise that overrides everything. Let's see where do I file this...where do I file this...ah! There it is...




Enter the Sphere- How is this a bonus? It's assault and distorted industrial mayhem with very dark tendencies. Sounds are twisted and manipulated in ways that God did not intend. I played this for Trent Reznor (NIN) and he said you have a lot of problems. But amidst the chaos there is some musicality. Not much, but some. It's evil and talks about killing. We're still making dance music right? I mean, this doesn't make me want to dance. Makes me want to take a wood sander to somebody's bare back.


It is what it is. This is an amateur making an attempt with his first release. I hope you take my tongue in cheek review for the humor I'm attempting because I realize how hard it is to make quality music. Takes time and loads of practice. Your sound is all over the place and I'm guessing you are still discovering it yourself. Michaelangelo didn't just run into the church, jump on a scaffold and say, "Gimme a mother f*ckin' brush...I got this."


Or maybe he did. I wasn't there.


Check it out if you like



  • 1 month later...

Well. That is only your opinion. You don`t represent the people.


But, i guess you now feel great.


You are awesome.


You are great.


You really are.




And you're being disrispectful to a guy who actually took few hours of his free time to download, listen and writte down a proper review for your release. Couldn't agree more with Mikes opinion, your production is uber-amateurish.


:) You are great.


You are perfect.


Beyond our expectation.


Thank you, o great one, for spitting on my music.


I am so grateful. Oh, so very much grateful.

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