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1. Enter The Void: shit, if it wasn't for DeathPosture's recomendation I would've totally missed out on this one! It's basically Lost In Translation on acid, I've never seen anything trippier in my life.


2. Lost Highway: ok, no actual referals to drugs here but it is clearly made in a stoned-out way, it still has me wondering what the actual story is all about but I love the way it's made ;)


3. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas: definately the funniest movie about psychedelic drug usage out there IMO and I'm sure that anyone who's tried doing lsd and try to act "normal" will relate to it lol


4. Blueberry: hmm well actually the 1st half is dull but then when you get to the ayahuasca trip part OMG, definately worth sitting through the first part.


5. Alice In Wonderland (the original cartoon): I think this is the most subversive movie ever... it is marketed for kids everywhere in the World yet noone seems to point out loud that EVERYTHING in the movie is about tripping!! How many generations of trippers took that first trip and thought "HMMM... now I get it!" lol


so there, these are my picks, what are yours?


Good call on Alice In Wonderland. I'm not sure a movie has ever come as close to recreating the psychedelic experience as that film whether the film makers at the time knew what they were doing or not. I have to include 2001: A Space Odyssey as well. The visuals of that movie, even outside the stargate sequence are so obviously meant to be appreciated on a psychedelic. It's interesting to me that a whole genre of music has been created solely for the purpose of tripping to, but I don't think there is an equivalent in film. Plenty of movies make reference to psychedelics or even attempt to visualize it but yet I would never trip to them.

Guest E-Mantra

Fear and loathing...


Mothman Propecies


Jacob's Ladder.....

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