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went to see this at the cinema after all the rave reviews and wondered why the hell did it get such positive reviews? It's a total rip-off of The Running Man and Battle Royale, there was almost nothing original in there! What the hell, movie critics don't watch old movies anymore??


Haven't seen it but you pretty much hit the nail on its head. I too was thinking about Battle Royale when I saw the trailer a few days ago. Some tasks require a Beat Takeshi to do it, and there doesn't seem to be any Beat at play here. ;)


The story isn't exactly the filmmaker's fault, it already existed.


I haven't paid attention to any commentary on it, but I thought it was decent. True, nothing original, but not bad. For me, the bar is pretty low these days for Hollywood movies.


I almost went to see this...

The film clip I saw had a comment that the girl was naked in the scene in the book so apparently they changed a lot from the book which must have had some fans.


I saw it yesterday, and I enjoyed it. Don't go expecting Battle Royale with white people, go expecting a fun, smart film for kids and you'll have a good time.

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