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Calling all ARTivists for BOOM 2012: The time is NOW


There exists in the mass media a complex web of disinformation communicated in the most subliminal form. ARTivists have therefore become the historians of the future as they document the truth behind the headlines, raise the consciousness vibration and witness the transformation taking place in our world.


So a picture is not just worth a thousand words, but a thousand actions and art has become a powerful tool for expressing activist dissent and for communicating information that impacts us all.


Visual communication is thus fundamental to the Boom experience and so ARTivists are invited to submit their activism-inspired works of art for display at the Boom Festival this year.


Mass demonstrations are synchronising with the 2012 global shift in consciousness as depicted by the Maya. The time therefore, is NOW, as ARTivism becomes a crucial component of this year’s Boom Art Program.


So whether your art depicts the farce of democracy, reality of corporate ownership, injustice of war, marginalisation, immigration, environmental damage, police brutality, border control or any other issue or powerful campaign that communicates the message hard and clear: we want to hear from you.


NB: Feel free to experiment with either traditional or technological mediums; graphics, canvass, digital, print, installation, video, animation - it’s up to you!


Please send all entries to: media@boomfestival.org by 28th June 2012.



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