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Artist: Shehoor

Title: Earache Generator EP

Label: Terror Lab Industries

Date: April, 2012


1. Cryptic Simulacra

2. Malefique

3. Terror Dominion


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I haven't been listening to much music lately as I am working on becoming a better piano player. Since free time is a brief interlude that I may be lucky enough to get I have to fit in during kid naptimes. Ergo, something had to give. But these breaks from the music allow me to come back and listen with an eager appreciation. You can only play Lionel Richie's Easy 30 times before I start sweating like an alcoholic at a wine tasting. By the way, Easy isn't really that easy to play. You gotta have soul. And I gots dat.




So here is another twilight artist (no idea who he is) brought to you by the people responsible for such beautiful fairy tales like:


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Damn, that's just sit by the fire with the grandparents music ain't it? That's just a few. So while they're skullf*cking Mother Goose's rotting corpse, here comes Shehoor with a brief 3 tracker. It's high tech intensity with a futuristic approach. Eerie pads are the backdrop for groovy fast paced bass lines and racing leads. The first track has some cool Matrix-esque cyber sounds in the breaks with plucky acid bursts. Not overwhelming, but entertaining for sure. Malefique is like a nightmarish plunge with lasers and a darkpsy feel to it. Clever effect work gives it some appeal and it gets me thinking of what life in the circuitry of a computer would be like. Sure would make travel easier. I don't think there is a middle finger big enough for the TSA. Wait, hold up....


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Mother pus bucket is that real? This is the finger of the doc that just wants to check your prostate.


The last track is the least appealing as it is just a straight forward droning track. Still like Meatball said, two out of three...something something....





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