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Artist: Damage

Title: God of Terror EP

Label: Terror Lab Industries

Date: June, 2012


1. God if Terror

2. Electrify

3. Cuttin Wax

4. Fight The Aliens.



I know better. I do.


Back in 2005 I picked up his debut God Help Us because I was kinda new to psytrance and was sold on the cool cover. Yeah that wasn't my cup of tea and I soon gained the knowledge on how to navigate this large field of music. Bad Creationz? That was worse.


Way worse.


I didn't even know he had an album in 2008, but if I did, I'm sure I would've reacted as if someone just sh*t in my cereal.


So here we are in 2012 and he's still going. Nothing has changed. There are plenty of samples and guitar like sounds If you are a fan of stops and starts with buildups and headache inducing ravey leads then I'm sorry I must defriend you on facebook. This just isn't working out.


Aw, I can't do that....



I don't have any friends.


I must be honest, there was one bright spot on this EP and it was the last track. Loved the racing bassline, loved it. An acidic deluge melts the synapses and it is this high intensity twilight style that I appreciate. Balls to the wall. Of course they still manage to f*ck things up with the buildups and house like utterances and abrasive leads, but it's nice to know they have the ability to keep it twilight.



*Names and link held to protect the guilty.*



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