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Artist: A-Mush

Title: Behind The Dark

Label: LAD Records

Date: May, 2008




1. Another Place

2. Behind The Dark

3. Dyabolyk Toy

4. Hell Boy

5. Hidraulic System

6. Jigsaw Is Dead

7. Kill Freddy

8. LSD Trip

9. Resident Of Gods

10. Sin City



Supposedly wine gets better with age. I haven't drunk enough wine that I couldn't get at the supermarket to know this.


Some people become more attractive as they age. Look at George Clooney. What is he...in his 50's? He's still pulling some hot tail. Better example...Sean Connery. He's 75 if I'm a day old and he can melt chicks just by talking to them. I usually have to have my kidnapping rope and duct tape. We all have our own recipes for success.


My point is that this was released back in 2008 and just like the above examples it has gotten better with age.


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No it hasn't. But let's be fair. It wasn't that good to begin with. I mean, look who they had to work with.


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"Needs more bananas!"

"You've said that about every f*cking track!!"


At times darkspy at times night-full on its monotonous bass line and acid deluge seem thrown together like a trancers wardrobe. Buildups galore, cheesy samples, and I don't think this project knew there were more than 3 presets on a synthesizer. This is the music I'm pumping when I'm driving down the road and the windows are open so you can't really hear it anyway. If you dropped me in the middle of Bombay and gathered up 10 Indians I would be pretty easy to spot right? Well, these tracks are Indians 1,2,3,4...you get the idea. The only thing separating the tracks are the track names and last I checked people don't dance at a poetry slam. But I'm sure there'd be a lot of finger snapping.


But there is a bright side.



As it was released in 2008 they have only gotten better and better. Their track Quarantine on MMD's Digital Manipulation Device? Awesome. Hunab Ku's Mind Disastour? Hella awesome. And round it out with Psycho Slut from Malfunktion Part 2 and this project is on the train to twilight players. So yes, their first album was weak, but I say better to come out weak and finish strong than Pleaidians. There I said it.


So skip it, but know that these guys are on the rise.


Juno Download





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