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Artist: Various

Title: Bio Hazard Xplorationz

Label: ACP Records

Date: February, 2012


1. Intoxication - Chemic Lab

2. Ooze Formula - Doc Von Ooze

3. Obey Ur Superiors - D-Oxide

4. Positronic Reactions - Env Mod-Z

5. Apostasy - Relica

6. Test Tubes - Kyro

7. Indu - Mandir

8. Power Up - Water Plant Workers

9. Non Potable - Non Potable

10. Liquid 8 - Env Mod-Z

11. Bio Hazard - Chemic Lab


"No, no, no!! Bad robot! We do not do that! We do not eat test tubes!"



Filipe Santos is one of the most important names in the revival of goa trance today in my book. Not only is he an accomplished producer of the stuff (never afraid to test the boundaries), but he started a couple of labels that aim to promote new artists and new styles within the genre. This is his current net-label and Bio Hazard Xplorationz is the first full length release after numerous delicious EP's. As I mentioned, his style is all over the place, but lately he's targeted his focus in the acid realm. Always with a goa slant, the sound is bubbly, relentless, and always melodic. With this release he's gathered up a few of the artists in his stable for exactly that.


Most of the artists represented here are probably unknown, but that's half the fun ain't it? What you get is 11 tracks embedded with an acid foundation and goa flare. Right out of the gate Intoxication seethes with that acidic bubbling that I haven't seen since chemistry lab. Searing 303's blaze in Positronic Reactions with nicely placed layers that allow it to seethe before boiling. Apostasy is a track that builds momentum and then just mashes its foot on the accelerator.


Great stuff, but the absolute stormer for me is Indu. Acidic mayhem with goa power. Trying to catch this will leave you with third degree burns. Non Potable is solid 303 fire starting and the final track is a slow downtempo bit of acid and goa. Very atmospheric as bubbles rise from the surface and pop a few feet above. Great way to end.


If you like goa and acid or are a fan of Filipe's work like me, then this is a winner. Good job ACP.



ACP Records



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Aw shit. I really dig acid. Really. I think it's the most energetic sound alive.

But all of this sounds so 1995. And I can't enjoy this anymore. Needs more layers and basslines for me.


But I realize this was the concept and it will find fans of acid trance. But it sounds so old. :mellow:

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