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Psy-shops in Finland?

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Guest TellMeWhoIAm

Sadly, it seems that none of those in "Goa Shops" in Finland section exists any more. So, tell me is there actually any those in here, or must I order them from net? I live in Vantaa, so it should be somewhere here, um, capital area?


Sorry my bad english.


have you checked out www.trance-shop.com ?


their COD is way cheaper than psyhop.com's..


there's still a record shop @ octarine..


there's also the streatbeat..


then there's umm.. can't remember the name @ the moment.. hmmm.. i get back to it..


did you know that you can also ask freerecords shop to order you cds with like 0.5€ cost..


check Wirikuta my friend going to:


www.wirikuta.at and follow their shop section. Quite a lot of great finnish music too eh eh



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