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Artist: Various

Title: Feelings

Label: Ovnimoon Records

Date: January, 2012


1. Sonoric Depth

Psychophysical Transcripts


2. Static (2011 rmx)

Solar Spectrum


3. Once upon a time (Liquid Sound rmx)



4. I am you

Ovnimoon & Elegy


5. Mini Big

Solar Spectrum


6. Trip inside yourself

Mind Paradise


7. Beer Lovers



8. In motion to the ocean

Liquid Sound


9. Unique (Side Winder rmx)

Hi Profile


10. Open the gate




"I want to tell you a story about dreams...."


But I don't have one of those...so I'll tell you what happened to me Sunday. The wife had me out looking for furniture at a consignment shop and she found a table that she liked so we give the old lady the credit card and she swipes it.


Then I hear her swipe it again.


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This is then followed by her saying, "This isn't how the machine at my other job works."


I immediately hopped the counter and well, just did what we all want to do.


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So a table that costs 60 dollars and 90 cents has given my account a titanic like sideswipe of $609.00!




Doing the math, that's $1218 for a piece of sh*t table that someone was only too happy to get rid of. Look I want to help, but I cannot get the country out of a recession all by myself. Can't do it. It's now Wednesday and it is still not resolved thereby setting my financial house in chaos, as I have scheduled bill payments weeks in advance. I know it was an accident. I know mistakes happen. But this is why I have long been an advocate of sending all the elderly to an island where it's warm (they like that) for further study. Sh*t don't work right after a certain number of years. Anyway...



Feelings...nothing more than feelings...Hector Stuardo is at it again with his label's 21st release. I was actually lucky to catch him at a festival here in the states so I was pretty excited.


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He was a...he was a lot shorter than I expected.


But good things come in small packages. And if you are a fan of progressive trance than this will probably be good for your fix. Bouncy and bubbly beats with a healthy dose of dark atmosphere. It's ideal for melting away into a hallucination of your choosing with great effects and sky spanning washes Sonoric Depth is a perfect example of a track being melodic without a real melody to hold on to. Just creepy sounds echoing over your shoulder.


Static (2011 Remix)- It begins slowly, maybe sounding like every other progressive track you have ever heard. Two and a half minutes in and I'm thinking, "Wow how about picking up the pace a little bit?" And he does albeit slowly. Unremarkable for sure, but somehow it fits within the scope of this compilation. Geared to a feeling or a vibe rather than a dance floor smasher.


Once Upon A Time (Liquid Sound Remix)- "No matter what he does, every person on Earth plays a central role in the history of the world. Normally he doesn't know it."


Following the same formula as the last track, it builds slowly but the sample at least gives me something to hold on to. But that's the problem with a 9 minute track, you gotta fill it up. It's not bad, but too often I found myself glazing over like I stayed up past my bedtime.


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I Am You- The boss is here to right this ship and he brings along Daniel Mair who I first became aware of with his Sleeping Giant EP. More of the same slow start, but once the chant arrives it's a little bit darker. The final melody helps thicken things up a bit, saving it from coasting down the hill into disappointment lake.


Mini Big X- If the name Ralph Knobloch seems familiar it's because he is also behind the project Braincell. Here he operates on a slightly minimal scale with eerie melodies above a galloping bass line. I see he has 3 albums to his credit with this project, but this track isn't making me want to explore them. Is this intermission music? The groove is there, but it feels empty. Another coaster to the finish. What are you, the Chinese badminton team, trying to throw the compilation?


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"This make chairman Mao most unhappy!"



Trip Inside Yourself- Riding a wave of indifference brings me to this track and things begin to turn around. Dark, bubbly, and thumping with spooky effects sums this puppy up. An awesome break cements its place as one of the winners of this comp. It seems funny that one of the best tracks leaves me with the least to say. Just get lost in this one.


Beer Lovers- Oh boy another long one.


*gets carving knives out*


Nah, you know what? I don't have the energy for this. Bruce, you got this?


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"The dragon laughs at your attempt to keep me awake!"



In Motion To The Ocean- "It's like you come onto this planet with a crayon box. Now you may get the 8-pack, you may get the 16 pack...but it's all in what you do with the crayons, the colors that you're given. And don't worry about drawing within the lines or coloring outside the lines I say color outside the lines, you know what I mean? Color wildly color right off the page, hey...don't box me in. We're in motion to the ocean."


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"Yeah, how do you like it motherf*cker!?! Oops, missed a spot. Stay in the lines b*tch!"


After that wonderful Waking Life sample it's a smooth ride all the way through. Soft and drifting breaks with melodies coming and going like the tide. Very entertaining.


Unique (Side Winder Remix)- "Strange watching these film fragments...like looking through binoculars.."


I never heard the original, but this maintains the eerie vibe on this compilation. It churns through it's rotation in the beginning, but then after the break melodies fire out like a sprinkler on an August afternoon. Unique? Nah, but not bad at all.



Open The Gate- We close out the compilation with relative newcomer Dejan Jovanovic from Serbia and he delivers a dark bomb! Very aggressive and pretty damn hard for a progressive track. Synths ripple with undercurrents of dread as leads that sound like a whale fight roar in anger. More of this please.


Conclusion? A bunch of mediocre tracks book-ended by some really powerful ones. Honorable mention goes to Mind Paradise and Liquid Sound for a very engrossing effort. None of the tracks are bad however there were too many that went on too long without much happening. This is a compilation from which I would digitally cherry pick. If I had to put a number on it? 3.5 or 3.75 out of 5.






Goa Store




dam dude thats a piece of bad luck, i like the island idea, the old lady should be the first, but make a example of her ay!

as for the album not bad, has its up and down moments but pretty solid


She made a mistake and as an adult (and a parent) I understand that these things happen. It was all straightened out so no harm no foul.


20 year old me wanted to shoot lasers out of my eyes like in Superman 2 (complete with the goofy look on the face of the big silent one), but the significantly older one didn't say a word.


I thought a lot of words, but I didn't say 'em.




Not a bad album, Lyctum is a new talent. Love almost all his tracks so far. I'm just wondering where did you get the picture of the little guy dancing? I have seen this very same one at a prog trance party on queensday in The Netherlands. I remember it because my friend made several pictures. Nice review man!

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