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I want to export a MIDI file in Cubase that includes all the effects I have applied to it plus all the changes in the vst itself (cutoff,lfo etc.)


Is that possible?


A MIDI file won't be able to cut it I'm afraid, it might be able to hold notes and some of the automation to the instrument, but to the best of my knowledge you can't store any FX related stuff in it (ie which plugs, in which order and with which config).


I use Ableton, so wouldn't know if there's a direct way in Cubase. You can always delete everything else but the instrument track in question, and save this as a new project.


In Ableton you just need to drag the instrument track to the file browser to accomplish the same thing, maybe this can also be done in Cubase?


No problemo. What is it you're trying to accomplish, maybe sharing an instrument track with somebody who's using a different DAW? There might be other ways.


No problemo. What is it you're trying to accomplish, maybe sharing an instrument track with somebody who's using a different DAW? There might be other ways.


I have many projects where I have created a specific sound by twitching the vst and applied munerous effects. I want to import them in the project I work now. I can save the vst bank, I can export the notes and automation, but I can't find a way to export the effects I have applied to the vst. I hope there was a way to export all the information of a midi channel (notes, automation, vst changes, effects etc.)


I want to export a MIDI file in Cubase that includes all the effects I have applied to it plus all the changes in the vst itself (cutoff,lfo etc.)


Is that possible?


I think you can go file>export>midi . This will export the midi track with all automatons bound to it(I think). When you mentioned "all the effects" were you talking about channel effects or softsynth parameter controls via midi? If its the second you have to open the softsynth and use the midi learn function to reassign the automation with the correct midi control channel.

I think you can go file>export>midi . This will export the midi track with all automatons bound to it(I think). When you mentioned "all the effects" were you talking about channel effects or softsynth parameter controls via midi? If its the second you have to open the softsynth and use the midi learn function to reassign the automation with the correct midi control channel.


I mean the insert+send effects.

Track archive doesn't export those.


I mean the insert+send effects.

Track archive doesn't export those.


yes this is correct. I'm not sure about the insert and send effects. I'll check and get back to you

I know in FL there is option "Save mixer track state", that means it will save that channel you selected with all inculding effects, eqs, compresors, everything on that channel from mixer ofc...


Also on FL you can save automation on same way like mixer state, this is called "Save channel state". That i discovered right now. That option you can find on channel settings. Thing is that you just drop it like midi file after and is loaded, but then automation is not linked to VST in new project so best thing to do is i think just copy older automation and replace in your new project.



Cubase should have same/smiliar option because is more professional i think?



Best thing to do: export midi, save preset state you made, save automations and mixer state and hope that will works after.


Sorry mate, i am noobish in those things but i hope it gonna help you somehow, good luck :)


Thanks man.


I don't know, it may right in front of my eyes and I'm too stupid to see it. I keep searching in the internet for the answer and I haven't find anything.


Are you trying to export to another cubase project or to other daw?? Logic can save the state of a whole track as preset, probably also cubase, but you could only open it in cubase. When not, open each effect, save the presets, export midi, then import midi in new project, open an instance from each effect, load preset. For a couple of tracks is not much work, for many is a pain in the arse. Other option is to commit to what you have. Print to audio, track and send tracks, import in new project.


There´s also proconvert from ssl......... If you need to convert between sequencers.




Are you trying to export to another cubase project or to other daw?? Logic can save the state of a whole track as preset, probably also cubase, but you could only open it in cubase. When not, open each effect, save the presets, export midi, then import midi in new project, open an instance from each effect, load preset. For a couple of tracks is not much work, for many is a pain in the arse. Other option is to commit to what you have. Print to audio, track and send tracks, import in new project.


There´s also proconvert from ssl......... If you need to convert between sequencers.




I'm trying to export in another cubase project. Indeed, I could save the presets in each effect, never thought of that. Thanks.

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