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great anti-smoking ad


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Good one!






I am smoker and i know is not good but i am really angry some times. Smokers are much hated by world today. You can smoke weed, you can drink, but smoke cigarretes not? Fuck that.

I was suprised that there is no cafe, bar or restaurant in Belgium (which i visited last week) where you can smoke. In Serbia you mostly have one bar that is split with wall so both sides are happy. Or just you have some tables where you can smoke and where not.



And that means non smokers can enjoy the night in club and smokers not? I mean there is no point sit inside drink something, then go outside to smoke and again and again... ok with that restriction but what with people? Thats reason why much bars are closed and why a lot people lost jobs, just because some fat politician want to fight for human rights and shits for his campaing, yeah! And everyone look at you like you are some devil or something. There is joke in my country that homosexuals have more rights then smokers, and almost terrorists too.


I had suggestions from some people who drink and smoke ganja like they shouldn't, and they talking to me how i live unhealty life and something... what?



The world is pretty fucked up.

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I am smoker and i know is not good but i am really angry some times. Smokers are much hated by world today. You can smoke weed, you can drink, but smoke cigarretes not? Fuck that.

I was suprised that there is no cafe, bar or restaurant in Belgium (which i visited last week) where you can smoke. In Serbia you mostly have one bar that is split with wall so both sides are happy. Or just you have some tables where you can smoke and where not.



And that means non smokers can enjoy the night in club and smokers not? I mean there is no point sit inside drink something, then go outside to smoke and again and again... ok with that restriction but what with people? Thats reason why much bars are closed and why a lot people lost jobs, just because some fat politician want to fight for human rights and shits for his campaing, yeah! And everyone look at you like you are some devil or something. There is joke in my country that homosexuals have more rights then smokers, and almost terrorists too.


I had suggestions from some people who drink and smoke ganja like they shouldn't, and they talking to me how i live unhealty life and something... what?



The world is pretty fucked up.



LOL those are EU laws, in a few years time when Serbia will be part of the EU, you will have the same conditions in your coutry ;) And consider yourself lucky you don't live in America, right now some states even forbid you to smoke in parcs and other outdoor public spaces!!


In Serbia you mostly have one bar that is split with wall so both sides are happy. Or just you have some tables where you can smoke and where not.

yep, we had that too but the main arguments were that a small bar doesn't have enough room to split in 2 sides thus having such a rule would give an unfair advantage to large bars. And for having some tables with smokers and some without, the non-smokers complained that the smoke went all around the room and they got the smoke anyway in spite sitting at non-smoking tables.

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Thanks Imba. Well, I don't know you, but as we are talking about smoking, I feel I need to ask you this: have you ever seen anyone dying of emphysema? I had a neighboor I liked very much. When he was 60-something, he was diagnosed with emphysema. It was a painful, slow death, that lasted two years. His doctor said had he not smoked, he would live more 20 years given his good health. But his lungs were black. I hope you decide to stop smoking while you're young and have a long, happy life.

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I seen a lot of deaths, in the war and in the "piece"... a lot of my cousins died from different types of cancers and diesases or because of alchohol some even from drugs... I know really good what death is.


As Serbia want to join EU, prices will be same as in EU and that will be too much money for nothing... i will stop once thats for sure :)




PS. Much people know consequences and still smoke like me, and we don't expect slow and painful death. I know few smokers that are really old and smoke like 3-4 packs a day (me only 1) and they are like 70-80 years and totaly healty. It doesnt matter, you can put all poisons whole life inside you and die naturaly or... there are no rules.




Ahh we are talking too much about me... i am not very welcome in this topic :lol:

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LOL those are EU laws, in a few years time when Serbia will be part of the EU, you will have the same conditions in your coutry


totally depends on the country. here in austria most larger of the cafés, bars and restaurants are split, and small places are exempt from the smoking ban. i have no idea about the law in most clubs; some are split, but i haven't seen anyone caring about the smoking ban on a dancefloor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great movie,


I smoke a lot, and I know it's bad,

I do a long health check every year and the day I get a tiny bad news, I'm stopping.

I know I can, already did it so...

But until now everything is 100% ok even after so many years of smoking cigarettes.

Don't know why but it is.

I was going to stop when I became 30 cause it's been told If you stop around that age the body almost recovers.

I'm getting 30 in 2 months tomorrow -_-

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