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Artist: Travma

Title: 303 From God EP

Label: Ezel-Ebed Records

Date: May, 2012


1. TraWorm.Win32 Virus

2. Maximum Pain

3. 303 From God


Hmmmm.....some new guy. Never heard of him. Sure does have an elevated opinion of himself. 303 from God you say? Guess I'll check it out.



TraWorm.Win32Virus- Oh sh*t, did I just download a virus to my computer? I did didn't I? Waitaminute! What effect will this have on the TB of porn on the hard drive? I'll have to worry about that later because BOOM! he blows the doors off with a Nitzhogoa stormer. Leads twist and curl at high velocity. It only knows on way and that is straight ahead. Want some variation? Hippie. Travma's not here to tell you a bed time story. He's here to punch you in the face. On a side note Agneton said, "Mother f*cker that was fast!"


Maximum Pain- This is a great track without losing any of its momentum. Spinning melodies don't have me feeling any pain.


303 From God- Finally the mystical 303 shows up!


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Bow down before your master!


This thing infiltrates every pore giving you superpowers! It's razor sharp and aggressive the way that only goa trance can be. Nasty!



Ummm....it's goa. It's Travma. How are you not getting this?


Beatspace Digital




I was really a big fan of Traworm & Maximum Pain. Both tracks date from around 2009, and we were intending to release them on Sita Rec., but unfortunately we had problems with the highly- compressed mastering of both tracks...nevertheless I'm very happy they are released today, already bought my digital copy! :)

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