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Artist: Ecliptic

Title: On A Ledge EP

Label: Undergroove Music

Date: 19-03-2012

Style: Progressive Trance




1. Ecliptic & Odiseo - On A Ledge (06:43)

2. Ecliptic & Tron - Even More Power (07:48)


I have been listening to Ecliptic for a while and there style of music is extremely addicting! The reason I say music, is because this duo has mastered progressive trance, progressive house and tech-house. The last 2 with the project names 'Ruls' and 'Navarro'. It doesn't happen to often that I come across an artist where I like all there different kind of music projects and most of there albums. This is one of them cases and I can proudly say that I love this On A Ledge album as well.


Both tracks are a bit on the lighter side and have a great flow going on. On A Ledge is a collaboration between Ecliptic and Odiseo, another great Mexican artist. I pretty much like all there collaborations so far and there's not a single thing wrong with this one either. It has a nice smooth vibe to it. Even More Power also has this amazing groove, making it very entertaining to listen to. Ecliptic most of the time has these slight twisting turns in there tracks that go on during the whole song. Kind of hard to explain but it's definitely an original approach. It's one of the reasons that I like there other projects, because somehow it has that same fresh twisted touch to it. So to make things short, this EP is definitely worth buying if you can dig this style. 2 tracks, but that's ok. I much rather hear 2 really good ones, then a bunch of average sounding tracks that don't hold my attention all the way.











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