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It would have been a 7.5/10 if not for these lyrics. The melodic background is well executed and I like the slow tempo, but the vocals ruin the track for me. A 5/10.


Next: Way out west - Killa


The first track i liked from the album along with the "pulse of life" from the excellent bonus mix.

Thorough-crafted progressiveness combining various elements with an en-trancing floating melody (which keeps things in house) leading to a massive zenith. A/A



Really cool track! Hypnotic progressive trance with great percussion. Never heard of Drone before. Pitty the only released one album.

Have to get that one somehow.

8,5/10 for the track!


Solar Fields - Perception



I'm the wrong guy to judge this ^ I guess... all I've heard from him has almost the exact monotone bassline, here incorporating some inoffensive goa melodies. Take the "goa" away and it's just another prog track. Pitch it up and it's darkpsy lol... I'm quite frank here with my words and don't want to come out as rude but... it's just that there's no "play" or any kind of interaction or symbiotic nature with bass and melodies. It's the same note bass throughout the track! It's too easy and un-psychedelic for my enlightening process I'm afraid. x) 5/10


Here's an oldie, a bit of progressive as well:



  • 3 weeks later...

^ When I had the Zirrex re-release, this one used to float my boat the most. It's got pretty memorable lead melody. I don't think I'd enjoy this kind of stuff anymore without substance abuse lol... x) So, it's quite good in it's own motives and I can appreciate the effort made to do it - but it doesn't trigger me on subjective level (rather irritates me). How to rate it? 8/10 is fair I reckon.



Ha I was waiting for you to post it. :D It's vy Psy Phy 6, correct?

Anyway tbh I've heard way worse tracks. It does sound completelly random, like someone is messing with various sounds and said "fuck it let's release it", but it has a weird charm. 4/10




Flying Scorpions from Chernobyl are under attack!!! 10/10!!




Some agressive twisted psytrance, works fine for me as it gets very psychedelic at the end ... 7.5/10


Next: Junk Project ''Tongasine''


  • 3 weeks later...

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