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Guest neurogen
  On 10/14/2012 at 8:02 PM, 'IronSun' said:

Vibrasphere is one of my favorite progressive acts, their music is so laid back, really llke a warm blanket. Love this one too, the build-up is incredible and it's really chilled out. Great track, 8,5/10. (the track is hi-lari-ous to listen to while watching your signature btw :P)




ah yes, Vibrasphere is indeed great!! My absolute favorite progressive acts. HAHa yeah :D had to remove it though, caused mad lag :S


I LOVE Biot!!

However you didnt choose my favorite track with is Oxygen Orgasm. Still gets 9/10 though :D Oxygen orgasm had been 10/10... ;)

Guest neurogen

ok this is confusing now.. i could have swore someone rated my vibrasphere track 5/10 and now that post is gone :o


also a bit doubleposting here.... i wish we had a Moderator controlling this thread :P

  On 10/14/2012 at 8:21 PM, 'neurogen' said:

i wish we had a Moderator controlling this thread :P


Not sure how that could help.


Ok since there are two tracks on hold I'm gonna rate both of them.


Tim Schuldt-Flower Power: I never heard that before. Amazing track. 8/10

Psychaos-Dense Dawn: Not my favorite Psychaos tracks, but still great 7.5/10



Next: one of the trippiest darkpsy tracke ever IMO


Guest neurogen
  On 10/14/2012 at 8:56 PM, 'Rotwang' said:

Not sure how that could help.


i guess not.. :P

I'm getting tired of Filteria... the tracks are always so samey, in yer face without much substance. Essentially it's good sound texture, but he's only ever done a handful of tracks where the melodies are stunning and captivating. This is an example of mish mash of notes and it gives me slight headache. 6/10.




I agree with you Oopie about Filteria...

Zerotonine's track : first time i listen to this one, its a long piece of pure goa trance (11mn), nothing astonishing but very well executed, very good stuff. It deserves a 7.5/10.




I'm getting tired of Filteria... the tracks are always so samey, in yer face without much substance. Essentially it's good sound texture, but he's only ever done a handful of tracks where the melodies are stunning and captivating. This is an example of mish mash of notes and it gives me slight headache. 6/10.

congrats Opiee, you just reviled what newschool listeners still have not revieled and it does not only apply to filtera but to other newschool artists aswell. I am really enjoying reading your comment, since you are absolutely right and took the words out of my brain, as if you are a distance telepath.

  On 10/15/2012 at 5:06 AM, 'Oopie' said:

I'm getting tired of Filteria... the tracks are always so samey, in yer face without much substance. Essentially it's good sound texture, but he's only ever done a handful of tracks where the melodies are stunning and captivating. This is an example of mish mash of notes and it gives me slight headache. 6/10.


I do agree with the fact that he makes texture based music and over half of melodies on his albums aren't notable ( apart from Daze of Our Lives). But some of his tracks are good its hard to deny that.


Twisted system song was ok. I like how it picked up around 4:20ish but then those keys came in and seemed a bit enharmonic to me. Rest of song was fine. 6/10




Since twisted system got double gradings I will give a double rating, just to even things up ;)


  On 10/16/2012 at 12:03 AM, 'Monahium' said:

I do agree with the fact that he makes texture based music and over half of melodies on his albums aren't notable ( apart from Daze of Our Lives). But some of his tracks are good its hard to deny that.


Twisted system song was ok. I like how it picked up around 4:20ish but then those keys came in and seemed a bit enharmonic to me. Rest of song was fine. 6/10




I really like Psychopod/Koxbox tracks from this era, this for one I haven't really dug into, it's a nice track but I still find it to have quite a few weaknesses especially the "riffs" which are quite annoying to be honest, but it is decent but not as good as the standards normally held by the gurus :P I give it 7/10...


  On 10/16/2012 at 12:13 AM, 'JISNEGRO' said:

Never liked south african that much, it sounds very repetitive 6/10




Awesome track :) very well balanced and groovy... only bad thing is that is rather short and does not travel far from it's main story which is a pity I give it 7.85/10




  On 10/16/2012 at 8:50 AM, 'Drosophila' said:

Since twisted system got double gradings I will give a double rating, just to even things up ;)




I really like Psychopod/Koxbox tracks from this era, this for one I haven't really dug into, it's a nice track but I still find it to have quite a few weaknesses especially the "riffs" which are quite annoying to be honest, but it is decent but not as good as the standards normally held by the gurus :P I give it 7/10...




Awesome track :) very well balanced and groovy... only bad thing is that is rather short and does not travel far from it's main story which is a pity I give it 7.85/10





hmm nice but sounds a bit generic, there's not that extra touch that makes me go "wow" 7/10




Sirion is very nice, love the intro and break around 6th minute, it's actually very nice full-on/morning tune, maybe a bit too fast, but overall it's solid 7 out of 10 stars.


Guest neurogen



wow Havent heard Miraculix since 2002!!! Thanks for the refresh. Although I prefer the sound of 2002 to this track , i never heard it before. Nice energy and cool sounds though as usual with him. He is kinda underrated actually.. but then again, most people think all fullon sound exactly the same... :D




atmos - drums dont stop

Guest neurogen

yes, he is a really good producer from my country :)



BaotFB - sly

Progressive goatrance is not really something i usually like, and this is not exception. boring bassline and repetative overall. Repetative is not necessarily bad, but in this track its very bad i think.




Quietman - the sleeper (MWNN remix) classic from the legendary Goa-Head vol 05

  On 10/16/2012 at 9:19 PM, 'neurogen' said:

Quietman - the sleeper (MWNN remix) classic from the legendary Goa-Head vol 05



I have listened to man with no names tons of times, but I didn't know this track. And it is amazing, love the buildup, the space-like melodies and everything. It is a 9/10.




"velvet voyage", "crystal lake", the content is clear here. Quality of sound exceptional and this was made in year 1977

2 tracks of half an hour, crystal sounds infinitely repeating in mysterious and iced melodies... only bad point for me it tends to be a bit repetitive but it's ok this is the way it was supposed to be, it's ambient, not dance music : 9/10.




Guest neurogen

Ah, my favorite swedes again. Echo Plantation was actually the first track from them that got me hooked back in early 2000s. Then they became much much more inventive and progressive as the years went by, and the quality of their music just became better and better. They have not released one single bad album. On of the few acts in the world with like 5-6 albums and not one is bad or even remotly disappointing. they are masters of progressive and psychedelic sounds.

10/10 for nearly all their tracks! hold them deep in my heart.



Chakra & Edi Mis - X file



Classic track, I really like the rough and unpolished sound that defines Slide, this is definitely one of the signature tracks, not the best though imo, I still give it 8,5/10



try this on for size

Phobos Azazel - Magnetic Plazma

Guest neurogen

slide - the search


The best Slide track imo. 8.5/10, really really good :) Somehow I feel that Crossing Mind is like the Slide of neogoa :)




best miranda track - Groom Lake

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