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so a few days ago i went to a very beautiful city in Germany called herrenberg. It is aktually a town and not very big, about 40 000 citicens, but it looks different to many German towns. it is very clean and the podestrian paths and the main station are very big and look very modern and clean. It is a big contrast and woke up my inspiration for new things to do. Altough Germany is a country with high standart, it does look the same almost everywhere and it does not look very moder and grey. The podestrian pathways have very hard grey asphalt instead of tales or soft asphalt so they stress up your shoes. It is not overly clean in many cities of Baden- Württebern near Stuttgart and many Bulgarian towns look better at some places. But Herrenberg is different, I was amazed about the beautiful buildings, old and new harmonize together, about the huge train station with big displays and signs and about the glass buildings. It is a city that really looks like some place from the future, so I wil go there often. The beautiful nature along the trainway, the beautiful old and new buildings in Herrenberg and the very smooth railway Tübingen - Herrenberg is something that really calms me down and gives me new inspiration. I can go there for a whole day, enjoy the town, look at some girls and come home very relaxed so I can think of new stuff to do, maybe produce some good music and get my inspirations from there. When you see something really clean and modern your brain gets very releaxed and you can get much more energy from that than even from listening to the most amazing goa trance track (depents on the soundsystem ofcourse) Here are some pics of Herrenberg:




This huge S Bahn sign is something that you would not find at many German towns. Most twons would consider it a waste of money and not add such an intersting sign at the train station, I find it looks beautiful and clean.



If you look at that station you would think Herrenberg is a city with at least 50 000 citicens. The station at the fucking ugly place I live is very small, extremly dirty and it almost falls apart, nothing to look at and my town has the same amount of citicens than Herrenberg.



Interesting building, new clean road, big podestrain ways with tales instead of ugly grey asphalt.


Tell me what you think about it and if you can get relaxed from the same things or not?


I´m sorry to say that I don´t see anything special there. Most of westeurope cities are alike.

This is in my home city in north Spain.

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You guys should visit Rotterdam :) The city has been almost entirely rebuild after WWII, everything is very experimental now. It's like a giant playground for contemporary architects !

For example, the hotel where I stayed was inside this construction :

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CoLoUr DoTZ,



If you think that the pics are nothing sp4ecial and consider your Spain pic as normal, than you don't know what normal is. maybe Spain suffers from financial Crysis now, buecause they have such expensive architecture like that.




this is the ugly train station of my town, compare that to Herrenberg and you wil know why I say it is special.


CoLoUr DoTZ,



If you think that the pics are nothing sp4ecial and consider your Spain pic as normal, than you don't know what normal is. maybe Spain suffers from financial Crysis now, buecause they have such expensive architecture like that.




this is the ugly train station of my town, compare that to Herrenberg and you wil know why I say it is special.


You are right. One of the problems of Spain ist that our politicians have build to much, and waste lots of money in really stupid things.

Also must I say that I don´t find your town train station ugly, it is just like any small town train station. I would say there are many uglier train stations in London, for example.

I´m happy that you found such a cool city, but I was expecting..... let´s say...... something diferent.


That building in Rotterdam looks cool. I love 60-70 Architecture!! Have a look at Oscars Niemeyer work, that is out of this world......


CoLoUr DoTZ,



If you think that the pics are nothing sp4ecial and consider your Spain pic as normal, than you don't know what normal is. maybe Spain suffers from financial Crysis now, buecause they have such expensive architecture like that.




this is the ugly train station of my town, compare that to Herrenberg and you wil know why I say it is special.


At least you have a train station in your town. Here is my city's "train station" here in Buffalo, New York.


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Notice the single track, lack of elevated platform, lack of proper drainage, and the brilliant concrete pillars of the highway where car parts commonly fall from.


so do you like the city I posted in first post. However the pics don#t sho0w a lot of the city btw.


Herrenberg ?

I like these houses, strange... Remembers me a bit the shapes of Aldo Rossi.


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But the city don't look especially "modern" for me, or maybe just in a historical sense. (the last building in particular, could be a mix between Henri Sauvage and De Stijl !)


Well, maybe it is just the area arround the station, but that looks very modern in my opnion adn like something in the future, it also looks like they do not care about space and make things big which I like. I don't like minimalistic things.


You guys should visit Rotterdam :) The city has been almost entirely rebuild after WWII, everything is very experimental now. It's like a giant playground for contemporary architects !

For example, the hotel where I stayed was inside this construction :


I'm not a big fan of Rotterdam (for football reasons :P) but they have good architecture indeed. WWII really effected that city at the time. My city is the opposite, old fashion style and old houses and buildings still remaining, with canals in the middle in the center. Nice you visited this county.

radi6404 : Come to La Defense in France, you'll be pleased :P ! It's all about BIGNESS. Here's some pics I took about half a year ago, check it :)






Prog4all : what is you city ?


Amsterdam. :) And you?

radi6404 : Come to La Defense in France, you'll be pleased :P ! It's all about BIGNESS. Here's some pics I took about half a year ago, check it :)






Prog4all : what is you city ?


why don't you post it as a pic here? I am not opening that many strange internet sources anym ore, more and more pages have viruses.


I'm affraid to say that this is not the future. This looks crappy and has nothing to do with the future but with Dhubai VIP shit.


The trainstation I posted could be a train station on another planet 200 years in the future.


@ColourDotz: as a Brazilian, I have a few words on Niemeyer. The worst architect ever, simply put. Brasilia was his dream, a one man's dream, mind you. He didn't take into his dream one element that is the most important of it all: the local population. Making a long story short, Brasilia is ultra-hot city with open spaces with no trees or shadows and large and long avenues. This makes the city a nightmare to do simple things like going to the local supermarket or walking a dog. His mistake was to design a city in European style in a tropical country. I don't think people would need to ride a car with air-conditioning at maximum power to move two or three blocks if Brasilia was placed in Northern Europe. But Brasil is a warm/hot country, asphalt here is so hot you can bake a cake or an egg in five minutes. I have foreigner friends who dreamt of visiting Brasilia, only to say later that it was the most unpleasant place they've ever been. Last news I heard, there is a group of foreigners architects just waiting Niemeyer to die to make some deep modifications in Brasilia, namely creating shadows with trees or undeground tunnels to make people leave their cars at home and walk, a green attitude that is impossible to practice now. The worst thing of all, is that Niemeyer was so prized abroad that a whole new school of architects followed his path. Now, in places where temperatures reach 35 Celsius and that used to have parks like Central Park in NY, we have huge squares of concrete and cement with no trees at all, with a senseless sculpture in the middle of it. The very downtown of the city where I am living now we had a park full of flamboyant trees with a lake, places to sit and have a talk while having an ice cream. Now it's a 100m x 150m cement square with no trees at all, it's so hot that even after midnight it radiates heat absorbed during the day. No wonder downtown is dead place now. So, please stop praising Niemeyer and his horrible school of design. He was a man who thought of a world made of blocks and blocks of cements, no green was allowed in his dreams.


I'm sorry, but this train station is very common in my opinion. 90% of the Paris's suburbian stations look just like this one, and I'm sure it's the same thing in other big cities.

Considering the incredible speed of evolution in technical and design solutions these last 10-20 years, I think that in less than a century you'll see a very different kind of futuristic architecture. The Avant Garde of architecture nowadays is dealing mostly with parametric shapes, inspired by construction process of nature... With of course high ecological considerations.

Few examples :

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Here's some pics of La Defense :



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Wow Procyon... Sounds horrible. International architecture is really outdated: stupid solutions as you said, mostly a question of fashion and shape grammar... No place for inhabitants needs, environnemental impact, or even relation to the existing site... !! What is sad is that there are still a lot of architects who think this way ("This concrete is so beautiful, don't care about the huge ecological impact of this material")...


@ColourDotz: as a Brazilian, I have a few words on Niemeyer. The worst architect ever, simply put. Brasilia was his dream, a one man's dream, mind you. He didn't take into his dream one element that is the most important of it all: the local population. Making a long story short, Brasilia is ultra-hot city with open spaces with no trees or shadows and large and long avenues. This makes the city a nightmare to do simple things like going to the local supermarket or walking a dog. His mistake was to design a city in European style in a tropical country. I don't think people would need to ride a car with air-conditioning at maximum power to move two or three blocks if Brasilia was placed in Northern Europe. But Brasil is a warm/hot country, asphalt here is so hot you can bake a cake or an egg in five minutes. I have foreigner friends who dreamt of visiting Brasilia, only to say later that it was the most unpleasant place they've ever been. Last news I heard, there is a group of foreigners architects just waiting Niemeyer to die to make some deep modifications in Brasilia, namely creating shadows with trees or undeground tunnels to make people leave their cars at home and walk, a green attitude that is impossible to practice now. The worst thing of all, is that Niemeyer was so prized abroad that a whole new school of architects followed his path. Now, in places where temperatures reach 35 Celsius and that used to have parks like Central Park in NY, we have huge squares of concrete and cement with no trees at all, with a senseless sculpture in the middle of it. The very downtown of the city where I am living now we had a park full of flamboyant trees with a lake, places to sit and have a talk while having an ice cream. Now it's a 100m x 150m cement square with no trees at all, it's so hot that even after midnight it radiates heat absorbed during the day. No wonder downtown is dead place now. So, please stop praising Niemeyer and his horrible school of design. He was a man who thought of a world made of blocks and blocks of cements, no green was allowed in his dreams.



Well, I must say I did not know that Brasilia was such a hell. After reading your post, I must say I feel quite sorry for the people living there. I also rather live in a more green corner. Anyway, concrete or not concrete, the sense of shape from this man is astonishing.


Well, I must say I did not know that Brasilia was such a hell. After reading your post, I must say I feel quite sorry for the people living there. I also rather live in a more green corner. Anyway, concrete or not concrete, the sense of shape from this man is astonishing.


Yes, it is. But his buildings lose their creativeness in the end, after one sees the lifeless desert that surrounds them. My brother worked in Brasilia for one year, his favorite hobby there was taking the next flight away from it, he does not even want to visit his friends there.


Wow Procyon... Sounds horrible. International architecture is really outdated: stupid solutions as you said, mostly a question of fashion and shape grammar... No place for inhabitants needs, environnemental impact, or even relation to the existing site... !! What is sad is that there are still a lot of architects who think this way ("This concrete is so beautiful, don't care about the huge ecological impact of this material")...


Concrete is not the problem PharaOm. Tokyo and NY, for example, are cities of concrete, but they're somehow pleasant, for there are islands of greenery and the weather helps somehow. In Brasilia, if Niemeyer's buildings were surrounded by some nature, they would blend in a beautiful way. Problem there is that Brasilia is a city with a 11-month endless hot summer. It is man made desert. What really enrages me is that his "school of architecture" spread thru Brazil in the 1960s: there are hundreds of planned cities that are as unpleasant, or more, than Brasilia. But, thankfully, there is this new generation of architects that take population into their design, hope they fix that horrendous place.

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