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Artist: Sylica-X

Title: Research EP

Label: ACP Records

Date: October, 2012


1. Re-Search

2. Hypoxis



Talking sh*t is an art form.


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There are plenty of people who talk a good game but don't or won't back it up. Take this heifer for example. If we ignore the fact that she could be distracted by a box of twinkies I'd still be willing to bet that you could unwrap that gun and it would be made of chocolate.


Bang bang. You've got diabetes.


I'm not sure if this artist is Filipe Santos (can you blame me, he seems to have a new project monthly), but even if it isn't him, it's being put out on his label. He has been releasing quality original goa trance for what seems like a decade and a lot of that for free. He charges for some of it, but you know what...he's earned it. I have never listened to his music and said this sucks. Never happened. I won't go into all his aliases (go to Discogs), but his projects are different than a lot of the goa around today. He consistently tells artists to take risks and not follow the same mold.


And he backs it up.


But mistake his originality for poor quality at your own peril. He has an old school sound that few can duplicate. Re-Search swings the 303 like Thor's hammer and settles into a good groove instead of coming out with guns blazing. Instead of force feeding you melodies he introduces them until you attain a comfort level and then it's on to the next one.


Now don't get me wrong(ly). I love melodies and stacks of them. But when you get a Filipe Santos production it's always something to look forward to. So if he talks a little smack about doing something different it's ok to listen to him. He knows what he's talking about.


And he doesn't need a chocolate gun to back it up.


ACP Records



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