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Hallucinogen live studio remix of "Atmos - Klein Aber Doctor"

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Madddddnesssss.... :lol:

Funny, now this gem is getting out there, I'm working on a sort like compilation for cronomi rec. :)





"Looking through my old DAT's, I found this forgotten gem… This was made in Januray 1999. It's a remix of Atmos' classic Klein Aber Doctor done by myself and George Barker, released as Slinky Wizard vs. Green Nuns Remix….BUT this version was done after we had put down our final mix…. Simon popped round for a cuppa and did a live mix on the mixing desk. In the "olden days" before making everything inside a computer people would make their sequenced mix then put everything on a loop and make a live mix on the analogue mixing desk twisting the FX and EQ's, playing the desk like an instrument……this was a trick learnt from the days of Youth's Butterfly Studios….. Simon P., Ott and Greg Hunter were masters of this.Then you could edit it down into a few minutes. So this is Simon's live mix of our remix….its about 19 minutes long and very psychedelic! Enjoy!"

- Dick Trevor (GNOTR)



download link: http://soundcloud.com/dicktrevor/atm...s-hallucinogen

This is thé vision I share on goatrance and psychedelic techno (too long this word hasn't been used ^_^ )

Long strechy tracks with classical music influanced structures!!! A true vision on real new skool approach of this music: I hope goatrance can evolve more into this. Music that's really worth listening like you are in a concert, plus danceable,....


thats a great track! that minimal/scando sound was the shit...i loved it. atmos, son kite, auricular...great artists. its too bad the full on croud stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomped it out of existance.

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