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The difference between south and north


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I don't know why most people don't seem to notice a difference between more southern regions and more northern regions altough in my opinion there is a big difference. In my opinion and with my perception everything is diffferent in the south, compared to the north.


I was at my fathers grandmother a few das ago and the difference to there compared to my place was big, especially when I compare it with Stuttgart, which is more northern than my place.


My place is at N 48 63 69, the place where my fathers mother is is at 48 04 and we were at a restaurant at 48 02 and altough the distance is not that big, it is about 60 kilometers more to the south, the difference was pretty big.


The atmosphere there is much more alive looking and it looks uch more dynamic. here at my area and direction Stuttgart it looks like winter since a long time and the days are dark and the sun does not have a lot of strengh, but there it was quite different. Teh sun was strong and could warm up your clothes in no time even tough it was cold outside. The sun was shining very bright and the sky had a strong blue compared to my place. The day was much brighter and more dynamic, Teh time appeared to run slower than it does here and I prefer it there. Ofcourse if you go 500 kilometers to the sun the difference will be much biger, the sun will be really red when it goes down and even the vegetation will slowly change, I am wondering how people can't feel the effect of north and south and say it is the same for them I have a different perception because my eyes are not as sharp as normal eyes, but still I think anyone should notice severe difference when reaching 48,10 and going to the south.

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You are not the only one. I notice purely the difference in the sun's angle going south towards the equator which alters the way the sky looks, how blue it is, how easily it can warm you. And of course the further north you get the greater differences in the seasons with this time of the year the sun only being up for about 8 hours each day out of 24. The further south you go, there is virtually no difference in the seasons.

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True, but that are not the only differencies. The wether further to the south loks more dynamic and clothes appear more colorful Even a cloudy day in a southern sky does look dynamic and alife I even otice differencies inside rooms and houses, with my perception everything appears bigger,the more to the south you go and another difference is that the sky looks higher and you feel like you are further down. What makes e wonder is that even 60 kilometers at my area can make a big difference.


Another thing that I ca roove, since even a camera will notice it is, that the shadows are different in the south and you will notice it in closed rooms aswell, if I take a picture of a certain object and it's shadows it will look different in different places on the earth, no matter whether it is day or night.

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yeah well you try being this far south!

down here, we hate leg wankers, and boris blenn

the sun is always shining though!




On topic,


I'm the type of guy who sweats a lot, because of the sun and a friend of mine has the same problem

(it's a problem sometimes, not the smell, with that, I'm blessed, for some reason my sweat doesn't

smell intense or bad at all) but my point is that the sun in Spain that's 1300 km more south

then Belgium is totally different compared to the Sun in Belgium although the degrees are still the same

and the way you sweat is totally different and more comfortable. Also the fact that in Southern regions

sunny weather are often a longer period so your (my) body can adapt to the weather is great.

Here in Belgium in a Summer we have easily 2 days 22 degrees, then 3 days, 31 degrees and then back

to 22 degrees. That's a big pain in the ass. And am I overreacting I don't know, but I'm 30 and have

the feeling that's those swings of degrees are getting heavier and heavier each summer (global warming?)

I'm starting to think to move to another region in the future where my body can adapt more to the sun

cause this summer was actually hell. I used to sweat so much because of the degrees swings

that I actually started losing weight, my skin had zoster because off all the salt and I felt often nauseous

because off the colder/warmer shift. The contrast was to high. I've never spend so much days inside

the house (not taking a single walk) as passed summer

We Belgians are not used to that. Especially the sweaty ones :D


Then again some scientist say that in 10-15 years Belgium will have the climate pattern that Spain has

right now, because of global warming (I don't know If I can believe that) so maybe I should stay put and wait a while :D

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The global warning is much less significant as some scientists say. This summer was not extremly hot in Germany, the winter is pretty cold and snowy, last winter was cold aswell and last summer was hotter as this summer, so I don't see the global warming. Also the sun will not shine in #belgium as it does in Spain, in #belgium it will feel distant and dry, in Spain it will feel big and close, a very different feeling.

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Like I said indeed, the Spain/Belgium comparison.

It's the contrast of the weather that I'm referring to, not the fact that it is actually getting warmer.

Because it's not, over here in Belgium.

The effects of global warming are not just that it is getting warmer.

Sometimes on the contrary,

It's not that simple...

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OT @ Sideffect...: is there a reason why you insert so many carriage returns into your posts? You don't need to, browsers will automatically word wrap text. This means that on small screens your writing looks like this:


Posted Image

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The global warning is much less significant as some scientists say. This summer was not extremly hot in Germany, the winter is pretty cold and snowy, last winter was cold aswell and last summer was hotter as this summer, so I don't see the global warming. Also the sun will not shine in #belgium as it does in Spain, in #belgium it will feel distant and dry, in Spain it will feel big and close, a very different feeling.


global warming does NOT exist, it never has!

the sun has flares, actually when it was reported, the earth was cooling down,

has a yoyo effect

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OT @ Sideffect...: is there a reason why you insert so many carriage returns into your posts? You don't need to, browsers will automatically word wrap text. This means that on small screens your writing looks like this:


Posted Image


Sorry mate, I don't know actually why I do it, My screen is wide and everytime my neck/head goes to go to right to type further,

I press the "enter" button so the text stays in front of my eyes. I prefer it that way (less pain).

I'll try to work on it but won't promise anything

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Is there a difference between the first paragraph and the last?


Nope, they look exactly the same.


It's not a big problem, I just thought I'd mention it in case you were unaware.

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