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English is not my nature language and while reviewing releases I miss that sometimes.

It's pretty hard to express emotions, music in a foreign language.

So are there people that speak english as a mother language and would feel free to share some (one is also good)?

I've tried Google but most of them are so common.



I'm broke = I have no money...

A black eye = We say in Belgium 'a blue eye'



Those one I can't use, and most of the common one I already know from watching television

(In Belgium everything is subtitled). We don't dub like the French or other which is great.

So English expression that can be used to express emotions (maybe music related)


Exotic posted a good one today in the Shiva Chandra (2012) review,

it's not music related, but it's a good example.


if you look behind the veil


In Belgium we say: If you look further then the length of your noise.


I'll see how it goes, got nothing to lose :)


In Belgium we say: If you look further then the length of your noise.


We have this expression as well, but we mostly use it as an insult. Like ''this guy can't see further than his nose'' meaning he's too near sighted (metaphorically).

But it's different than looking behind the veil which I guess is similar to behind the curtain.


We have this expression as well, but we mostly use it as an insult. Like ''this guy can't see further than his nose'' meaning he's too near sighted (metaphorically).

But it's different than looking behind the veil which I guess is similar to behind the curtain.


Your right, In Belgium that's also meant in a more negative way, "the guy should be more opeminded, think outside the box etc...)


It's not easy, but interesting imo :)

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