Procyon Posted December 11, 2012 Posted December 11, 2012 Taking a cue from the North and South differences topic, I live in Brazil as you may know, and I feel that it's getting hotter and hotter. As a tropical country, Brazil has a summer that lasts 10 months, a one month Fall and a Winter that lasts one or two weeks. But it was not like this, my mother says that some 30 years ago, the cold weather would start in mid-April and last till September, with temperatures not rising above 30 Celsius in July, as we see now. I remember that time, for we had to use jackets to play outside in the backyard or in the streets. 2012 has been a specially hot year, so hot that my boyfriend bought us a air-conditioning. Something he never saw the need to have. And we officially are not in Summer yet. I wonder what is happening to our Earth, some may say that the climate changing by man is not happening. Easy said if you live in Europe or USA, where changes in cold weather are not felt by general population as it happens in the Southern hemisphere. All I may say is that in comparison to last year, every year is hotter. In Brazil, it's so hot, it is almost unbereable. I am a witness that climate changing is happening, we never felt so in need of an air conditioning. Our neighboors too, almost all of them are buying in this summer. Quote
Sideffect... Posted December 11, 2012 Posted December 11, 2012 There is a huge attention in Belgium concerning this climate change. Lot's of documentaries to make people aware are broadcasted, We have groups/organizations that collect money to work on that problem. And indeed the main message is, that we, Europe, the north is responsible for the damage in the south because of our consumer behavior, pollution etc... It's starting to have it's effect, but imo, way to slow (and late) and it's obviously very clear that the weather changes are barely noticeable in the north but in the south farmers that could count on periods of rain, see there seasons change and cannot survive anymore because all is dry and it has become impossible to plant vegetables. In Belgium we already have the first "climate refugees", people who actually are moving to the north because of the weather change, hoping to have a better future, here, where the climate change is wearable... I hope it helps, it's all over the media in Belgium, I don't know in other countries, but there are lot's off organisations that are pulling strings to influence the politicians off today on a Europe scale, cause they are the only ones who have the power/authority that can create changes that are big enough to have a positive effect. It's one off "the" topics of today media in Belgium and I really really really hope, it's not a trend but it will stay until changes/actions are done. I do believe in global warming. I do believe in the fact that the earth is getting warmer in a natural way, like it should be, but that's not a reason to deny that we, humans, are also have an effect. Like always there is no one true solution. It's a combination of both. 1. the earth is getting warmer and colder like she always does over the million years 2. We make it more warmer because of our presence as humans, the fact that we are with to many and our consumption behavior/pollution. We don't create global warming, but I do think that we are disturbing it's natural pattern, what causes problems. I'm no scientist but I prefer to play it safe and honest to people all around the world.... Quote
Procyon Posted December 11, 2012 Author Posted December 11, 2012 I agree with you Sideffect, except in one point: it's not by caused Northern hemisphere solely. It is caused by all of us. According to scientists, Europe, Canada, Russia and USA will be the best places to live in the future, weather-wise: Winters will get warmer, but still nice, and Summers will be hotter, but not as hot as in Brazil, India or Australia. I myself, have given some thought to moving to NY, as I have the legal status to move to USA - solely based on the weather. Wonder how many millions will do the same - illegally - in the coming years. Quote
Sideffect... Posted December 11, 2012 Posted December 11, 2012 I agree that it's all off us, but the north has the highest procent because of it's industry probably (I think) , I don't know all about the subject, all I did was check some documentaries. I wish you all the best! Quote
technosomy Posted December 12, 2012 Posted December 12, 2012 solar flares and co2 that's it been happening since the beginning, we contribute, but nothing don't believe the lies! they spray barium and alluminium here in northern rivers of nsw every day, saying that it helps reflect the suns rays and keep the temp down, while people just keep getting sicker and sicker! Quote
Veracohr Posted December 12, 2012 Posted December 12, 2012 Solar flares have nothing to do with global warming. They're over with in the span of days. The sun does have a cycle of increasing and decreasing activity, about an 11 year cycle. Quote
Guest D N H Posted December 13, 2012 Posted December 13, 2012 The three biggest gas producers China, USA, Russia. Still, the global summits for the emissions reduction have stuck. Quote
needle ninja Posted December 13, 2012 Posted December 13, 2012 I know from personal experience that climate change is as real a I am sitting in front of my computer's screen. Around here we had 18 straight months with above-average temperatures ending this last November. Part of the reason I went back to college was to learn more about environmental science and from what I know now I can say that the world will be a much different place in 100 years then what you can imagine and no one can really predict the extent or the scope of the changes that will happen because the Earth is too complex a system for science. I guess I'm glad I don't live in Brazil. Quote
Procyon Posted December 13, 2012 Author Posted December 13, 2012 @needleninja: I applause you returning to college for this serious reason. People need to understand more what's going on, before it's too late. Elaborating a little more about Brazil, we are one of countries that will suffer most with the higher and higher temperatures. But we are also the ones to be blamed: Brazilians have a strong culture of thinking that a city with buildings is the best place to live (which send us back to that Oscar Niemeyer topic, I am sorry for his passing, but can't deny that I don't miss him as an architect), which is one of the reasons that the Amazon jungle is being devastated in record speeds. Politically, I do hope that US invade the Amazon jungle, it's possibly the only way to stop deforestation as we see now. Brazilian leftist gov't is tied to bribery involving the wood industry, so they don't see the need to stop deforestation as it brings money from taxes and briberies. That is why I hate the anti-American speech that the leftists keep alive around the world. I wouldn't mind at all if Amazon was invaded and taken from Brazil, at least it would not have the fate it's having now: it will become a desert land, with the modernization. I suggest you search Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant and the Transamazon Road, to have an idea of how our gov't is helping with great effort destroy the Amazon jungle. But Amazon is in the far North, I myself haven't been there. Brazil is too huge. But this kind of mentality (which we inherited from our Iberian colonizers: destroy to the ground and take everything away) still pervades our culture. I would say that 50% of Brazilians think it's great it's becoming hotter and hotter: they only visualize the beaches, the naked women, and beer. They don't see that in the long run Brazil North part already is a desert, and if scientists are right, it will be the new Sahara in 100 years time. I am part of the other 50%, I fight with my neighbors when they cut down trees in front of their houses, I call police when I see someone setting fire in empty lots to have it "clean" instead of doing a proper cleaning job. I buy recycled paper and do the most I can to help the Earth. But it's too little. I hope Brazil (and every other country, as the air knows no boundaries) wake up and start fighting for a better environment as soon as possible. I say again that people living in the Northern hemisphere does not realise weather change, for the most part of the year, even when temperatures get higher, they still feel the weather is good. They don't feel 210 continuous days of temperatures reaching 30C and above, or droughts. But this will spread globally soon... Sorry for the book... Quote
Veracohr Posted December 13, 2012 Posted December 13, 2012 If the US invaded the Amazon it would only be to pave it over and build malls. Quote
Procyon Posted December 13, 2012 Author Posted December 13, 2012 If the US invaded the Amazon it would only be to pave it over and build malls. Perhaps Veracohr, but there would be a 50% chance of not happening so. Anyway, it would be better than the 100% sureness we have now that Brazilian gov't is not willing to stop it. Quote
Imba Posted December 14, 2012 Posted December 14, 2012 Last few years in Serbia weather go craaaaaaazy. Before summers were mostly around 35 celsius and winters -5 but last few years that changed a lot. Last two summers we had 45 or more and winters... last was -30. At moment here is -20 celsius, with clears sky and wind... Siberia style if you ask me! I believe is because global warming, great pollution + 13 years ago NATO dropped here about 13000 uranium bombs - that must affect on local weather and shits last years! Quote
Sideffect... Posted December 14, 2012 Posted December 14, 2012 @needleninja: I applause you returning to college for this serious reason. People need to understand more what's going on, before it's too late. Elaborating a little more about Brazil, we are one of countries that will suffer most with the higher and higher temperatures. But we are also the ones to be blamed: Brazilians have a strong culture of thinking that a city with buildings is the best place to live (which send us back to that Oscar Niemeyer topic, I am sorry for his passing, but can't deny that I don't miss him as an architect), which is one of the reasons that the Amazon jungle is being devastated in record speeds. Politically, I do hope that US invade the Amazon jungle, it's possibly the only way to stop deforestation as we see now. Brazilian leftist gov't is tied to bribery involving the wood industry, so they don't see the need to stop deforestation as it brings money from taxes and briberies. That is why I hate the anti-American speech that the leftists keep alive around the world. I wouldn't mind at all if Amazon was invaded and taken from Brazil, at least it would not have the fate it's having now: it will become a desert land, with the modernization. I suggest you search Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant and the Transamazon Road, to have an idea of how our gov't is helping with great effort destroy the Amazon jungle. But Amazon is in the far North, I myself haven't been there. Brazil is too huge. But this kind of mentality (which we inherited from our Iberian colonizers: destroy to the ground and take everything away) still pervades our culture. I would say that 50% of Brazilians think it's great it's becoming hotter and hotter: they only visualize the beaches, the naked women, and beer. They don't see that in the long run Brazil North part already is a desert, and if scientists are right, it will be the new Sahara in 100 years time. I am part of the other 50%, I fight with my neighbors when they cut down trees in front of their houses, I call police when I see someone setting fire in empty lots to have it "clean" instead of doing a proper cleaning job. I buy recycled paper and do the most I can to help the Earth. But it's too little. I hope Brazil (and every other country, as the air knows no boundaries) wake up and start fighting for a better environment as soon as possible. I say again that people living in the Northern hemisphere does not realise weather change, for the most part of the year, even when temperatures get higher, they still feel the weather is good. They don't feel 210 continuous days of temperatures reaching 30C and above, or droughts. But this will spread globally soon... Sorry for the book... There are people who have the same mentality in Belgium over here. Scientist are predicting that the weather in Belgium in 50 - 100 years will be like in Spain. Spain is like "the" location to spend your vacation for Belgians If they want sun (better weather), so some are saying, that's nice, I would even like that. But they don't see the huge downsides and global effects that come along. Short minded imo... Quote
Drosophila Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 they spray barium and alluminium here in northern rivers of nsw every day, saying that it helps reflect the suns rays and keep the temp down, while people just keep getting sicker and sicker! That sounds crazy! Better to make people paint their roofs white or something if you really want to increase reflection, but chemicals?!!! Quote
reger Posted December 17, 2012 Posted December 17, 2012 solar flares and co2 that's it been happening since the beginning, we contribute, but nothing don't believe the lies! they spray barium and alluminium here in northern rivers of nsw every day, saying that it helps reflect the suns rays and keep the temp down, while people just keep getting sicker and sicker! WTF, is that official - dumping checmicals into rivers?! Well, havent done any research regarding local climate changes in Baltics, however, what Ive read so far is that summers will get slightly colder by couple of degrees C and winter slightly warmer by couple degrees C, thats all, overall it was said that our climate will simply even out slightly between summer and winter by few degrees. Not sure what international media writes about our region, Northern Europe region, will check it out ASAP! Edit: Checked some official data - looks like overall average years temperature will rise within 2.5-4.1 degrees C within this century. Winter will get bigger part of the rise, summers will get warmer too. No data regarding how many % of that rise might go towards winter and how many towards summer. December, march, april, may are those 4 months that have seen the biggest temperature rise during last 50 years. Also theres some data regarding precipitation etc, but to be honest, no one can say anything about where, when and for how many degrees or milimteres will temperatures/precipitation change. So, be alerted, be prepared ! Quote
needle ninja Posted December 18, 2012 Posted December 18, 2012 Procyon, the deforestation of the Amazon is indeed a major problem. They don't just eliminate carbon-eating trees, they burn the forests which, as you know, releases the carbon into the atmosphere. It is a two-sided effect that has a compounding change rate, much like compound interest rates. America is not much better I'm afraid, in the Pacific Northwest they clear cut the native forest lands. They say it helps the local economy, but fewer people are employed by the timber industry then ever before because of improved efficiency. What is left is a waste land that is prone to land slides and is avoided by all the native animals. Worse, it provides new territory for invasive species to take root. No US politician will do anything about it because of the powerful timber lobbies in our country. Quote
Procyon Posted February 14, 2013 Author Posted February 14, 2013 Just because I complained that it's hotter and hotter, this summer we are having unusual low temperatures. Since January we're sleeping with edredons. I don't remember feeling cold in Brazilian summer. Weird times. Quote
needle ninja Posted February 15, 2013 Posted February 15, 2013 And there will always be the odd winter. People in general have an extremely localized view of the weather. My brother, for example, thinks there is no such thing as climate change. He also happens to live near the Pacific cold water upwelling. The oceans have a much larger local effect on climate than the atmosphere. Water has a higher thermal capacity then air. The oceans are and will be stabilizing the world's temperatures or hundreds of years. Quote
radi6404 Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 There is a huge attention in Belgium concerning this climate change. Lot's of documentaries to make people aware are broadcasted, We have groups/organizations that collect money to work on that problem. And indeed the main message is, that we, Europe, the north is responsible for the damage in the south because of our consumer behavior, pollution etc... It's starting to have it's effect, but imo, way to slow (and late) and it's obviously very clear that the weather changes are barely noticeable in the north but in the south farmers that could count on periods of rain, see there seasons change and cannot survive anymore because all is dry and it has become impossible to plant vegetables. In Belgium we already have the first "climate refugees", people who actually are moving to the north because of the weather change, hoping to have a better future, here, where the climate change is wearable... I hope it helps, it's all over the media in Belgium, I don't know in other countries, but there are lot's off organisations that are pulling strings to influence the politicians off today on a Europe scale, cause they are the only ones who have the power/authority that can create changes that are big enough to have a positive effect. It's one off "the" topics of today media in Belgium and I really really really hope, it's not a trend but it will stay until changes/actions are done. I do believe in global warming. I do believe in the fact that the earth is getting warmer in a natural way, like it should be, but that's not a reason to deny that we, humans, are also have an effect. Like always there is no one true solution. It's a combination of both. 1. the earth is getting warmer and colder like she always does over the million years 2. We make it more warmer because of our presence as humans, the fact that we are with to many and our consumption behavior/pollution. We don't create global warming, but I do think that we are disturbing it's natural pattern, what causes problems. I'm no scientist but I prefer to play it safe and honest to people all around the world.... So what, do you think Belgum will change anything? I don#t think Belgium is able to change the ignorant and selfish people in europe, especially the very ignorant country of Germany who say "we are car drivers". By the wy here in northern europe the cilmate change is not notisable yet, the last two years had long and cold winters and the summers were not very warm aswell, the sun is not shining siginficantly stronger or such things, but that is more aobut sun activity. However most humans are way too ignorant to do anything for climate change and even the big car manufractures, which are one of the biggest problem don't give a shit about it. Cars could be using different sources of energy for many years like hydrogen for example but the companies don#t care. Germany is one of the bigest car manufractures in the world and they ofer almost only benzin driven cars. The boss of Volkswagen said, that benzin is the primary source for cars and that it will not be changed in future, there will not be cars in near future that will use a different source of energy for the main power, especially for long distances. It is really a shame that he thinks like that and most people even buy big expensive cars like SUVs instead of choosing small cars and using the public transoprt. I do not own a car and I use the public transport, sometimes my father offers me to takem me to town or similar, but I choose to walk or take the bus if he would use the car only to take me to the town, that is absolutely unreasonable , but most people are unaware of it and don#t care at all about it. Really a big sahme that happens. Based on the ignorance of Germany and some other countries nothing will happen in near future. When you touch a country at their biggest hobby, they will just show how careless they are about environment. ofcourse other countries and other factors ply a big rule when it comes to environment. For example the gowing economy of China and India and also that there is no restriction to stop people getting more than 1 child The more humans exist the more ressources are needed and yet people are too dumb to think for themselves that more than one child in Asia or Africa is not very good for the environment. The world grooth should be limited by strict government control and sanctionary, so that at least the effect of one factur is reduced. I think that the global warming is not irreversible at this point, but the effect can still be controlled. Quote
technosomy Posted February 16, 2013 Posted February 16, 2013 just to clear up a few things about what they spraying here and probably in your back yard have a look at this trailer then the whole thing. now i see this every day! quite often 20 - 30 streams everywhere. cronic health problems are increasing rapidly all around and i believe this is contributing. my own girlfriend has eczema that gets worse a few days after heavy spraying you make up your own mind summer has been weird here in australia, chronic floods all around us, with heatwave patches but on a whole pretty cool for february. Quote
reger Posted March 4, 2013 Posted March 4, 2013 Its march, so the winter is coming to an end, whole february was rather warm, only few degrees below zero and around 0 or even few degrees above zero, but tonight it was down to -14c, today its barely below zero or even slightly above, tomorrow and day after tomorrow it will be way above zero up to +7 degrees C while thursday+friday will be again way below zero degrees down to even -20c !WTF?! Quote
Sideffect... Posted March 11, 2013 Posted March 11, 2013 So what, do you think Belgium will change anything? I don#t think Belgium is able to change the ignorant and selfish people in europe, especially the very ignorant country of Germany who say "we are car drivers". By the wy here in northern europe the cilmate change is not notisable yet, the last two years had long and cold winters and the summers were not very warm aswell, the sun is not shining siginficantly stronger or such things, but that is more aobut sun activity. Not much, but we can try don't you think, better start with yourself then complaining others don't imo BTW: Hasn't Germany a 5-10 years plan (I think I saw it on the news) to create a system that 80% off all house livings would run on "green energy"? Quote
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