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Hello everyone,


I am happy that Gilles has returned to the scene and has delivered one free ep, one full album, and some live performances around and I have been thinking for a long time to release some of his old lost forgotten tracks on DAT. I do know that there are many people liking his sound around but I would like to know what is the general idea of his music.


I find it pretty mental and maybe hard to digest for many.

His patterns are always intricate and the melodies are not straight in your face la-la-la (excuse the generalization).

Let's say that he is hard-psychedelic rather then melodic, if you pass me the term.


I have had some chat with him in the past and we were talking about an album but then things slipped because he wanted to release immediately and I had a back-list of releases that I had agreed to do before that. Now the thing is that with me more than a release per year is hard and so it didn't happen (yet) but I also wanted to test a bit the ground and hear some opinions around here :).


I agree that some of his tracks are hard to digest (especially on the newest album which I dont care for apart from Up Days) but he does compose some really good psychedelic and mental music. Age Age, Fusion Froide, Frog Party, Spiral Dive, and Nuage D'encens (amongst others) are awesome tracks however he lacks in consistency. The rest of his tracks on the albums seem like fillers to me.


Over all I see this as good news. I'm glad hes releasing more material, hopefully its not the fillers...


Well knowing all the material Gilles has I don't think the selection of his new album was the best, many tracks were already released, sure he polished them and remastered and they sound better but i was hoping for only never heard before tracks. Still I bought it and like the music of course but the idea is that, if i release an album of him and we mutually agree, I only want never heard before tracks and only from the 90s that have never been properly released on any CD. I already have a possible selection of tracks like that, with the exceptions of a few tracks that were on his psychedelic home disc that after-all was not really a real release.


Was quite disappointed with his latest but yes he is a legend . I was amazed when i discovered those earlier albums , hands down the most psychedelic music i had ever heard .


When I first heard Toi doi I was amazed, I still have those and that was good melodic psychedelic trance.

I noticed his latest album released this year and I expected to much and got disappointed.

I still do believe the men has go a lot of talent but I prefer his melodic way of psytrance.

It was different melodic back in 2000-2002 compared to other psychedelic trance artist.

Rather unique and it still is...


He's definitely delivered us some of the most groundbreaking, original, twisted high-octane goa (or hard melodic psychedelic trance). As was mentioned, he lacks in consistency and personally I find the new album isn't that good, the compositions and melodies there are a bit awkward even.

Not sure if the guy lost the plot, but how I see it is that the old stuff (9x-01) is where he has been in his most striking form.


Although not in the same league as Technologic I found The Search For The Key better than the 90% of new school Goa.


Yes, Mother Pitch is great! The Search for the Key has also some great and mind twisting tunes but some easy average stuff too, unfortunately. Still, it has replay and it might grow inside.


However, Technologic will always be a milestone of high energetic raw "in your face" psychedelic.


Old school Goa Gil always had a "soft" spot for Gilles' twisting complexity.


HAs made some real bangers for sure, saw goa gil in the 90's and his set consisted alot of his tracks. New cd is good esp updays, awesome tracks, would love to see him live. Nice to see him back, hope he gets some real support. Puts most dark trance to shame.


Yes exactly psydmt his tracks are the only kind of dark trance that I like because they are mental voyages and not metallic noise, yes they are not straight in your face melodies but mind that the old tracks had Indian chants and more goa elements so they are definitely worth the time. It would be in the same vibe of technologic more or less :). Thanks for all the comments

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Cosmogenesis

His style is way too complex and breaking. Unfortunately, It often prevents the instant sound immersion. I hardly listen to him. Though I must recognize the guy has lot of talent and I'm pleased he's back in the business. :)

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