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Artist: Aural Planet

Title: Part: Second

Label: Planet Rec.

Date: 2000


1. Secret Garden

2. Samadhi

3. Reminiscenter Incorporated

4. Lunarplanetarium

5. Trip To Nowhere

6. Psi Generator

7. Semirotation

8. Eternal Totem

9. Prayp

10. Polar Valves


When you say Poland to me three things come to mind.








"Get your hand of my sau...no, no...that's good, that's good. Keep it there...yeah, just like that."






"Yeah I'm looking for a size 9 extra wide?" Good God I need boundaries.







"Here you go father, take this...Nah, go ahead take it. Get yourself a new gym at the Vatican."



But ladies and gentlemen I'm here to tell you there is something else.


Goa trance.


You may know some of these fine Polish gentlemen as the project Sundial Aeon making all that nice floaty downtempo smoothness, but with their second album they stuck you with a hot poker that you'll not soon forget.


If you heard it that is.


This is very underrated goa album that isn't mentioned often. It's got some bark starting with the Secret Garden. Sharp and snappy that cut up vocal is the stuff of angels. Reminiscenter is full of bubbling sounds and good goa flavor.


Semirotation has some nifty knob twisting that reminds me of my teen years with that chick when I thought I knew what I was doing. Drifting with some great melody work away from the beat.






You best take that 4 minute weak sh*t somewhere else son. Call me when it's finished.


They end with Polar Valves (also on their Chilling Cuts Vol. 1 album) which is a futuristic downtempo piece with some dnb influences. Very metallic, but doesn't really fit with the rest of the album at all.


Dude on the cover is really shiny. Made of gold or rubbed it down with a few sticks of butter? Your call. Far from being a perfect album, they do manage to put some stormers in there. The last few tracks though made me think they were bored with the whole thing and went back to doing what they do best. The shorter track times also reinforce that thought. Not to sound like a bad Blues Brothers take, but I wouldn't mind if they tried to get the band back together.



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