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Guest PtitBen

I'm listening to music on a radio....ambient music with groups like Orbital !

And it's astonished !! Wonderful music !

It's so good during the night !

Give me some names please !! Best groups ?


Peace !

Guest Afghanfan

Yeh I also love ambient, especially trance-ambient. The Orb is my all time classic. However, Shpongle is really blowing my mind before going to bed lately. Please mention some good artists who produce trippy, trancy ambient - if you know any.


Peace in

Guest AtomikElf

yoyo my bruzki


the best frickin ambient that i have loved since buying it (1997) is a 4 cd box set that is still good by today's standards (i was just so in love with all the cd's for years) - called "amberdelic space". u can buy it on www.cdnow.com - i think - not too sure - but worth the search, and the cash.

many many countless nights, and post party crashes in the early hours of morning (when u're deeply wired and chilling with friends, coupla zols going round, and hearty conversations) - lovely stuff ¦)

impossible to tell how many times i've actually listened to them - but way more than anything in my trance collection, except maybe for "trancentral 5" which was the ripper for the tripper of all time ¦)


also my bro tunes "flotation" (i think it's called) is pretty awesome - he hasn't delved into it too hecticly yet, but on a first impression, he loves it, except for one song i think. it's a compilation - i think it's reviewed on this site.


vat dit lekker my broer ¦) en geniet u dag (sp?)



future sound of london - all of them including all of the ep's

Robert Rich ... Seven Veils

Vidna Obmana ... The Surreal Sanctuary

Steve Roach - all of them

spacecraft - summer town




Guest --== MiLeS ==--

Look no further than LiquidSoundDesign releases. The absolute top in ambient IMO and I've heard a lot of chillstuff AND it has it roots in psytrance.


Personally i dig the rich and alive psyambient style (etnic-dub-analog instruments) more than soundscape ambient...


aside from SHPONGLE:


Asura: Code Eternity is pretty kick-ass....

Makyo: Yakshini is great!

Mystery of the Yeti part 1: awesome!

Celtic Cross: Hicksville is cool if you like the celtic feel and plenty of "git-tahr!"


-=- Matt/Strumpling -=-

OH my GOD are we EVER in Hicksville!

Guest Peaceful waarrior

Shponngle is in a class of it's own. The very best imo. If you haaven't listened to the two Spongle albums then you have no idea what you are missing.

You might also like Future Sounds of London, The United States of Ambience, The Orb, and also other ambient/downtempo stuff reviewed on this site.

Guest kaleido

Hi there,


just maybe you would like to know that also "amberdelic space 2" has also been released for years now. Also 4 cd's with a rich variety in music for a very cheap price! (I think that in those days I bought the sets for the price of a normal single cd!)


I would like to know if anyone has info on the 3rd in this serie (or maybe a 4th already? I had ordered it years ago but then it was said they were not going to continue it......




dj kaleido (B)

Guest AtomikElf

sorry my man - i've only heard of the 2 sets - i only have the 1st box set - but is that some lovely stuff or what ¦)


if u do eventually find out anything about similar kinds of ambient releases, please let us know - i'd very much appreciated it.



cool vibes


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