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Guest D N H

I remember there was an interview of MFG here in psynews, from around 2004-2007, i think it was Aharon, who was apologizing for MFG past and promoted hebrew ethics.

The turn in their thought became clear in their 2006 album, which musically was a full-on album with interesting moments.


Passenger followed the full-on wave too, but has in his history great tracks.





The 2006 mfg album was pretty good, but I wish it would have been classic mfg stuff, compare it to the message which was the album before that and you see it is much better, Message from God is also too hard for me, it i s on the dark side and very melanchoic, I don't love melanchoic all the time.

Guest D N H

Goa Travellers 1 month ago

I miss so badly tunes from MFG like "Overload", "Magnetic Activity", "The Prophecy", "Shape The Future" or "When We Dream"...That was such a good time...



Aharon Segal 1 month ago

Thanks! I'm thinking to release a new compilation of rare mixes and unreleased tracks from the Prophecy area sometimes soon, keep your eyes open...


That's wonderful news. Let's hope this project will move on and this compilation will see the light of the day as a CD release soon!


that wil be worth celebration, I will get it right away, if I can get it for Germany and will fall in psychedelic madness again, I can't wait it to be released. Kiiillllaaarrrrgggghhhhhhh


I did and was dissapointed, it is repetative and not very imaginative, the bassline and percussion are simple and not modified standart presets, he could have done it much better, but that track wont be released commercially I think. Also what is the Rihanna remix doing there? WTF???


check out the track called "Back to the message"






thought I posted here last week..(might have been a different thread) Thanks for the link! I purchased it from his BandCamp ;D


(editL see's the videos up above - it was this thread ;p)

  • 5 months later...

i've always found them equivalent and even better then AP. Wicked and efficient arrangments and crazy melodic buildups.


They are impressive but could have tried a bit harder on their last album. I listened to their current tracks on soundcloud and they are not that great though, they are typical full on.

  • 4 months later...



I don't care what anyone says, this is great stuff. I can't stop listening.


Anyone have a better way of contacting Ahron? He mentioned in the comments of the video(11 months ago) that he has unreleased material!



Thanks! I'm thinking to release a new compilation of rare mixes and unreleased tracks from the Prophecy area sometimes soon, keep your eyes open...


Suntrip? Dat? Anjuna?


It would be glorious!!!


Well, looks like it's time to spam him until he responds. haha. That would be great to see if he did release stuff.


That's interesting. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for anything.

  • 2 months later...

I wanted to release a particular track on dat but he said he keeps all the mfg unreleased to make a compilation on his own and self release it when he will feel like. He knows i am interested but I will wait for him to decide :)

  • 1 month later...

Draeke#66 : "I wanted to release a particular track on dat but he said he keeps all the mfg unreleased to make a compilation on his own and self release it when he will feel like. He knows i am interested but I will wait for him to decide"


Can't wait ! and if he choose to keep the good stuff for him for the moment we may just have to bite our stick and to eventually create MFG related tracks ourselves !


I've just done a very personal remix of MFG-Guy's "Chain Reaction" track. I'd be pleased to learn if it honor MFG talent....

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi guys. I kind of missed MFG first time around, been into trance 10 years or so, and now I want to find out what they were about.


Does one of their albums stand out as being their masterpiece? Given the limited time I have to investigate, which album would you recommend I try first?




First you should try the incredible album "The Prophecy". That is the most melodic and psychedelic album from MFG in my opinion. Than you should try New Kind of World and Project Genesis. All of those albums are impressive and many masterpeaces can be found on those albums. The best MFG tracks however havn´t been released on albums, but on compilations during 1995 and 1997. Great examples of that are Psychic Resonator, Desert Sun, Journey Beyond the planet, and many more. Also check out any old passenger track, it sounds almost like MFG since he is a member of MFG. Impressive tracks produced by those two guys.


I only know The Prophecy and New Kind of World, of those I'd +1 Radi's suggestion of The Prophecy.


I love them all, they all have something good/unique about them. But like the others, I also recommend starting with The Prophecy. My second favorite then is The Message. Even though that album is a bit different from their early works, I think it's great.

  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...


Emuna ( Guy Zurkel and Eyal Yankovich ) have released a great album called "3rd World" : check it, it really has MFG vibes ! I'm only discovering it and i dearly love the first 2 tracks for sure. :):)


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