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An interesting thing about this cake: both "sun" and "moon" parts have it's own good taste, but the sweetest part is the cream in between! The one that holds them together. You might hardly see it from above, but it's there!


Hey Mars thanks for clearing up. I don't know you or him but I love suntrip and jannis so I just wanted to see wtf the reason was... Possibly the wrong drugs.. Or then again the wrong mindset.. Meh. Gl to him... Hope your ok mars and thanks for everything positive u have done for the scene.


Oh, its all should be just nightmare...Looks like demention after times of remission...I wanted to try to speak with him about all this madness, but should i do? Think its no matter, seems needs to rehab him immediately. He really in deep troubles. He NEEDS help him out, by anyone, anyhow. Or he could kill someone or himself at the end of all...Its not funny already.


is it me or... (am i dreaming) the dumb guy is having more support than mars ? seriously...just too easy to say it's the drugs's fault , some drugs addicts can be the kindest people in the world so the guy got no excuse, he's just being a dick, people like him can't be helped if they don't help themselves


Well, its not support, its rather attempt of understanding. So, what the conclusion? Just dumb guy? NO. There is more complex problem and the talented artist(yea, with bad behaviour now, but he is anyway) is in climax of his inner depression or something like that i think.


At least he just posted announce of his new release on Phototropic records via Facebook's Amithaba page. Hope he will concentrate on his music firstly, i really like the most of his psyworks and will be glad to see (and hear of course) another ones.

PS. I see he clean out all his bad words about Suntrip and others on his Moontrip and Amithaba Facebook pages. Seems he feels better, im glad.


is it me or... (am i dreaming) the dumb guy is having more support than mars ?


I am firmly of the opinion that Filipe is a twat, if that makes you feel any better.


Are we sure is drugs and not simply being a douche?


I hope you both get well soon.


At least he just posted announce of his new release on Phototropic records via Facebook's Amithaba page. Hope he will concentrate on his music firstly, i really like the most of his psyworks and will be glad to see (and hear of course) another ones.

PS. I see he clean out all his bad words about Suntrip and others on his Moontrip and Amithaba Facebook pages. Seems he feels better, im glad.

He won't. He won't and he won't.


This guy has been doing this exact shit for too long, maybe it's not so obvious for you, but all the others it really is.


Honestly I wanna contribute to this situation somehow now.


He won't. He won't and he won't.


This guy has been doing this exact shit for too long, maybe it's not so obvious for you, but all the others it really is.

I just want to believe in better...Maybe not all is lost in his soul. I sure.

Honestly I wanna contribute to this situation somehow now.

Respect. Its more hard than just call him deepshit etc... and give no chance to this situation. But i understand that guys who in despair with all this, i wish you get more forces :)


I've never met the guy, but I've observed his actions for a while now on Psynews, and now this stuff. I know a lot of people like to point to the spectre of drugs to explain such behavior, and sure sometimes that is the explanation, but a lot of times people who don't have experience with drugs think drugs are the explanation for all bad things done by people who take drugs. That isn't necessarily the case. Oftentimes people of a certain sort are inclined toward drugs, and sometimes these people can go overboard like this.


It's a shame, really, if he's received support over the years but continues to act like this. I know people in my personal life like that. As for myself, I only partly lay the blame on the individual; we say he's acting crazy because society defines what crazy is, but we could just as easily define things differently. Who knows, it could be something serious like schizophrenia, but it could also be just a runaway ego.


I hate to say anything bad about the guy when I like his music. I think the only review I've ever here done was his Liquid Jungle EP "High Toxicity". I don't like all his music but I respect how much he puts into it, and I really like some of it. Regardless, there's a point where things get out of hand.


PS. I see he clean out all his bad words about Suntrip and others on his Moontrip and Amithaba Facebook pages. Seems he feels better, im glad.


I've posted yesterday that he must stopped acting like a cunt etc etc etc...

That's all deleted too, and now his page is filled with "zen" and "respect" images :rolleyes:

I reported him to facebook several times,

So it's probably not that he feels better but knowing continuing this behavior on the internet, he will be shut down,

Or he just woke up with his third alter ego, who will he be tomorrow?

Well I've made up my own mind, screw the guy, he's lost... He need some help "local"...

And the support he gets is all Portuguese, and not actually support, my browser translated it...

Maybe it's best to ignore him, people who are in this kind of state like attention from their actions.

And if he gets personal again, racism etc..., report, report & report!


first of all and most importantly, best wishes and a quick return to good health to fabien!




about filipe, i think it's a shame that every time he resurfaces and arrives with new music, it quickly turns into a whole lot of drama with childish insults and everyone being mad. but imho the past attempts of many people have shown that a productive relationship with him is pretty impossible.

i think blaming drugs is a cheap excuse. that's the same as saying "i'm not responsible for my actions, drugs made me do it". maybe it's a mental illness, but wo don't know. so, it's maybe best to enjoy the occasional self-released ep and ingnore the rest?


Exactly. We don't know for sure if his behavior is caused by drugs. I wont say that it isn't influenced by them either though. I just don't think there is any reason to pay attention to him. Just ignore him, the only damage he does is to himself anyway.


I wish you the best of luck and a very rapid recovery Fabien!


I think it's because his personality, drugs only amplified it. He is not clear, thats for sure but i believe that he is conscious of his words which is even worse because he do that with purpose.


Well my last intention here was to defend his actions, I wasn't referring to drugs as the single cause of it, more like a tool to express his untamed personality. And again, I'll say that I gladly avoid people who do encourage and maintain drug use because it's plain wrong in my eyes. It's a matter of personal attitude of each of us and I won't bother to discuss personal taste. But that's a totally new topic, so I won't go that far.


As for the whole mess, I think it's quite sad that this small scene has to suffer through these silly games... It's like we're in some damn reality show and someone needs publicity over drama and childish act. It's beyond me. I would understand a disagreement about some things, but this has gone way too far and beyond reasoning.


This explains the many many different artist names he has gone under. My guess is it's not just drugs, but I won't speculate. I wish Filipe luck, I've enjoyed a lot of his music.


@Fabien, you were in the hospital and still took the time to listen to and comment on my demo track!? You're my hero. Get well soon!


He posted a couple of replies via his Amithaba Buddha account on Neogoa page where people disscussed his behavior and he answered couple of accusations, you might be interested to read it, here are screenshots:




It's too late, sure but he needs to stop already. The only person he's deceiving is himself, fuck that's sad.


I haven't been watching this too closely... which is just as well. He's just up to his old tricks again, making problems and acting crazy. Like others I hope he gets the help he needs. I'm just glad I didn't get more involved when he approached me to start releasing again.


i just burnt, all cd's that he has anything to do with!

doc von ooze, jelly marbles, buddah the lot

fuck you felipe!


thats all i have to say about the matter




FUCK YOU......................AGAIN!



good day, hat and coat, out the fucking door!

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